
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
Not enough ratings
285 Chs


"You! Guy with the dog ears!!" Aether shouted as he and Ayaka walked over to Gorou.

" U-uh.... Yes? " Gorou smiled nervously. Aether looked at him.

" You have a place where we could stay? " Aether asked as he looked at Ayato and Thoma who were walking over.

"Holy shit! It's the Head of the Kamisato Clan!"

"What is he doing here!?"

"I don't know—

" Yes or no?" Aether asked him. Gorou was at a loss for words.

"It's not my place to decide. I'm very sorry" Gorou looked down sadly. He genuinely wanted to help them, but he would have to ask Her Excellency, Sangonomiya for permission to house these people.

"Hey man, don't worry. We'll just have to ask your boss nicely. If she disagrees, well, then good luck with the war." Aether smiled at him. Gorou froze.

'If she says no, we're fucked. We're low on rations and weapons, low on men, low on morale.' Gorou thought to himself.

"You guys should set up a camp here. If you go back to yours, they'll just come back here with more men." Ayaka suggested. Gorou nodded.

" Men! Set up camp and rest up!! " He ordered.


Aether watched as the army quickly divided themselves and started building up a camp. Aether looked at Gorou.

" Your boss is taking her time huh?" Aether asked with a bored tone. He created clones and they went off to help the soldiers. Ayaka decided to go off help as well, despite Ayato's protests.

"Yeah. She is a master strategist, she's the only reason we're still in this war." Gorou muttered. Aether sighed.

"Then we arrived at the right time. Tell me Gorou, why do you fight for the Watatsumi Rebellion?" Aether asked. Gorou looked at him and smiled.

"I fight because I don't want everyone to suffer from the Shogun's rule anymore. These people....." Gorou looked at the soldiers.

"Some of them have visions. I don't want to imagine what would happen to them if they were taken back as prisoners." Gorou shuddered. Aether stayed silent.

"Gorou!" They heard a woman shout. Aether looked and saw a long, pale salmon pink hair girl running towards their direction. She had light indigo eyes which Aether liked.

"Divine Priestess." Gorou bowed a little. The woman bonked Gorou on the head lightly.

" Gorou, how many times have I told you to call me Kokomi? We're friends remember?" Kokomi scolded.

" Sorry, Kokomi. " Gorou chuckled and rubbed his head. Kokomi looked at Aether, who was just staring at the bright blue sky.

" Gorou. Is he....

"Yes, Kokomi. He is the God Of Destruction. " Gorou answered. Kokomi walked towards him slowly. Aether noticed her and smiled.

" Hello. " Aether waved at her. Kokomi smiled and waved back.

"Are you the boss of Gorou?" Aether asked bluntly. Kokomi nodded silently.

"Can you talk? Why are you so quiet?" Aether asked with an amused grin. Kokomi stuttered.

" I-I have never met a God in person before. It's a new experience." Kokomi explained with a shy smile. Aether chuckled.

"You don't need to act so respectful. We Gods are human just like you. We just have more power." Aether replied and looked at her clothes.

" Can you allow us to stay in your camp? In return, we'll help with the war. Well, us two will help. I don't know about that guy though." Aether pointed at Ayato who sighed.

"Ayaka is not going to fight im the war. " Ayato argued. Aether raised an eyebrow.

" Did you even see how she fought just now? Those guys were cannon fodder in front when facing her. I mean just look at her." Aether pointed towards Ayaka who was carrying an inhuman amount of crates with her own two hands.

"She's so young, I do not want her to see the horrors of the war." Ayato whispered. Aether sighed.

" She's already seen most of it on her own already. " Aether told her and looked at Kokomi who was silent.

" So how about it? Our contribution in exchange for a place to stay." Aether grinned at her. Kokomi smiled.

" We have free space back at the camp. So yes, welcome to the Watatsumi Rebellion uh..... What's your name? " Kokomi asked him with a sheepish grin. Aether laughed loudly.

" Aether. The people back in Liyue call me Shiva because apparently it means 'auspicious one'. But please call me Aether." Aether smiled. Kokomi's sweat dropped.

" They sure do have an interesting naming sense." Kokomi commented.

"You haven't seen the worst part." Aether whispered.

"A few of the guards will escort you back to our main camp." Kokomi changed the topic.

"Ayaka!" Aether called her. Ayaka who was speed building a tent looked at him. She dropped the hammer and appeared beside him.

"These guys are here to send you back to the main camp." Aether explained and pointed to a few soldiers.

"I'm not going back and you know it." Ayaka crossed her arms. Ayato tried to argue but one glare from Ayaka shut him up.

"Us two are staying here." Aether looked at Kokomi who nodded. Ayato looked at Ayaka with a worried face. Ayaka sighed.

"I'll write to you every week, Ayato. I'll be fine I can handle myself. I'm not a small child anymore" Ayaka looked at him with a smile. Ayato sighed.

" I can't help but be worried for you. You will be cautious at all times, okay? " Ayato asked. Ayaka nodded. Ayato nodded and looked at Thoma.

" Come, Thoma. We are going. " Ayato ordered. Thoma looked at Ayaka.

" Stay safe, milady. Do write! " Thoma shouted before they started walking away. Ayaka kept staring at them. When they disappeared, she looked at the ground and kicked a random stone.

"I'm going to go help them. Don't disturb me." Ayaka muttered and walked away. Aether ruffled her hair before she got out of reach. She smiled softly and continued on her way.

Aether looked at Kokomi. He decided to ask an important question, it's something he wanted to know for a while.

"So. Are you an actual fish or not?"


To he continued....