
Getting a rewrite kinda

A 10 old child confined to a hospital room for all most of his life dies when his illness takes him from the world,he loved to read fantasy stories with swords and magic, oh how he especially loves the hero’s he would dream about exploring his own fantasy world. Until he was reincarnated into a new story his own story This is my first attempt at writing a story. so if by some grace of god I get good enough at writing a story I’ll probably try to re write this I don’t know how often I write maybe once a week or two also any suggestions/advice would be appreciated also this will probably suck just letting ya know I don’t own dragon age, only my oc I guess Also this will be an AU as a I have a final enemy worked out already I just don’t know if this is in the direction they’ll take the games or series I also dont own the cover Not a harem If someone else already did this then i dont know i havent read any dragon age fanfic that goes in the direction mines gonna go The free rein over mana power wont make him overpowered instantly or anything like that he won’t even have the willpower to use it all this power does is work like life in vains rudeas im saying his because its the only iteration of that anime or manga I’ve read or watched but basically with his willpower he can use mana to create or control his own creations and others with free will so he’s only limited by his imagination and willpower

Zeinex · Video Games
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13 Chs

The Tevinter Imperium’s Fall from Greatness

<9:41 dragon 26th of Molioris>

"How many soldiers are fully trained and ready for the fight?"

"25,000 Jackson."

"25,000 where did we get those number from Walter?"

"There were some mages, and warriors along the way who wanted to join the fight but, didn't know how it was going."

"Either way this is borderline suicidal Jackson why didn't you at least take the troops from Arlathan?"

"The Qunari would have attacked then, and we won't lose have a little faith In us Dike."

"Alright whats your plan to get us across to the island they'll destroy the bridge before we even get to it?"

"We brought boats for a reason Dike."

"Only 20 and that and 20,000 men is still sending them to their deaths."

"Also don't forget we'll be making history Minrathous hasn't fallen once since it's been built."

"Will and Walter will take 23,000 men to the outer city and take it over the civilians should be asleep so we should have less civilian casualties."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Use the boats and go around to here it's a forge owned by house Tethras and we'll owe them a huge one if you don't keep it quiet on how you got in."

"It'll be done."

"Good go."

"Will and Walter take the rest and move."

"We've got it."

"I'll make them forget we were even there."

"Good Will."

"Rest of you follow them but, on my signal you will move with me to take over the Minrathous Circle of Magi."

"Where will they go?"

"They'll be taking over the rest of the city with Dike any more questions."

"None good now let's get a move on."

After We were done discussing the plan I started to move as fast as I could towards the bridge to main Minrathous.

Once I got to the bridge I found two Golem juggernauts waiting for me.

"Ahh man why do they have to have golems."

Once I was done complaining I stomped my foot freezing the feet of golem then running and slashing them off like I did with the dragon. Then jumping on top of the head the golem freezing it and shattering it, then repeating the same with the other golem.

Once I was done with the golems I ran down the bridge enforcing it with my mana which I did all the way down to The inner city and sending a mana pulse to Walter to have them move on the city.

Once I was inside the city I immediately took a left heading straight for the circle of magi, after I got there I started to rush In knocking out as many mages as I could. The second I was in I went for the first enchanter of the circle after working my way all the way up I found the first enchanter knocked him out and tied him up with my mana drain cuffs.

After I exited the tower I saw my two thousand men arriving just once I finished.

"Go meet up with Walter and Will, tell them to take the chantry and once their done meet me at the Archons Palace."

"Yes sir."

The second they left I started to head for the other magister estates capturing them all one by one for their slaves to judge them later.

After that I went to the argent spire to capture the black divine. Once I got into the room where the black divine was waiting I was already dead tired from capturing all the major houses that were left, and with less than 10 percent of my mana left to use.

"Well hello Jackson."

"Huh, do I know you?"

"No, no you don't know me, but I do know you. The leader of the rebellion against the Tevinter Imperium, the current heir to the Tevinter throne."

"Thats the basic report every kingdom has on me, gotta try harder than that bud."

"Ah, but you didn't let me finish I know your family used to hide out in Lothering, and Denerim. "

"Go on."

"I know about how your family ran from denerim to hide with the elves until you were 12 and you got. kicked out for hunting a golden Halla."

