
Ghost Adventures

An average high school student with a strong interest in the paranormal died an untimely death. However, death wasn't the end. He woke up in a home he didn't recognize with a system that feeds off of fear. With a new lease on life, he uses it to discover the truth of life after death and help many beings, dead and alive. His Ghost Adventures are just getting started. Extra tags: #Ghosts #Investigations #Spirits ......................................................... A/n: New synopsis, I think it's much better. Please let me know what you think.

OvaLism · Fantasy
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65 Chs

39 - Finale

'Well, since you asked, you can only blame yourself for this.'

After Jack heard Billy's question he sinisterly thought and started his plan.

Although Jack knew this would probably have a strong mental effect on Billy and was worried, he still wanted to try and see if he could do this.

Jack walked toward Billy and entered inside him, willing himself to possess him.

Jack utilized almost all of his energy to forcibly take over and made Billy who now had a completely pale, blank face, and empty eyes walk over to the stationed camera.

Jack made Billy put his face directly in front of the stationed camera and stare at it with his creepy eyes before Jack's energy depleted and Jack stopped possessing him.

Billy who had a blank look on his face directly jolted and his body regained consciousness when Jack stopped possessing him and took a few steps back.

He frantically looked around before he started breathing deeply and hyperventilating.

Billy was in shock and deeply frightened.

He was still somewhat conscious when Jack took up and he felt like he was locked inside his body.

It was a terrible feeling akin to sleep paralyze.

Jack watched him try and gather himself but he didn't feel too bad.

It's not like he made him do anything.

"Did you just possess me?" Billy stuttered as he asked Jack.

Jack walked to the motion sensor and made it indicate yes.

Billy heard the sensor go off and looked over when he realized he was being answered.

Seeing the indication of yes he didn't know what to do.

after hesitating and thinking for a while Billy said to Jack,

"I'll be right back, I'm going to go grab different gear." Billy then left the near he currently had and ran out.

In reality, he just wanted to get out for a second so he could gather himself and relax after being possessed.

Jack watched as he ran up the stairs and heard the door open and shut.

'Well since I have a second I might as well check my status.' Jack thought and did just that.


Name: Jack

Race: Ghost (Phantom)

Lvl: 5 (42%)

Energy: 0/90

Regen: 12/h

Abilities: Spirit healing

Haunt location buff:

- 50% of paranormal activities cost.



Back when Billy asked Jack to show him his power James was in the nerve center watching the cameras.

Billy was doing great and getting a lot of good responses using the motion sensors.

James was thinking about how they would all remember this place as one of the most haunted places they have ever investigated.

But then Billy said something that deeply worried him at the end of the questioning.

'That's rarely a good idea...'

James thought when he heard Billy tell Jack to show them his power.

James watched as right after Billy said that Billy started acting weird.

He watched as Billy walked over to the camera with a really creepy-looking face and saw Billy put his face right up to the camera.

At this point, James was about to go inside and see if Billy was okay because he was not acting right.

When he was prepared to get up he saw Billy jerk back and his face started changing to shock and then fear, then Billy started breathing frantically.

James then heard Billy ask about being possessed and James finally realized his suspicions were true.

He started to worry until he heard Billy say he was gonna leave.

James got up and walked to the door and waited for Billy to leave.


As soon as Billy almost ran out of the house he saw James waiting for him.

"Are you okay?" James asked Billy with his voice full of concern.


"I just need a second..." Billy replied as he tried to calm down.

"Do you regret telling it to show you its power?"

After a few minutes when James saw Billy had calmed a bit he asked him.

"Sort of... but that spirit is strong..."

"I felt it when it grabbed hold of me and it was like..." Billy tried to explain how it felt but had a hard time finding the words.

"Like I lost control of my body and then my consciousness was tucked into a dark corner of my mind." Eventually, Billy explained how it felt.

"..." James was silent, he didn't know what to say or how to comfort him.

"Are you okay to continue?" James asked after thinking for a few minutes.


"I will be, let me go grab some other equipment before I go back." Billy said as he then walked to the nerve center and grabbed a spirit box.

James followed him and sat in front of the camera as he walked him grab it and leave right away to get back in there.

Billy entered the house and walked back down to the basement before he grabbed the infrared camera and since it was still broadcasting he turned it to himself and said.

"Sorry about that, I was so shocked that I forgot I was live." Billy said making up an excuse.

He then turned the spirit box on and walked to the center of the room and placed it next to the EM Pump.

"You should know this is a spirit box and I can use this to hear your voice." Billy explained to Jack.

"Can you use this to say something to me?" Billy asked.

However, Jack who was still there knew it wasn't possible for now since he was out of energy so he didn't even try.

Billy then went on to ask a bunch of things but never got any response so he moved on from the basement, his shift was halfway done and he only had about an hour of his shift left so he didn't want to spend all his time in the basement.

Jack followed him waiting for his energy to regenerate as Billy wandered the house looking for Jack.

Thanks to Napvious, TheDeathGod, Ben_Dover69, and Bryson99 for the power stones.

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If you have any ideas you want to see, suggestions, changes, and/or constructive criticism, please, please let me know in the comments and I'll take it all into suggestion.

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