
Getting a rewrite kinda

A 10 old child confined to a hospital room for all most of his life dies when his illness takes him from the world,he loved to read fantasy stories with swords and magic, oh how he especially loves the hero’s he would dream about exploring his own fantasy world. Until he was reincarnated into a new story his own story This is my first attempt at writing a story. so if by some grace of god I get good enough at writing a story I’ll probably try to re write this I don’t know how often I write maybe once a week or two also any suggestions/advice would be appreciated also this will probably suck just letting ya know I don’t own dragon age, only my oc I guess Also this will be an AU as a I have a final enemy worked out already I just don’t know if this is in the direction they’ll take the games or series I also dont own the cover Not a harem If someone else already did this then i dont know i havent read any dragon age fanfic that goes in the direction mines gonna go The free rein over mana power wont make him overpowered instantly or anything like that he won’t even have the willpower to use it all this power does is work like life in vains rudeas im saying his because its the only iteration of that anime or manga I’ve read or watched but basically with his willpower he can use mana to create or control his own creations and others with free will so he’s only limited by his imagination and willpower

Zeinex · Video Games
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13 Chs

Dragon Kin

<9:41 Dragon 15th of Eluviesta>

{10:00 pm}

-camped outside of Trevis-

(Jackson Revas)

"Dike whats the word from the other camps?"

"There all ready to move at the signal."


I used my mana sense to check if my armies were ready to charge and once I was sure I used my magic to make a signal of our rebellion that covered our night sky

As my people charged to take over the three town that sit next to the mountain range

As my men captured the guards and took over towns. There was a legion of mages that started a bombardment right on top of me.

As I created a barrier to protect me and my men, from the new arrivals as they fired volley upon volley on my men.

After I got tired of watching them try to kill my men I started to expand my mana zone stopping any and all other spells that they tried use.

I than started to capture them and tie them up with my mana binds that power themselves off of their captors mana.

"Round them up you all know the drill."


They started rounding up all of the mages and herding them into our portable cages and shipped back to Revasnan.

"Dike how are the town people?"

"There taking it well telling by how you destroyed the social classes."

"I didn't destroy them I just made it to where a noble at most had to earn a special name through great military service."

"I still can't believe you took that idea seriously."

"It was a good ideas."

"I was drunk arsehole!"

"Makes it even better."

Once I was done messing with Dike I walked into the war tent to see our war table with Tevinter's cities that are unconquered we have conquered at least half of Tevinter and I need to conquer Val Dorma, Marnus Pell, Asairel and minrathous.

As I was looking over the war map again there was a dragon roar that shook the ground .

"Jackson remember when you said you wanted a pet dragon."

"I said I wanted a dragon companion not a pet."

"We'll then go get your companion it would boost morale crazily."

"Alright I bet 100 royals it's an ice dragon."

"I'll bet 100 royals its a fire dragon."



Once I confirmed my bet with Dike I started teleporting around the area until I eventually found a hole in the mountain side leading to a valley where A beautiful green and red high dragon.

"Holy kaffas it looks like Santa Claus!"

When I screamed that I could see the high dragon flick its head over in my direction staring me down while I could swear I heard thunderstruck in the background as we started to fight.

"Come here you Mrs claus."

As it ran towards me I enhanced my strength with mana and grabbed its tail as best I could and sent it flying into the mountain side walls.

It screamed in a high pitch as it hit the wall at a high speed.

Holy hell that things shriek is ridiculously loud. As It got back up ready to fight again I decided that this fight isn't going to end if I do nothing soon.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

As it got up looking real pissed thats when I saw them dragon eggs in it's nest where it was I know it's a threat to the town's people.

So I chose to end it quick and painless for the animal and raise one of it's young to be the strongest dragon ever

"I'm not sorry for killing you but, that doesn't mean I have to torture you for my own satisfaction."

