
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs

New weapons

Continuing in the fight. The slime on the left charged again at Aether.

Aether slashed down heavily. The slime that was charging slammed down onto the ground.



The ground didn't crack. The slime just bounced. Aether slashed upwards and it hit the slime.


The second one charged in. Aether noticed and slashed horizontally from the right.

The slime flew a little bit before bouncing on the ground.


"Hey. Why don't i try something. Since they're Hydro Slimes. Why not use my fire element. I have to switch my blade to my left hand which is a big disadvantage. But it never hurts to try stupid ideas." Aether thought and connected his magic core and guided his fire magic to his finger. Once he got enough he pushed it out of his body.


A small flame came out of his finger. "30 seconds on the clock." Aether ran to the slime. One of them jumped at him. He slashed it downwards sloppily with his left hand. "He then ran up towards it and put his finger on the slime.


Vapour came out of the slime." So it does exist and my ideas not completely stupid and reckless." Aether thought. The other slime however had other plans (Not that he can plan with his non existent brain) for Aether. He jumped towards him again making Aether dodge out of the way. Aether took his chance and immediately put his finger on the slime.


Smoke was now coming out of the other slime. "Since you are considerably weakened. Let's end this shall I?" Aether said to the slime who didn't answer back and just stood there.

" Stupid creatures. No wonder you are so annoying. " Aether said and jumped towards them. He plunged his sword into one slime and it disappeared into ashes. He dashed to the other one and stabbed it. It disappeared into ashes as well. Something was left behind though.

"Is that slime condensation?" Aether said and picked it up. It was slimy so his guess must be right.

Aether calmed down." That was my first battle. It was so exciting and there will be more battles in the future. But for now let's see what I've got and go back." Aether went up to the chest again which was now seal less.

"So it's a common chest again. Better than nothing. " Aether opened the chest. Things bounced out of it. Aether looked at what he got.

"A bag of mora. Common Crystals and.... Beginners Protector. " Aether said sweat was dropping down from his head.

" No way I'm thinking about this. Am I going to use all of the weapons in this game? Except for the stuff that mages use? " Aether asked himself. He could use another weapon. But he had to main one weapon.

" Aiya. You know what I'll just use both of them at the same time. Spear on the left hand sword on the right. That way it's equal. " Aether decided. It was the most stupidest and weirdest idea that he had come up with but he will make it work out. He just had to somehow train himself to be ambidextrous.

"Somehow I know I won't die from a battle. I'll die of the stress from training too much. " Aether thought jokingly and bitterly.

Aether arrived back at camp for Archons know how many times. All he needs right now is a berry meal and rest.

*Zzz zzz*

The next morning Aether decided to solely focus on weapons and magic. He still does his exercises. But he puts most of his time on those two. He'll get jacked soon enough. Aether also increased the exercise amount to 15 and 1.5 kilometers. He needed to push himself in order to be a Chad.

"Guess I'll really die of stress." Aether thought lying down against a tree exhausted as fuck. He was done with the 100 spear strikes, 100 sword strikes. An hour of practicing magic beside the fire pit. Yeah, he's about to die.

One more week passed by and Aether had improved some more. Three fingers can be ignited to fire and can be kept on for 2 and a half minutes. That's a big improvement from last week. He was thinking about naming the technique "Vaporizing Slam" Though it's not a slam but a grab. He'll add more force to it the next time he uses that technique.

Obviously Aether didn't want to shout out his techniques because that's cringe. "Why would I shout out my techniques? I don't wanna be like" VAPORIZING SLAM!" and then fail to hit my enemies. That's embarrassing and cringe. I might not care about normal embarrassment but this is a new low and I don't think I can handle it. " Aether said one night while eating a berry meal.

It was cringe and the Author's cringing right now just from thinking about it. Aether's connection to his magic core increased even more, making it faster for Aether to cast the spell. It takes 20 seconds before but 15 seconds now.

Aether sword and spear skills have also improved. He can strike and stab faster with more precision at where he is striking.

Aether also fought more slimes. Though it was mostly random encounters and him finding chests with seals.

And he also found out he could upgrade his Dull Blade and Beginners Protector. It started as an experiment.

Flashback to a day before the week was complete.

"I wouldn't be surprised if this works. But i have crystals, some dull blades beside me and some Beginners Protector. I want to try and upgrade it like in the game."Aether thought. You upgrade your weapons in the character tab. Under the "Weapon" button.

"How do you do this. Do you just say upgrade or something?" Aether thought.

" Upgrade. " Aether said in his head.

" Maybe I have to say it out loud. " Aether said to himself.

" Upgrade. " Aether said again. It did nothing.

"Maybe... if i think about what blade i am upgrading and what materials I'm using maybe it'll work." Aether thought. He thought about upgrading the Dull Blade and using the common and umcommon crystals to upgrade it.


There was a small light coming from the blade. Aether looked at the light disappearing.

"It worked. I'm not surprised now." Aether Said. The sword didn't change in appearance. But it does feel better to hold. Like it's suddenly made for me.

(An hour later.)

"That was fun." Aether thought eating his fish with mushrooms on a stick.

"I'm gonna train harder if i want to get a harem. For the booba and no booba." Aether said suddenly.

To be continued