"What else do you have on me."

"I know about how you killed that Tevinter magister in Val-"

I teleported next to him trying to finish him off in an instant, because the only way he knows all of that is he is a agent for the Qun.

"Try to break through my barrier with your sword see how it goes for you."

"It'll go pretty well actually."

I said as I broke through his barrier and cut off his head a slit second as I used another half of my mana to end it so quickly.

"You may not have deserved a quick death, but I have thousands more people to save."

After finishing those words I started to head to the archons palace to meet up with the rest of the troops and once and for all take down the impenetrable Minrathous.

Right in front of the Archons palace was Walter,Dike, and will waiting for me.

"Jackson you look like shit."

"Thanks Dike."

"What he meant was you have barely any mana left do you want our help on this one?"

"I would appreciate it greatly yes."

"Then let's do this,Dike,Will you ready?"

"We've got it." X2

"Alright then lets storm the palace."

We ran into the palace taking out 100's of guards on our way to the throne room also freeing the occasional slave here and there.

Once we finally found the throne room we all nodded to each other before I kicked open the double doors to the throne room.

"Ah is that my little rebellious grandson?"

"Oh please excuse my rudeness I'm still quite peeved over the fact you raped your slave's grandfather."

"Heh you and Titus always talking about those lessers freedoms."

"There people too grandfather, even though it may sicken me to call you that we can still put an end to this peacefully no?"

"I won't just let you take away everything that the Tevinter Imperium was made on, you would change every rule, every tradition."

"Because it needed change we shan't be the old Imperium that sacrificed thousands of slaves just to capture the measly amount of elves left at elvhenan."

"You will run Tevinter into ruin."

"Well theres a good thing this won't be a Tevinter Imperium anymore after today."

That's when the fight started where Dike,Walter,Will, and me fought with the archon for 2 hours until he finally died at my own blade as I passed out falling backwards.


<9:41 Dragon 28th of Molioris>


I woke up to see Blizzard and my little sister Nora sleeping on my left and right side.

"What are they doing here?"

"Mhhm brother, brother your awake finally!"

"Did something happen Nora?"

"After you won against evil grandpa, there was a party thrown for you while you were passed out though you didn't wake up and we were worried and Blizzard wouldn't leave your side so."

"Yea I get the gist of it now leave please I need to go celebrate with my friends."

"There busy with the whole big bad Corypheaus or whatever all I know is he destroyed haven."

"He destroyed Haven?"

"Yea bro don't have to repeat everything I say."

"Go to mom, I need to go talk with father and my councilor's."


As I got up my mana sense activated on its own causing me to get lightheaded and fall again, after my episode of am I'm gonna fall or not I made my way to the throne room where my advisors and father are currently discussing the inquisition issue.

Once I entered the room turned silent.

"You guys miss me that much?" I asked with one eyebrow raised.

"We did son, and as your the ruler the people chose we need your opinion."

"Ok on what?"

"The inquisition it is basically in shambles."

"Did there Inquisitor survive?"

"Yes he did but we still need to see if our alliance is relevant still."

"Before I walked in you talked about a false god and dragon attacking Haven and destroying the place basically right?"

"Yes, where are you going with this?"

"There going to bounce back if people didn't think be was the herald before they damn sure do now, and father is Dorian apart of the inquisition?"

"Yes they had the mages help them close the breach."

"Alright I want Walter in charge of the whole kingdom's resources and info structure build the best to where we look the best and are the safest."

"I'll get on it."

"Dike you'll be in charge of the army."

"Alright Jackson."

"Will you will help my father judge criminals in my place."

"Where are you going son?"

"The inquisition needs our help and not to brag but i'm kinda a one man army."

"Your also our king."

"For a kingdom we don't even have a name for yet."

"Fine we'll tell you when they figure out there next headquarters and we'll inform them of your coming."

"Good and thank you for all you've done guy's"

The mc won’t do fetch quest for the inquisition he’ll be a valuable ally to them and they won’t be able to send him on quest willy nilly and The chapters might stay around 1,000 words from here on out I’ll just have to see how it goes.

Also can I get some name recommendations for the new empire would appreciate it if anyone chipped in to that

Thank you for reading

Zeinexcreators' thoughts