As soon as I was done with my rant I created an ethereal two handed sword which I used to cut off its's head after launching myself at it and slashing downward and using my mana to send a slash that traveled straight through its head and halfway through the mountain.

"Falon'Din enasal enaste."

Once I was done saying my peace I went over to the dragon eggs and picked them all up I will raise the one that hatches and raise it myself and make it stronger.

I teleported back to camp with the egg in hand and put the egg right next to me as I fell asleep with it hugging it like a baby.


<9:41 Dragon the 21st Eluviesta>

{3:00 am}

(Jackson Revas)

While I was sleeping I woke up to the feeling of the egg hatching as the top part started cracking the little dragon head popped out of the egg shell a full blue dragon sitting on my chest staring at me with one blue eye and one purple eye I guess the purple eye came from the mana I used to nurture it.


"What the shit."

I screamed as I fell of the bed while it stared at me in confusion then jumped on me screaming.

"What the shit, what the shit."

"Is it like a parrot or is it like a human?"

"Parrot, human?"

"Both maybe?"

"What's going on Jackson?"

"Its fine Dike it's just my baby dragon."

"Oh well thats ok then except the part about the baby dragon!"


"Ok say papa not momma."


"Yep that's better."

"Dike, is there any news about how the talks went."

"The alliance went through though that Vivienne girl apparently vehemently opposed it."

"I don't need her opinion though it is fun to mess with her."

"She's a bitch."

"You can read minds?"

"No dumbass you mumbled it under your breath and he copied it."


"Yea buddy I'm here."

"Is there anything else dike?"

"No I'll be on my way."

"Bye Dike."

"Bye Dike."

"Oh maker theres gonna be two of you now goodbye man."

Once he left the tent I looked back at my baby dragon and started coming up with names.

"How about Nickolas?"

It yipped as it head butted my nose.

"I'll take that as a no."

"What about ryu?"

It head butted me again, but this time on the nose.

"Stop hitting me, here what about frost. Did you just shake your head?"

"Holy shit you just wanted to hit me didn't you?"


"Ahh whatever, what about Blizzard."

And he nods, mf this kid knew what he was doing the whole time.

"You want some food."


"Ah yea like your the shell you ate I can give you more food like it, but better."



I picked up Blizzard and started walking towards our camp cafeteria getting stares from the soldiers as I usually don't eat from here and get the food delivered to my tent all though I think the baby dragon doesn't help at all.

"Guy's just get your food and go eat don't let me disturb your time for breakfast it is the most important meal of the day after all."

"Time to eat!"

"Yes it is blizzard, yes it is."

"Is it just me or is the Leader feeding a baby dragon."

"Eat ya lousy maggots, it's the leaders new dragon son kinda of it's confusing just eat."

"Yes sir."

Once I was done picking up my food I went back to my tent and fed Blizzard the food I got him.

After he fell asleep next to my side I slid around him

Around 5:00 am and went to rally the troops it's time to take Vol Dorma, and Marnus Pell.

"Did you organize them while I was putting Blizzard to sleep?"

"Of course, and named it Blizzard didn't you?"

"It was the only one that I could come up with that he liked."

"Alright just fire off the signal and we'll take the two cities."

"Alright i'll do it now."

I fired of our symbol for the rebellion a dragon with elves,dwarves and humans charging.

"Charge, for rebellion!"


I decided to mainly get involved in this fight of taking over Marnus Pell.

I teleported over to Marnus Pell and started to capture them all one by one and once I was done with capturing all of the defenders in Marrnus Pell I teleported back to Vol Dorma.

Where I saw yet another group of mages bombarding my troops while I was gone I went an tied them up all together so they'll be uncomfortable at least thankfully the soldiers amulets kept any of them from dying.

Once I had all the mages tied up Dike took the rest of the troops and took their post at the cities and started to try and get everything up and running again.

After I was done capturing all of the mages and herding them into their cells again I went back to my camp and slid back with Blizzard cuddled up to me and fell asleep.


