
Getting a rewrite kinda

A 10 old child confined to a hospital room for all most of his life dies when his illness takes him from the world,he loved to read fantasy stories with swords and magic, oh how he especially loves the hero’s he would dream about exploring his own fantasy world. Until he was reincarnated into a new story his own story This is my first attempt at writing a story. so if by some grace of god I get good enough at writing a story I’ll probably try to re write this I don’t know how often I write maybe once a week or two also any suggestions/advice would be appreciated also this will probably suck just letting ya know I don’t own dragon age, only my oc I guess Also this will be an AU as a I have a final enemy worked out already I just don’t know if this is in the direction they’ll take the games or series I also dont own the cover Not a harem If someone else already did this then i dont know i havent read any dragon age fanfic that goes in the direction mines gonna go The free rein over mana power wont make him overpowered instantly or anything like that he won’t even have the willpower to use it all this power does is work like life in vains rudeas im saying his because its the only iteration of that anime or manga I’ve read or watched but basically with his willpower he can use mana to create or control his own creations and others with free will so he’s only limited by his imagination and willpower

Zeinex · Video Games
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13 Chs

The Gift and the Curse

<9:41 Dragon 21st of Nubulis>

(Jackson Revas)

Gold everywhere again , there he is wearing all black with gold accents on his clothes again.

"Is that Titus? Titus what are you doing here you should be dead?" He said I swear I could replay this over and over.

"No I think you have me mistaken now if you excuse me I'm terribly late to my arrangement goodbye."

"No, no it is you those eyes I would recognize those eyes anywhere. He said you died but, here you are in Val Royeaux no less with a knife eared little boy."

And he said which means, yup there it is a spike of gold shooting through his stomach holding him up twenty feet in the air like a prize. My first kill I didn't even mean it, it just happened.

"Seriously Jackson."

"Walt what are you doing here?"

"Well when the leader of the rebellion is sending out mana pulses through the fade strong enough to make a rift right over your head it's kinda hard to not run over here to wake you up."

"It's just that nightmare again."

"You mean the magister you killed?"

"Walter I was thirteen, Thirteen it isn't that easy to get over it especially when it was just my mana reacting to my emotions and I didn't even mean to do it."

"We all make mistakes and slip ups it's apart of life and you learned from it thats what matter don't let it rule you,and remember our deal if you had the nightmare one more time your going to see compassion."

"Walter I'm fine really."

"Alright then what if I let's say tell your mom about these dreams you so happen to have."

"Arghh fine but, if this doesn't work Walter I'm beating your ass."

"Finally you almost caused an abomination again."

"Great remind me of that now will you, go I'll go into the fade to talk to him."

"Make him one of us were gaining numbers by the day were going to need another general soon."

"You want me to make compassion a general you do know that both you and justice still have very strong character traits from your old natures right."

"Yes but, you know him he likes to explore and if you let him keep his powers we'll have a powerful therapist."

"Dammit your right."

"I'm almost always right."

After I told Walter to leave my tent I used my magic to bring me back to the fade back to compassion


"Yes Jackson?"

"I need your help."

"Heavy breaths, hyperventilating I… I can't breath stop it please make it stop pleas-"

"That's enough, compassion we already talked about going back then!"

"But, it's still apart of you, it is you."

"I know that's just not what I need help with right now I already accepted what happened in the past."

"The screams the look in their eyes, stop looking please stop looking."

"Hah, yup that's the one."

"But, you didn't mean it yet you still hold yourself back. Why do you hold yourself back?"

"I don't know Compassion it's not that easy."

"Yes it is, you didn't mean it you were in panic and your mana responded, that's not you that's never been you."

"It's still my mana I..I should have controlled it."

"You reacted to a threat to your family, friends, life as you know it would have fallen apart if you didn't make that one mistake."

"Than how did it get out huh?"

"You've known, you've always known yet you choose to ignore it. Why punish yourself over it still?"

"I have my sense, I have abilities that make me different, but, yet I still got the wrong person."

"You had an attack again."

"What do you mean compassion?"

"The panic attacks like your past they were frequent yet you chose to ignore it thinking you wouldn't get them here, there still there, your still you."

"I'm different compassion i'm not that weak little kid anymore!"

