
Getting a rewrite kinda

A 10 old child confined to a hospital room for all most of his life dies when his illness takes him from the world,he loved to read fantasy stories with swords and magic, oh how he especially loves the hero’s he would dream about exploring his own fantasy world. Until he was reincarnated into a new story his own story This is my first attempt at writing a story. so if by some grace of god I get good enough at writing a story I’ll probably try to re write this I don’t know how often I write maybe once a week or two also any suggestions/advice would be appreciated also this will probably suck just letting ya know I don’t own dragon age, only my oc I guess Also this will be an AU as a I have a final enemy worked out already I just don’t know if this is in the direction they’ll take the games or series I also dont own the cover Not a harem If someone else already did this then i dont know i havent read any dragon age fanfic that goes in the direction mines gonna go The free rein over mana power wont make him overpowered instantly or anything like that he won’t even have the willpower to use it all this power does is work like life in vains rudeas im saying his because its the only iteration of that anime or manga I’ve read or watched but basically with his willpower he can use mana to create or control his own creations and others with free will so he’s only limited by his imagination and willpower

Zeinex · Video Games
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13 Chs

The Rebellion

<9:41 Dragon the 16th of Nubulis>

{9:30 am}

(Jackson Revas)

I opened up the door to the war room and see my two good friends Walter Diznay, Dike or as the rest of my soldiers like to call them my right and left hand.

"Have the people calmed down yet?"

"Jackson I've been with you since you were 4 so I won't sugarcoat this the elves are pissed and the Tevinter men who rallied with you are upset too."

"The elves should be happy I named this city after there old empires capital, and do our Tevinter men even know what Arlathan even means."

"The Tevinter don't and the elves think that your dirtying the name of their old empire."

"It's an empire older than the ancients, even before humans were known to Thedas for makers sake."

"They still hold it dear your choice of words when you announced the new name was not met kindly."

"Yeah I want to see them take over a whole city by themselves without killing any innocents and not being dirt tired.I hadn't slept for a week."

"Jackson me and Walt we'll take care of it ok just go rest with your family. You need it right now."

"Alright but real quick how's the progress on taking over Carastes."

"Were making progress also Jackson since your still here we've received a letter from lady nightingale."

"I know Leliana what's it about?"

"Their conclave is happening today and with the amount of support for your idea of a new tevinter were growing to fast for them to ignore us."

"Just say that I support there talks for peace but, don't support their imprisonment of their mages."

"That works thanks Jackson."

"Its fine Walt. Just explain to the people my heritage."

"I'll get it done."

"Thanks Walt and don't overwork yourselves guy's remember your basically human now so you need to sleep, eat, and drink now."

"Yea we know, now go to your family you rascal."

"Alright, alright lets have a meeting around say 4:00 and get the rest of the troops together we'll be setting out to conquer Carastes and Qarinus by this next week."

"Alright now go Jackson you promised to teach your sister how to fire a bow remember."

"Kaffas,alright bye guys."

"Why did you have to teach him to teleport Walt?"

"Shut up Dike just cause it freaks you out doesn't mean it's a bad thing and pretending to be that batman fellow every now and then helps him get his head off the war he's still a kid Dike we can't forget that."

"That kid wrestled a dragon by himself I don't want to hear shit about him just being a kid."

"Any kid who saw what that denarius fellow did to those slaves would have problems stomaching it even you complained when you saw it Dike."

"Yea thank god that kid had his family to stop him he would've stormed minrathous himself without them."

"Let's stop talking about it not our business right now let's just win him the war then schedule him some therapy with compassion later."

I teleported straight into my families living room to see my father passed out on the couch with my sister still asleep on top of his chest she isn't the biggest kid on the block but pretty big for an elf thankfully she's always cheerful so that's one less thing for me to worry about.

As I shook Lenora awake my father work up first

"Son what are you doing up already."

"Dad you know what, now can you help me wake Lenora."

"I'm up Jacks."

"She's still calling you that?"

"It's fine dad now can you go cheer up mom she needs it right now."

"Fine son but you know what'll cheer her up the most."

"Jesus dad I'm only 15."

"Me and your mother married around that age."

"You and mom married in secret."

"Ahh whatever go play with your sister."

"Lets go Nora you wanted to learn how to wield a bow right?"


"Ok let's go to the courtyard. Up you go."

Once I put my sister up on my shoulders on my way to the courtyard once we got outside the men I had stationed around my fortress greeted me and her.

"Down you go Nora."

"Hey Jacks."

"Yea Nora."

"What's got you so tired."

"Work Nora just work but, enough about me lets teach you how to wield a bow."

As I used my mana to make a bow out of thin air with an elven style and gold little dragons go down the side for her she clapped like she always does when I make stuff for her.

"Here you go. Now I enchanted the bow to where you don't need more strength then you already have to shoot it Nora use your left hand to keep it still then keep your fingers like so, good now aim and fire."

She got a bullseye first try huh, she must be a natural.

"Ok go ahead and try another four times."

She went ahead and shot 3 more bullseye's in a row and just when she was about to shoot the last one I caught onto the mana as far as I could sense in turmoil so I teleported to my sister and set up a shield around her to protect her from the shock wave and made it sound proof for what follows


Thankfully I had amulets around my army and family to protect them from and spells or explosions so my family should be fine then I felt it the tears across the veil as far as I could sense now I could force them all to close but, it would take everything out of me I already closed everyone around the fortress we were in.

"Nora go to mom and dad ok I need to take care of this and I want you to tell mom and dad to activate it they'll know what it means ok."