<9:41 Dragon 22nd of Eluviesta>

(Jackson Revas)

As I woke up I realized that Blizzard was awake just staring at me wide eyed, and then I figured out that the reason he was wide eye was I had an ice beard.

"Hiya buddy."

As I got up, I picked up Blizzard and melted my ice beard off and started walking to the war camp to see Dike standing over the war table again.

"We'll you be able to take Asariel on your own without me Dike?"

"Of course you just make it easier."

"Heh thanks just scream my name if you need help."

"Of course our hero."

As he left I decided I would see if blizzard could use his Ice breath as I like to call it on command.

"Alright blizzard try to breath a beam of ice."

Now I wished he would do it but, alas he just looked confused so I decided I would show him instead.

So I welled up my mana in my throat and mouth to protect it then used my magic to make an ice beam that I fired into the sky to show him and, he looked amazed.

"Ok now you try."

As I used my mana sense to watch him try and well up his ice breath in his throat and let it go not as strong as mine but, pretty good for a start. After having him try again another 10 times I saw Dike walking up the hill with the rest of the soldiers with more Tevinter army men in the cages being pulled behind.

"Jackson we're back and we captured the city we left 300 soldiers to control the towns each an protect them."

"Good let's go back to Revasan before we take Minrathous with everyone."

"Everyone who has followed me now I thank you from the bottom of my heart, now let's get back to our families."


The whole army cheered on their way home.


<9:41 dragon the 10th of molioris>

(Jackson Revas)

As I entered through the marble gate with purple runes I saw a city under construction A huge city and at the far end, and if you stared straight you would see floating steps with railings of course to a Floating estate a big estate made out of marble but not completely finished with construction.

Once I finished walking up the stairs to his new house in Revasan he saw his sister out on the front steps waiting for him.

"Did you get me a pet big brother?"

"No his names blizzard treat him like a little brother."

"Little brother?"

"Yes a little brother now go play with him I have to talk with mom and dad ok."


"My Jackson have you grown again?"

"Yes ma I have."

"Son we should talk."

"I'll be right in father just wait for a bit."

"Ma we'll take Minrathous soon the capital of Tevinter."

"That's great honey now go talk to your father it seemed urgent."

I walked inside and used my mana sense to find my father although it's always weird when both of our manas collide at the same time, I walked into my fathers study to see him at his desk with a stack of papers with a smile on his face.

"Son did I ever tell you how proud of you I am?"

"You've said it a thousand times dad so yes but, i would be happy to hear it again."

"Heh, anyways I wanted to thank you, you've been fighting my war all by yourself."

"Hell, you wanna thank me father take the damn throne just don't become a tyrant."

"Son that would just ruin all your hard work I can't do that, I won't do it."

"Hah, I had to try at least one more time. Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"Son whats your plans for the future?"

"Take Minrathous once Will and Walter are ready."

"I mean after this war son?"

"I think i'll go help the inquisition with uncle Dorian."

"He still hasn't told you yet has he?"

"Told me what?"

"Dorians not just there to join the inquisition he found out his old teacher Alexius is experimenting with time magic and is most likely in line with the venatori."


"It's a new organization we don't know there goals all we know is they exist and are led by some false god named Corypheuas."

"A false god anything else?"

"nothing else we know of."

"I'll look into it once Were done with Minrathous. For now let's just enjoy the time with Mom and Nora."

"Your right son, also was that a dragon you were carrying?"

"Oh let me tell you the story, so it all started when-"

The dragon wont even be fully grown until the end of the series, an yes I have a reason for giving him the dragon and it won’t even be that overpowered when they fight corypheaus

Also war arc with Tevinter we’ll be kind of be done soon

Thanks for reading and the whole story with corypheuas will start soon.

Thanks for reading and any comments or suggestions are appreciated

The fight scenes are shittier than usual beacuse I have no information about the city, but next chapter will be gd

Zeinexcreators' thoughts