"Yet you still get them reliving it over, and over in your dreams, your nightmares."

"There,just there I can bottle it up it will be fine."

"Until it explodes Jackson, until it explodes."

"What do you mean?"

"The pain those attacks they keep getting worse you know it, yet you choose to ignore it. Why do you keep ignoring it?"

"I just don't want to be him again, I'm not him."

"No your not him, but he is you."

"I needed that thanks compassion you've been helping me for a while now so let me give you a gift, Will."

I did it again. I believed he was a human with emotions but, still that caring kind nature and there he was. About 7'0 tall with full white hair and purple eyes how I imagined an older brother would be.

"You, you did it again you made me more."

"Thank you Will, you've helped me too much for me not to pay you back. Now wake up you'll be in the waking world when you do."

"I don't know how."

"Here let me help you."

I used my mana to wake him up. Then Once I woke back up he was there to my left, and I used my mana to send a message to Walter that Compassion/Will is awake in the real world.

"Will how is it do you feel ok?"

"Yes I'm fine."

"You can still feel the fade right?"

"Yes It's still there I can still feel it."

"Good, go to Dike he'll help you get set up."

Will walked out of the tent heading over to justice to train, he'll be a beast on the battlefield.

"Jackson me and Dike came up with a plan."

"What's it about?"

"You know the Imperial Highway?"

"Of course it's there main supply line."

"Exactly If we take Solas, and control of the Highway next to it they'll start to run out."

"The people will suffer before the magisters even come close to running out of food."

"There troops would also have horrible morale with less food to go around and a famine would wreck there troops."

"Alright we'll take it over but, I want us to start moving all over Tevinter once it's done."

"Alright you want us to start moving the troops?"

"Hows the morale?"

"The troops are happy to free more slaves and the elves are happy to have more of their people back with them."

"Good we'll move in half an hour let's get moving."

"Alright We'll get right to it."


<9:41 Dragon 21st of Nubulis>

{2:30 pm}

(Jackson Revas)

After our troops marched to Solas we immediately set up a temporary camp.

"I'll be back this is just a small town like Lothering and we won't just slaughter innocents. Have the men start taking over the highway."


I teleported to the front gate of the city immediately searching for any Ben-Hassrath among the civilians immediately finding none. It seems like the Qun are pulling out their people since we keep finding their spies.

Once I walked in I saw the towns people, the little kids walking out to see who arrived all these people or soporati as they call them.

"Hello my name is Jackson Revas the leader of the rebellion against the Tevinter Imperium and current heir to Imperial throne of the Tevinter Imperium."

"I've heard about you why are you here?"

"I've come to take over the imperial highway and to help the people here if need be."

Once I said that they all walked there separate way's I guess they wouldn't recognize me I respect some of them though a lot if the escaped imperium slaves stop here before they get through to Nevarra.

I teleported back to the camp and to Walter about what happened and that once we get the whole highway and city set up were moving to take over Perivantium than to meet up with the rest of our army and to conquer Marothius than move to take over Ventus where the head of House Palvus is.

"Hey Walter."

"Yes Jackson?"

"Send a message to uncle Dorian I'm going to need his opinion on what to do with his father once he's captured."

"Of course."


<9:41 Dragon 24th of Nubulis>

{4:00 pm}

(Jackson Revas)

Right outside the city of Marothious I walked out of our war tent as me and 6,000 men get ready to conquer another major city of Tevinter.

"Walter you get any word from uncle Dorian?"

"Yes he asked that we don't kill them although he is apparently ridiculously busy."

"What about the new inquisition how are they doing?"

"They thanked us for our support though very little it helped them with their refugee relief in the hinterlands."

"Alright tell me about them well we still have time I'm pretty sure the last time I called Uncle Dorian he was thinking of joining them?"

"Well theres the herald of Andraste who is a Male elf from the Dalish clan Lavellan."

"The free march elves?"

"Yes, now if you would let me finish theres also Varric Tethras a good spymaster and good stories."

"Ah Garret's friend I knew he sounded familiar go on."

"Then there's Cassandra Pentaghast 78th in line for the royal Nevarran throne."

"Jesus how bigs their family, never mind don't answer that carry on."

"Then theirs Leliana their spymaster who you know."

