
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs

Stupidest idea yet

(E3ve ummm. I accidentally deleted your comment. Stupid me. I wanted to delete MY reply to you. You know what you said, and it wasn't bad or insulting for those of you wondering. The comment will be a secret between us. Without strength Aether is like a weak pp, soft and weak. So the story hasn't really started yet. It's more like a prologue. And why does this story have so many details? Because it's just like the game, there are a lot of small details and I'm taking inspiration from that fact.)

"Oooh is that a hilichurl camp?"

What a great way to continue our story. Another week has gone by and Aether has been in this world for a month now. Of course he has improved a lot. Sword and spear strikes are more accurate and he deals more damage now with him enhancing his weapons with the crystals. The magic training has gone very well. Now he can light his whole palm on fire. Aether decided to skip the last two fingers as the palm was much harder than it should be. He had to burn a lot of midnight oils.

Now Aether is hiding in a bush scouting out a hilichurl camp. He thinks it is a waste of time which is considering how little the hilichurls there are in the camp.

"You know what? Fuck it I'm going in. Who cares. I never had the patience anyways." Aether lost his patience and went straight to the camp. Taking out his sword and spear. The spear was on his left hand and his sword was on the right.

"Wait is that a sealed exquisite chest in the middle of the camp? Thankfully they don't have those giant guys in the camp or else I won't be walking to the camp right now. " Aether thought.

The hilichurls were alerted. Well obviously since he's walking out in the open. One hilichurl was very club happy and charged at Aether. Aether looked at him smirking...

" Yo.... ready to die?" Aether said menacingly staring at it with those bright red eyes. Yeah, Aether found out that his eye color is different from the original Aether's eye color.

Aether stood still. The hilichurl was still running at him.

Aether raised his hand which was holding his blade. He connected his magic core to his hand. Fire magic traveled to his hand faster than ever. This time arriving in 10 seconds. A significant improvement from last week's time.


The blade glowed red a little bit and had some smoke coming out of it. The hilichurl came into striking range. Aether slashed downwards in the chest. It opened with ease.


The hilichurl was about to fly away but....

"Not so fast...."



Aether stabbed his spear into the hilichurl's open wound. He pulled out the spear hard which made it fall forward. Blood flowed out from the hilichurl. It was gory. But Aether wasn't done yet.

When the hilichurl fell forward. Aether raised his blade....


*Siiissssshhhh CRACK!*

Hear that cracking sound? It's the neck bone breaking. Aether just cut off the hilichurls head. Blood splattered everywhere. Aether felt great.

"This is awesome! The Knights of Favonius won't even dare to do this. Except for Jean, Kaeya, maybe Amber. Diluc will definitely do something like that." Aether thought feeling satisfied from that. When I said Aether improved, I really mean it.

"The other hilichurls just watched all of it happening. Which is not something hilichurls do. They'll just charge at you while you're in the middle of fighting another enemy. " Aether thought looking at the frozen hilichurls. He can't tell if they're shocked or just don't care about their comrade dying.

One hilichurl snapped out of it and charged at Aether.

" Errrraaaaakkk!" The hilichurl shouted while charging at him. It has a round shield on it's left hand and a wooden club on it's right hand. It jumped at Aether. Aether jumped right. The wooden club landed on the grass missing Aether.

The hilichurl stood up but Aether swung his spear and hit the hilichurl on the back of its knee with the backside of the spear with strength.


Something definitely broke there. Aether didn't care. It wasn't him that was back on the ground with one leg still functional. The hilichurl fell down with it's left knee broken and it's right left was the only thing keeping him crouching.

Aether swung his blade again. This time aiming for the back of its neck.


"Huh? The blade didn't go all the way through. It still isn't good enough. I'll have to get a better one soon." Aether thought. He forced the blade to go through.

*Krak! Psssssshhhhhh!*

Blood splattered from the hilichurl again. This time some of them even got in Aether. But he was to busy battling to notice.

*Pook! Fiuuuuuu....*

Aether saw an arrow heading straight towards him. He raised his hand on instinct. But that proved to be a bad idea.


"Ackkkk....." The arrow was stuck to Aether's hand. Aether tried to scream but the pain from the arrow stopped him from doing so. Painful tears came out of his eyes. Aether wanted to pull out the arrow but he stopped himself.

"No it'll just bleed out. I'll die of blood loss before I even end this battle." Aether rationally thought. He put his spear on his back. He took the round shield from the decapitated hilichurl and held it up. He ran to the crossbow holding hilichurl who was still reloading the arrow in the crossbow. Aether threw the shield and it hit the crossbow which flew away from the hilichurls hands.

Aether took out his spear again and stabbed the hilichurl in it's head.

*Shik! Psssssh!*

"Erkk... erkk..." The hilichurl stood there lifeless, blood was flowing down it's head. When Aether pulled out he swung his spear horizontally from the right. Which cut off its head.

Aether seems to have an obsession of cutting his enemies heads.

"That's all of them. Oh wait there's still one more standing at the corner doing nothing. " Aether spotted a hilichurl just staring of into the distance. He ran up to it. It noticed him and took out his wooden club.

Aether was faster as he slashed his blade downwards. It left a big gash on the hilichurls chest. He then stabbed it in it's gut with the blade again. When he pulled out, it fell down lifeless.

The seal on the chest disappeared, emitting light to make Aether notice it. " Finally. I thought I had to fight more. " Aether ran up to the chest excited. This was the first exquisite chest he got since he came to this world.

He opened it. A lot of stuff came out. He picked up a bag filled with Mora. The bag was bigger than the ones he got from the common chests.

He then saw more uncommon crystals. He picked those up as well. Those are very important to his weapons. And then he saw something that caught his eye.

"Is that the Harbinger of Dawn?" Aether asked himself. He was a Genshin addict once so of course he memorized the name of the sword.

" I got lucky. You rarely get this sword in Exquisite chests and you can only find them in Precious Chests. " Aether admitted.The three star blade also frequently appears when you wish for characters. He didn't throw away the Dull Blade. He could use that blade to upgrade this new one.

" Oh I am so using this. " Aether said excitedly. Ignoring the pain in his right hand, Aether picked up his haul and left the camp and went back to his camp.

To be continued....