
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

36. Too Beautiful

"The spiritual water from Neiron Mountain was sold to the jade member of room 3B!"

While the whole auction house is in uproar, the 3C private room is in silence. Inside the room is the man in aristocratic attire and the pale young master looking at Meixiang who is seated on the opposite side with her subordinates.

"Little Meixiang greets the young master."

"This young master is called Gan Junjie."

"This little girl is grateful to the young master Gan Junjie for accepting her invitation."

Gan Junjie nodded and put down the piece of paper the employee given to him, "The employee said this was sent by the Young Miss Meixiang?"

"This was indeed written and sent by this Little Meixiang."

When Meixiang saw Gan Junjie at the parking area earlier, she can tell at first glance his body is with poison and it's complications. The paper sent to him is the detailed symptoms of the poison Gan Junjie's body must suffering to catch his attention.

"The poison inside Young Master Junjie's body is called Yuin Pin. It is to kill the host slowly and painfully. Although it wouldn't affect his cultivation, the poison will torture the host with pain all over the body at night and weakens at daytime."

The man in aristocratic attire retorded, "And you know the right medication for the young master?"

He didn't read the paper Meixiang sent and only ordered by his young master to go here abandoning to bid the spiritual water that may heal his young master. Naturally he is full of hostility towards Meixiang.

When he notice his young master's gaze he bows his head and said, "The slave apologize for lacking of respect. The slave is with young master looking for help from pharmacist even alchemist but only failed. The young master even asked a help of a light magician."

Meixiang didn't mind his last statements and said, "This Meixiang can indeed heal the young master."

Gan Junjie was calm still looking at Meixiang intently. It's like what that scumbag's words. This little girl is not only a beauty but also interesting.

He then asked, "Then this young master must possessed something the young miss Meixiang took interest?"

Meixiang smiled and blatantly said, "The young master indeed have it. It's the red haired young man the young master just bid."

Gan Junjie raised both of his eyebrow and asked in a teasing voice, "Oh? The young miss Meixiang wanted a wiltt that can bring calamity to be her servant?"

Meixiang smiled and said, "Indeed. This little Meixiang wanted a beautiful wiltt with Zenioh Constitution to be her subordinate."

Gan Junjie chuckled. This little girl is indeed interesting. It seems he's not the only smart person here to be interested with that wiltt with Zenioh Constitution.

"If the young miss Meixiang can heal this young master then it's a deal."

Meixiang nodded. "Then can this little Meixiang do it here?"

Gan Junjie caught off guard. "Here? Now?"

"Little Meixiang can't wait and take the young man with Zenioh Constitution tonight. The young master wouldn't mind?"

Gan Junjie's eyes are deep. "If the young miss Meixiang can solve the young master's poison tonight then this young master wouldn't mind and would even be grateful."

"It's here then. The others may take their leave."

Tian Ling, Tian Feng, Ping Chunhua, and Little Qin understood, they took their leave without hesitation. Gan Junjie gave his signal to his confidant, the man reluctantly follows.

When only the two of them left inside the room, Meixiang expanded her mental strength at the entire room to hide her power to be detected from outsiders. She then started to do her business.

A small ball of light appeared on her right hand.

Gan Junjie's relax face is now in disbelief. A light magician. Not only that, the little girl is in seventh stage middle level.

Meixiang can indeed hide her cultivation to other cultivators if she wanted to. But once she performs a certain element or martial arts, the cultivator with stronger cultivation compared to that certain magic she perfomed, can feel her real cultivation in that certain element. It means Gan Junjie is with a cultivation in par or higher than seventh stage middle level.

The small ball of light floated towards Gan Junjie and entered his body. When the small of light ball expanded to Gan Junjie's body, Meixiang's eyes shines and restrained herself from smiling. While controlling the small ball of light with her right hand, Meixiang put out another small ball of light on her left hand and do the same. The process is too quick that Gan Junjie didn't notice Meixiang's sideline work.

It only took five minutes and everything was done. Meixiang surrendered her mental power and look at Gan Junjie who is still in daze.

Meixiang smiled and said, "Young master Gan Junjie must already felt his condition is better than before?"

Gan Junjie coughs waking himself for being dumb and then stabilize himself. He nodded and didn't speak. Still mesmerize with what just happened.

"Then Young Master Gan Junjie must be a man of his words and willing to give up the red haired boy to this little Meixiang?"

"Yes. Indeed. This young master is just surprised with the young miss' ability."