"Ok Jacks."

"Now go Nora."

As I watched her run down to the halls I knew my soldiers would protect her if need be at least to the point where there severely injured.

I immediately teleported to our war room where Walter and Dike were already waiting for me

"Whats going on I was with my little sister when it happened was it a Tevinter attack?"

"Jackson we have no idea."

"Our men have been reporting green rifts floating in the sky that demons are pouring out of."

"I know there were about six that opened in the city and fortress alone. Get a message to our forces in Carastes have them take the city while it's in chaos and remember no innocents dead."

"It will be done."

"Good and have the rest of our soldiers in the city help around the city once where done with that we move on Vyrantium."

"Are you sure?"

"If I need to I'll do it myself I may not know what caused that shockwave but, that could've hurt my family also do me a favor and get a letter to uncle Dorian he's probably our best news source we can have right now."

"Alright we'll have everything ready in about in hour."

"Make it 30 minutes now move please, I need to check on my family."

I teleported into my families quarters where I could see my father pacing around the room and my mother consoling my sister as she cries.

"Whats wrong Nora?"

"I thought you were dead Jackson."

"Heh I don't die Nora you know me I'm your invincible older brother now go get some more sleep ok."


Once she finally got to her room my parents bombarded me with questions

"Jackson are you ok?"

"I'm fine mom just a little tired from all this that's all."

"Do you know what happened?"

"My best bet is it's Tevinter's firing back at us for taking over a major port city from them but, we've already put in motion a plan to take 3 more cities."

"And with the shockwave that explosion produced I doubt the vents even intended it to be that strong if anything."

"What if it's not them."

"If it's not them we take over three more cities in the chaos and free more of our people mom that's all I already don't kill innocents theres not much else I can do."

"We know that son it's just I'm sorry I never meant for you to take my place."

"Dad you were announced dead and disowned now me I have a better claim and I would be more popular with the people a son of a Tevinter heir to the imperial throne and an elven slave they'll rally behind that any day."

"Hah I just wish it could be different."

"Its fine just spend more time with Nora for me dad she doesn't have friends in the fade to play with when she wants and, she's sheltered enough already we need to get her some solid schooling so she can socialize with kids her age."

"It's not safe Jackson."

"Mom anywhere's not safe we've got a demons pouring out of tears everywhere the faster I can end this war and figure out whats wrong the better."

"Alright we'll think about it."

"Thank you I've got to go help Walt and Dike. We'll you two be fine here."

"Yes now go you know me and you father are proud of you and everything you do."

"Thanks mom I'll probably be gone for at least a week."

"A week Jackson no longer."

"Mom we're at war."

"Hah fine just get home when you can Ar lath ma, Vhenan."

"Love you too mom I'll be back when I can."

I teleported right into the war room to materialize a chair in the background sitting in the dark corner.

"Jackson were ready and already know your their.

"Aw come on Walt I always get Dike with it, but with all seriousness how many people we have to march with."

"No you don't Jackson and we've got news Carastes has been taken two civilians tried to help the guards defend the city and died with them."

"Send our condolences to the family but, its their fault they died we already announced our purposes for this. Start the rebuilding of the city and free the slaves give them the same offer we always do."

"Already done now are you read Jackson?"

"Yea lets do it."


<9:41 Dragon 20th of Nubulis>

(Jackson Revas)

Outside of Vyrantium we had our group of 2,000 soldiers outside the City ready to fight

"Walt the soldiers look ready and I sensed a secret passage out of the city from the chantry their."

"Is it guarded."

"Theirs 5 people patrolling the passage, but the rest are on the ramparts."

"How bigs the tunnel big enough for me and twenty people so have me and you go through and open the gate then Dike charges when it's opened."

"Not bad, I have no objections."

"Alright lets do it ready Walt."


I grabbed Walt and teleported right to the secret passageway's exit where a barrier was waiting for us.

"Aww cute."

I coated my arm with mana and destroyed the barrier right when a guard walked over to check I immediately teleported right to the guard and nocked him out.

"Come on Walt."


We ran through the tunnels making quick work of the five guards in the passage.

"Can I trust you to take the rest of the chantry Walt."

"Yea go blowup those vent bastards."

After I got confirmation I teleported to the top of the chantry building and fired a 10 foot large blue fireball that melted through the gate in seconds.

Then I saw the rest of my army charging in through the gate once I stopped enjoying the view I teleported to the ramparts and started using magic to tie together Tevinter guards in groups of six just incase we can get ransom for them and to avoid needless killing wars are expensive.

"Dike how the takeover going."

"We're basically done we've gotten a message about the explosion."

"Who's behind it."

"We don't know but, the conclave exploded and theres a hole in the veil."

"But the tears have calmed down so I'm guessing there's more news."

"Yes theres news of a herald of Andraste who calmed the breach."

"The breach?"

"It's what there calling it."

"Ok is there more?"

"Yes the seeker Pentaghast has declared the inquisition."

"Send an ambassador in my place for now see if they need any help."

"I'll get right on it."

"Hey Walt."

"Yes Jackson."

"Help the civilians and newly freed people to their new way of life."

"Already on it."

"Thanks, and now I'm going to get some sleep. Keep everything under control for me ok."

"Alright goodnight Jackson."

I then teleported to my tent for some much needed sleep.

I tried my best thanks for reading if you’ve read it and realize mistakes in grammar or just me fucking up that I didn’t notice point it out please and thank you

Also ar lath ma, vhenan is basically elven for love you

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