
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

37. Enrolment

Meixiang's team went back to their inn and had a peaceful night. But this is not the case with the main branch of Vian Din Pavilion.

Meixiang was reported to the higher ups of the pavilion and accumulated information about her.

The little girl is called Meixiang who sell the spiritual water that was obtain by her and her team from Neiron Mountain.

This Meixiang bought tonight's ninth level dark magic attribute warlock that she easily tamed.

Even before earning the profit from the spiritual water, the little girl bids for the Bionette Black Panther and paid it with a waiver of ten million tael signed by the Princess Wei Manran of the Wei Kingdom.

They then connected her to the story happened at the south plaza yesterday. The little girl is also the young miss in the report who picked the Moon of the Sea in a stone betting and earn ten million waiver from a princess of a powerful grade A kingdom at the same time.

They naturally know this story as they have eyes and ears in the entire Central. They have the plan to buy the Moon of the Sea from the little girl at first but hesitated with young miss' unknown backer. Now, knowing the young miss have such ability, they hesitated once again. They can only send a letter to their owner and wait for his instructions. They didn't even send people to follow the young miss in secret avoiding to offend her.

At a luxurious inn somewhere, Meixiang who is counting her profit that night didn't know the commotion she brought.

39 million profit from selling ten droplets of spiritual water.

Buying ninth grade peak level warlock with dark magic attribute and disposing the ten million waiver of the princess of Wei Kingdom at the same time.

A beautiful little brother with mesmerizing purple eyes with Zenioh Constitution.

Lastly, a fire of heaven and earth.

The latter is earned inside Gan Junjie's body. At first, Meixiang didn't notice it's existence until her light magic expanded on Gan Junjie's body. She simply remove it and threw it inside the sacred book without being notice.

This fire is also the reason a low level light magician can't heal Gan Junjie's poison. It's because this powerful fire intervenes.

This fire is called fire of heaven and earth because it was developed by the nature itself. This fire is indeed powerful although the fire Meixiang found inside Gan Junjie's body is not yet fully developed, it's still created by nature himself naturally it's powerful.

Removing the fire from Gan Junjie's body is also good for him. This fire can kill him if not removed. This is with no benefit with him but not with Meixiang. With Meixiang's knowledge and ability, she can make this fire under someone's control. She thought of giving it to her Brother Ling at first so he would have his own fire to concoct and protect himself but with Little Fai's appearance, the first plan is abolished. A strong physique with Zenioh Constitution adding the fire of heaven and earth, her little brother would be omnipotent. Plus if the fire is given to Tian Ling, he can't make the fire powerful than it's current state as he can't cultivate himself.

Not only Meixiang is the happiest that night but also a certain powerful patriarch.

When Meixiang brought Han Mu inside the sacred book, before Han Mu enjoyed the facilities, Shi Jinhai already pass his secretarial job to the pitiful warlock. Meixiang didn't mind. That night, she cultivated her light magic so he can have the ability to heal her Uncle Jinhai's past injury.

Days goes on. Meixiang and the others didn't leave their room. They cultivate and train. Meixiang nourished Little Fai's body with spiritual water and medicinal bath to remove his impurities.

Five days quickly passed and the entrance exam of the eight academies had arrived.

"Little Fai, don't want to go?"

Dan Fai nodded.

Meixiang understood.

It's his red hair and purple eyes.

"Are you sure?"

Dan Fai nodded hesitantly.

"But your weak older sister would be alone once your older brothers test their aptitude."

The three hearing their XiangXiang's words are in complicated mood. Is she mocking us? What weak? Who's weak?

Dan Fai's eyes are now complicated.

"Little Fai should not worry of the outsider's gaze." Ping Chunhua consoled.

"Yes. Yes. You see Little Fai, this Brother Ling is amazing and would never let you get hurt. Brother Feng would fight those will harm you."

Brother Feng didn't mind his brother's nonsense and just nodded to Dan Fai.

Dan Fai pursed his lips and agreed with the four's persuasion.

Little Qin watching from the sideline is in complicated mood. He thought these people are not ignorant. It seems he's wrong the whole time.

The six arrived at the gate of the Central Academy. The moment they get out of their inn, everyone is looking at their team, it's no different now. Everyone is looking at the boy with red hair. It's not unusual to see a wiltt at the central but this wiltt is without neck ring! Adding to this, his eyes are purple in color!

Meixiang and the group didn't care of these gazes. Dan Fai only cares about his Older Sister Meixiang. Seeing she's not affected with the outsider's eyes, he's now calmer.

Because today is the first day of the entrance examination, everyone can enter the Central Academy. The students of the Central College and other academies can easily distinguish from the aspiring students with their uniforms. Students or not, they are all looking at Meixiang's group.

Ping Chunhua, Tian Ling, and Tian Feng get inside the enrollment ground leaving Meixiang, Dan Fai and Qin at the waiting area.

Not long ago, the crowd outside the enrollment ground are in silence when students of Gan Academy arrived. It's with a reason of the identities of the familiar faces.

The young ladies in Gan Academy uniform is named Fian Baozhai and Fian Bailan. Both are princesses of Fian Kingdom, an S grade kingdom. Princess Bailan is popular for being a genius in cultivation with the rare light attribute while Princess Baizhai although have an average aptitude, is the well known betrothed of the talented crown prince of Gan Kingdom, also one of the four S grade kingdoms, Gan Junjie. The princess named Fian Baizhai is the same girl in white at the auction house who have seen her betrothed with Meixiang.

Princess Baizhai noticed the wiltt at first but when she saw the familiar face of the little girl the wiltt is talking to, she can't help but stop on her track. Her companies also stopped and follow the princess' sight.

