
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 9

Li Xiangjun also woke up the moment Ye Qiu woke up. The strange thing is that she had the same dream as Qiu Ye. The two people had the same dream, but their roles were different. One was a wife and the other was a husband.Li Xiangjun lifted the thin quilt, arched his knees and hugged it with his arms, with a sweet and happy look on his face, but after a while, he became resentful again.

She knew that it was not a simple dream, but an illusion, something like this would definitely happen sometime in the future.Her heart is very entangled, it is difficult to choose whether to love or not to love, although Ye Qiu is still young, but he is the man of her destiny, sooner or later one day she will pierce the window paper.

Li Xiangjun has shouldered too many burdens. The survival of the clan and the prosperity of the family all depend on her to work hard in the human world. The relationship between her children and her children yearn for her too much, so she can only take one step at a time.

After waking up, I checked the time. It was only after six o'clock in the morning, and there were still two hours before the time agreed with my wife. Once I woke up from a deep sleep, I would definitely not be able to fall asleep if I continued to sleep. So I got up, washed, turned on the computer and surfed the Internet. .

Suddenly a piece of news on a portal website caught my attention, because I saw the word Fengyue Street, clicked on the link, it turned out to be a report about the fire in Fengyue Street yesterday, but it was not a fire, but a car accident As a result, there were no casualties, only the bodies of two foxes among the collapsed ruins.My Beautiful Mistress 9

Fox corpse?I remember that no one in Fengyue Street kept pets at all?

Even if some people keep pets, there are very few foxes!I have some doubts that the report is wrong!But the news report was also accompanied by illustrations, and the two stiff white fox corpses stood out, which puzzled me.

Turn off the news and check some information about the beach we are about to go to. It seems that there is a small deserted island more than ten kilometers away from the beach. The pleasant scenery on it is a place worth visiting, but there is no one on the island. Not long after development, my wife called me down to have breakfast. After a night of rest, my wife was in a much better mood, and her sweet smile returned to her face.

After breakfast, we packed up our things and we set off!

"Here I come to the sea!" Mrs. Shi said joyfully after driving the car, she was as happy as a child.

I sat in the co-pilot, fastened my seat belt and asked, "Master, do you like the sea very much? Your hometown should be by the sea too, right?" I have no memory of Master's background, and I have never heard of her.

Mistress was taken aback, obviously she didn't expect me to ask this question, but she still smiled and said, "Do you have to live by the sea if you like the sea? My hometown is in the mountains, surrounded by dense forests and fresh air. , if there is an opportunity in the future, my wife will definitely take you to see it!"


One side of water and soil nurtures one side of people, the teacher's wife is naturally beautiful, and her hometown should be a good place. Of course, I will not refuse to go to her hometown.

Maybe it was because I didn't sleep well last night, and after chatting for a while, I became tired and tired, so I lay down on the flat seat and fell asleep, and asked my teacher to wake me up when she arrived.

I don't know how long it took before I suddenly felt something bounce on my forehead. I woke up from sleep and saw my wife's slender hand on my forehead, "Lazy pig, wake up, we're here!"

This is a small seaside town more than two hours' drive from Yangcheng. There is a natural bathing beach and an artificially developed one, each with its own characteristics. There are many tourists who come here.I thought I would go back after having enough fun today, but my wife drove the car to a star hotel in a small town, got a double room and went to have lunch before heading to the beach.

I couldn't help thinking to myself, why didn't my teacher open two rooms?

"There is a bus directly going to the beach under the hotel. Let's take the bus there. It's hard to come out once. It's not enough to play for a day. Let's go back tomorrow afternoon!" The teacher's wife looked excited and pulled me to the bus under the hotel. go.

The urban area is about four to ten minutes' drive from the seaside. It didn't take me long to see the looming azure sea in the distance. The beach was overcrowded. At first glance, it was crowded with people, more lively than the vegetable market.

Today the sky is clear and the sea looks blue. The swimming area by the beach is covered with colorfully dressed women. Compared with women, men are much simpler. They are either black or blue swimming trunks. The speedboat and motorboat interspersed among them, and white waves swayed behind.

When the bus stopped, my wife took me to get off the bus first. After walking for nearly 5 minutes, I went to the bathing room by the beach to change my swimsuit. My wife was still wearing a swimming cap, and her graceful figure attracted the attention of many men. , but what surprised me was that my wife was not wearing the swimsuit I bought yesterday, but a dark green one-piece swimsuit!

"Come on!" My wife took my hand and ran on the beach towards the sea!

Plop, plop, we jumped into the sea one after the other, and a cool feeling spread all over our bodies. It is indeed a good choice to take a dip in the sea in the hot summer.