"Yes,who else?"

"Then theirs Cullen though his past actions aren't that great he seems to be trying to redeem himself according to our spirit friends who have said he stopped taking lyrium, also he is their knight commander."

"Good is their more?"

"Yes they have been growing under the influence of the herald their is also Josephine Montilyet family the heir to the head and the eldest of the family she handles the finances and political issues."


"Yes they also have an apostate elven mage who's background is unknown, a fake grey warden, a red jenny named Serra, first enchanter Vivienne, and the Iron bull a ben hassrath agent that they know of."

"Hold up backup a moment did you say fake grey warden?"

"Yes warden Blackwall died, whoever it is isn't him."

"Does he have any ill intentions?"

"From what we can tell no from his actions so far as warden Blackwall he's a good man."

"Alright let's start the march on Ventus, and keep an eye on that Blackwall fellow."

"Of course."


<26th of Nubulis>

{12:00 am}

(Jackson Revas)

"Were here Jackson."

"Good is Will ready to lead and fight yet?"

"I trained him well wields an axe and uses his power to make whole battalions forget him next thing they know their dead."

"Thanks Dike."

"Anytime Jackson."

"Ahem Walter."

"Yes Jackson?"

"Can you give the speech?"

"Why is it always me?"

"You know I'm not inspirational."

"Ugh fine I'll be right back you go start your siege we'll need the morale boost."

"Ok I'll get started just remember they know were here so be careful."

"Yea we get it now go freeze there ramparts."

"Be done in a jiffy."

I teleported to one of the watch towers on the right side of the city immediately freezing the whole tower then teleporting to another after I stomped on it enhancing my strength with mana causing it to collapse.

"Ok guy's you just saw what I did to that tower now let's not be idiot's and try to fight me ok."


"Apparently not."

I ran across to the Tevinter knights and mages protecting the tower using my strength to knock them out taking down about 25 men bare handed in 10 seconds as I hear the cheers from my soldiers as they charge forth taking over a tower by themselves.

After that I went on to freeze the whole lake up to the port which took a lot out of me leaving me with only about 30% mana left to fight with

After I froze over their port the whole area felt like it dropped 50 degree's.

Once I was done with the towers I moved onto go capture Halward Palvus, arriving at his estate to make quick work of his guards and arriving to his office where him and his wife were hiding out.

As I blew open the doors I saw Halward and his wife.

"You can surrender now and be taken peacefully, or I can freeze you to the point where you won't be able to use your nards ever again, take your pick."

"I know when i'm defeated we surrender."

"Thanks makes my job easier, Also it will be up to my Uncle Dorian to pass Judgement on you two."

"I really am sorry about what I did."

"Tell that to him not me, now go to my guards outside my generals already know you've surrendered."

Once I was done taking the spoils of victory I teleported back to Walter to tell him what else to do.

"Yo Walter."

"Dammit Jackson we're in the middle of taking over the rest of the city."

"Oh yeah I forgot about the rest of the mages, here."

I snapped my fingers for added effect as I created zone around Ventus where no other mage but, I can use magic while it's more like I'm dominating their mana with mine but do with that information as you see fit.

"When did you come up with that?"

"I saw some of Halward's notes he theorized that it was possible that he could do this to lesser mages and I just copied it with a much bigger area of affect."

"Whatever at least we have the rest of the mages subdued."

"I trust you guys will be able to take over the part of freeing the slaves."

"Yea we got it go get some sleep I can tell your out of mana so stop faking it."

"Heh your right but every time I run out I can use more later. I'm kinda like Goku."

"Who's Goku , wait never mind just go get some sleep.

After Walter told me to sleep I started walking towards the palace in Ventus as I walked down the street I saw an elven slave girl, and it hit me I'll rename this city Revasan the place where freedom dwells or in other words my new home

"Your free little one now endure."

As I finally entered the palace I couldn't help but smile. Sometimes this path that I walk isn't so bad after all.

Ahem sorry for the therapy but, I wanted a way to work in a little of what happened in the past and a way for me to make another one if his old spirit friends human hope you enjoyed and comment if you have suggestions love to hear them

Also you probably realized that I tried to work in the way Cole helped his companions the same I just didn’t really have another idea of how to go about it

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