
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs


Kujou Sara was baffled, not only has this golden haired man challenged Her Excellency and won, he also massacred the forces who were battling that damn Rebellion.

She slammed her fists onto the table, breaking it in half. "Am I going to be next? He had no mercy killing all of them, so why should he have mercy on me? " Sara asked herself fearfully. She was breathing heavily.

After a while, she stood up and managed to calm herself.

" I can't just sit around. I have to prepare. I have to go back.... my roots. I have to go back to the Yōkai World.... " Sara muttered. She slowly disappeared in a purple glow. When the soldiers entered her office, they found no one but a broken desk inside the room.



A few weeks have gone by, Aether and Ayaka have already adapted very well to their surroundings.

Ayaka has grown stronger day by day thanks to training with Aether daily. They've also started doing operations for the army.

Some of them include scouting on the Shogun's Army and disrupting supply lines and stealing them for their own.

Their efficiency while operating has gotten them constantly promoted in the army. And now, Aether and Ayaka are now Captain and Vice captain of Swordfish 2.

One day, Aether and Kokomi are in a meeting. Kokomi really wanted to know about the outside world, so Aether volunteered to tell her about it.

But then....

"The name sounds so goofy! How could 'Swordfish 2' strike fear into the enemy?!" He complained about it to Kokomi.

Kokomi giggled cutely. "Well. Since you dislike the name so much, how about you rename it? " Kokomi suggested while blinking her violet eyes. Aether stayed silent for a while. He was in deep thought.

"Country Savers..... It's a joke by the way." Aether added as soon as he saw Kokomi about to faint.

"I'm naming it Squad Zero." Aether continued. Kokomi sighed in relief.

"At least it's better than 'Country Savers'. " Kokomi shuddered at the thought of using that name.

"Heh." Aether chuckled. Suddenly, a soldier barged into the tent they were in.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but the Shogun's Army is en route to our location! Kujou Sara is leading them as well!!" The soldier reported hastily. Aether and Kokomi got out of their seats in an instant.

"Gather up everyone! We're going out for glory!!" Kokomi shouted once they exited the small white colored tent.

"YES MA'AM!!!"



"Are you sure about this, Aether?" Kokomi asked him in concern. Aether nodded.

Currently, they were marching towards the place where they can meet the Shogun's Army in the middle of no man's land. Aether, Ayaka and Kokomi were marching at the front of the Army. Gorou was by Kokomi's side.

" She wants a rematch. I'm sure of it. The army she's leading is just to intimidate us. But not me and Ayaka though." Aether replied. Ayaka nodded.

" I'll kill them all if I need to. " Ayaka muttered and floated her hands above Enma and Ame No Habakiri.

"We don't need to do that. I hope it doesn't result in that." Aether added. Ayaka looked at him with an amused face.

" You're the God Of Destruction, Aether. How come you're telling me not to destroy? " Ayaka asked him. Aether chuckled.

" The title doesn't say everything, Ayaka." Aether answered. Ayaka giggled.

They arrived in a grassland. In front of them, they saw Kujou Sara who had an army larger than Kokomi's behind her.

They stopped and stared at each other, neither army was making a move. Aether got annoyed. He walked up, shocking many people.

"Yo! Kujou! How's your precious Shogun? Is she still unconscious after the beating I gave her." Aether mocked with a grin. Sara clenched her fist tightly but didn't argue back.

Aether noticed something different about her. 'Is that a katana strapped on her waist? That's a pretty large one.' Aether thought to himself. [Pic]

"Nice katana you got there. You wanna fight?" Aether offered. Sara walked up to him silently. She looked at her men. Her army quickly backed off.

Kokomi signaled her army to back away as well. Aether and Sara stared down each other. Aether had to look down a bit to match her gaze.

They started running towards each other. They leaped into the air and punched each other.


They created a shockwave around them. Aether looked Sara in her golden eyes and saw them glowing brightly. He smirked.

They jumped back.

Sara's four wings appeared behind her. Aether floated in the air. Sara created a purple arm beside her. The purple arm was holding a large purple bow.

Another arm was created on the same side and pulled back the string. A black arrow that had purple lightning crackling around it appeared.

It fired the arrow. All of that happened in a matter of seconds. Aether dodged it and the arrow slammed into a cliff behind him.


The cliff exploded and boulders fell down. Kokomi created water out of nowhere and created a shield around her soldiers. The boulders broke when it came in contact with the light blue shield.

Sara unsheathed her giant katana. Aether noticed that although the katana was big, Sara was holding it like it was light as a feather.

Aether unsheathed Shira Kosaku. They flew towards each other, breaking the sound barrier in the process.

"Haaaa!!!" Sara shouted as her blade was covered in a black tint. Purple lightning crackled around it.

"Heh!!!" Aether grinned and his katana had purple lightning crackling around it as well.

They swung their katanas at each other.


A purple ball was created in the middle of their sword clash. Aether and Sara were battling for dominance.

Back on the ground, everyone was struggling to not fly away. They watched the fight with awe on their faces.

Aether was winning the clash Sara widened her eyes and she was blasted away. She slammed into a cliff violently.

Aether grinned and looked at the smoke, waiting for Sara to fly out.

"You're pretty good,Sara. But you're not good enough.....

To be continued.....