Fian Bailan noticed the irregularity of the sight. A wiltt with purple eyes, it's the same wiltt with Neiron Constitution that was circulating in their circle. It was sold at the grand auction of Vian Din Pavilion bought by a gold member with the amount of five million taels. It's a gold member in room 2A. They already expected that their brother Gan Junjie bought the wiltt as they know room 2A is owned by him.

Seeing the wiltt owned by a beautiful young lady and the gaze of her younger sister Baizhai towards the young miss, Bailan understood the situation.

"Sixth sister, it seems the wiltt was with the Zenioh Constitution the crown prince bought at the last grand auction."

Fian Baizhai who just noticed this was fuming with anger.

Fian Bailan who noticed her sister's late reaction can only chuckle inwardly. It seems her dumb little sister just noticed the wiltt owned by the young miss. It seems she already saw the young miss that night's auction with Big brother Gan Junjie. Realizing this, she also frown. Big brother Gan Junjie giving up an item he took into his liking to a little girl and personally give it to her, it's seems this isn't simple.

Hitting two birds with one stone. Bailan smiled and said to her younger sister, "The young miss must be a family of the crown prince. Does sixth sister wanted to greet her?"

Family? She herself have seen all the Gan royalties. This is to let her younger sister clean this young miss herself.

Fian Baizhai's end limit was reached. She walks toward Meixiang her eyes full of anger.

Fian Bailan smirked and followed suit.

Meixiang with sensitive senses of an eighth grade martial artist was now smiling full of interest with this drama. Two sisters, fire and light magicians, Crown Prince Gan Junjie and his poison, two different S-class kingdoms. Indeed interesting.

When Fian Baizhai saw Meixiang's unparalleled beauty in a closer distance, she was more irritated.

Meixiang look at Fian Baizhai and Fian Bailan and with questioning gaze she asked, "The young ladies are here for?"

Fian Baizhai is now a little dumb. She don't know what to say. She can't just confront her of what is her relationship with her betrothed.

"This princess is named Princess Fian Bailan and the other is my sister Princess Fian Baizhai also the future crown princess of the Gan Kingdom."

Meixiang gave an slow unsure nod like she really don't have an idea why they are introducing themselves out of no where and gave them once again a questioning gaze.

Princess Bailan is also a little dumb. Aren't she going to introduce herself?

Princess Baizhai was also angered also don't know what to say. She can't ask why the wiltt her betrothed bought at the last grand auction was now on her possession. Only few knows who own room 2A and would get the situation uncontrolled if the news of his betrothed giving the wiltt to this girl would be disclosed to the public.

Bailan found her momentum, "We are just surprise to see a wiltt with a purple eyes. This must be the wiltt with Zenioh Constitution bought by the gold member of the Vian Din Pavilion at the last grand auction."

Those with ordinary background are nodding their heads just knowing about this. Then they look at Meixiang like she's a tycoon with a load of taels.

The students with background who knew everything behind the scenes are now watching from the sideline full of interest. Ofcourse they know the man who owns room 2A. When the wiltt with purple eyes was bid by room 2A that night, it doesn't surprise them. The crown prince who have different circuit of brain with the others must not care of his purple eyes but his strength. When they saw the wiltt with a little girl, the little girl already catches their attentions.

"The young miss must be the gold member that night that bids the item." Baizhai who was now a sober, added.

Meixiang look at Dan Fai and look at Baizhai again, "The 'item' circulating in your circle is now with a name. This Dan Meixiang's little brother is called Dan Fai."

Everyone was startled. Little brother? Not a slave? Not subordinate? But a little brother? A wiltt with purple eyes as a little brother? Not only that, she didn't think twice and gave up her identity to protect this wiltt.

Bailan see the irregularity to Meixiang's statement and asked full of contempt, "So the young miss is named Dan Meixiang. The young lady Meixiang stated 'YOUR circle' not inculding herself. The lady Meixiang is not familiar with the upper circle of the Central?"

Meixiang just smiled, "The circle this Meixiang just said are the gold members of Vian Din Pavilion."

Baizhai understood her older sister's trying to say then added, "So the young miss Meixiang isn't a gold member of Vian Din Pavilion?"

Meixiang smiled and like understanding things, she said, "Now this young miss Meixiang understood. It seems the princesses wanted to know how the gold member of the private room 2A's possession was given to this Meixiang. Remembering your introduction the Princess Fian Baizhai is a betrothed of the crown prince of Gan Kingdom?"

The two are dumbfounded. So she didn't know the identity of big brother Gan Junjie?

"Gan. That young master is indeed named Gan. Is it named Gan Junjie?"

The onlookers with ordinary backgrounds are startled with the mention of Prince Gan Junjie.

"Presumptuous! Calling the crown prince my betrothed with his name!"

Meixiang raised her left eyebrow and said indifferently, "The young lady must forget this is not your or his kingdom. This is the Central. Your titles must be addressed by your people but not this Meixiang and not in this place. Not. Ever."

Everyone was taken aback. Meixiang is with point. Them with a roots of Central are addressing them their titles and gave them the treatment of a royalties because they are with that title. But this is Central. They are not their people and this is not their kingdom. But everyone didn't put this too much into their heart. A royalty of an S grade kingdom. They can't afford to offend them. They can only look up to the little girl as a courageous tycoon.

"And answering young lady Fian Baizhai, this Meixiang isn't a mere gold member of Vian Din Pavilion."

Not only Meixiang started to address Baizhai from 'princess' to 'young lady' twice but stated a 'MERE gold member' like being a gold member of Vian Din Pavilion didn't put her into her eyes.

The onlookers with background look at Meixing trying to solve her words.

A man from afar was watching Meixiang with greater interest. Only few knows about the neck rings can only be removed by Vian Din himself. He is part of this few people.