Meixiang just smiled. The two then exited the room. Tiang Ling and the others didn't ask so with the follower of Gan Junjie. They went where they can check out the items they bought. Before their group can show their cards to the employee, a voice rang in the hallway. It's a beautiful young girl in white hanfu walks in hurried pace towards Gan Junjie.

"Brother Jie must be here to obtain his item?"

Gan Junjie didn't give a glance to the young miss in white and ordered his confidant to pay for his item.

Only few are at the area and didn't mind such view. Although they know the identities of the two, they themselves are not with low identies. The people present are here to claim their high sky priced items naturally they are not from ordinary backgrounds.

The young miss in white hanfu didn't mind the indifferent treatment of Gan Junjie as she's already accustomed to it. But when she saw Gan Junjie's treatment towards a little girl, she can't help but frown. She look at Meixiang's beautiful face and feel threatened.

She is Gan Junjie's betrothed naturally she feels hostile towards any young miss her betrothed will give this kind of gaze. She didn't care before as her fiance is cold to everyone but now seeing how her betrothed smile to the young miss, she can't help but felt hatred.

When Gan Junjie's confidant came back, he gave the already paid token to his young master. Gan Junjie then gave it to Meixiang and said a few words.

Meixiang bids her farewell. Carrying two tokens with her, she was accompanied by an employee of Vian Din Pavillion to a door.

"The jade member's Bionette Black Panther is here."

Meixiang nodded and entered the room. She asked the key of the cage and shackles of the warlock to the employees inside the room and asked them to get out. They follow her order full of hesitation.

When the only two of them are left inside the room, Meixiang walks toward the cage and opened it without any care of the killing intent of the warlock inside.

The beast is caught off guard with the little girl's courage. He then thought it's not a courage but stupidity. He was about to attack the little girl when Meixiang's mental power runs towards him. He only notice what the little girl is trying to do when Meixiang already completed her beast taming.

The Brionette Black Panther notice the unique totem the little girl drawn to his mental ground. He was tried to tamed multiple times by the different beast tamers of Vian Din Pavillion naturally he can see the difference of the young girl's technique. He can also now see the fluctuation of qi inside the little girl's body that Meixiang didn't conceal. He's in disbelief when he saw her current cultivation.

Six elements. Not only that. She can also practice martial arts. Can cultivate both magic qi and dou qi. This body constitution only existed in ancient times.

The Brionette Black Panther change to his human form so as the shackles adjusted and get smaller to lock his now smaller legs and wrist. Meixiang freed him to his shackles.

"My name is Han Mu."

"Mine is Dan Meixiang. You must not have a good experience here. Let's get out of here now."

The young man nodded.

Meixiang exited the room with a young man who looks like in his mid 20's.

The employees of Vian Din Pavilion are in trance. Tian Ling, Tian Feng, and Ping Chunhua are not shocked. Tian Ling just whispered in his mind how lucky their Brother Zihan is.

"This young miss pitied the warlock and released it. I didn't expect he likes a beauty to follow and decided to follow me. This young lady is curious why would Vian Din Pavilion locked a warlock with such a good judgement."

The employees are dumb.

Tian Feng and Ping Chunhua pursed their lips and look at the warlock whose face is now with a very weird expression.

You'll used to it. You'll used to it soon.

"Now now, this young miss wanted to see the red haired beauty."

The employees are still in daze and now need to process what's this 'red haired beauty' the little tycoon just mentioned. They then realize it's her second item. The employee then lead the way to another door.

Just like in the first door, Meixiang entered and the employees guarding the 'item' are ordered by her to get out after surrendering the key.

Meixiang was looking at the young man who is in disheveled state. His purple eyes are looking at her and so with Meixiang. Meixiang walks towards him and whispered full of amazement looking at his purple eyes,


The red haired boy was startled.

"I like beauties around me. What about following this young miss."

The red haired boy didn't speak.

"I was named Dan Meixiang. And you?"

Meixiang who casually asked this question is oblivious what her question brought to the young boy.

It's the first time outside their clan asked what he's called. He almost forget that 'name'.

The young boy whispered but still heard by Meixiang.

"Zou Kai."

Meixiang frown.

"Zou Kai? Go away? Such a weird name. What about changing your name?"

The red haired boy was startled once again. He was named Zou Kai because he thought that was his name growing up. After seeing his purple eyes, his own kind shouted this to him. When he was captured and do heavy labors, he no longer have this name and was labeled 'slave' 'wiltt' or 'that'. Then that label was changed when he was captured by Vian Din Pavilion and called 'item#1' soon change to 'item#2'.

"Do you have a name you wanted?"

The red haired boy shook his head.

"What about Fai."

The red haired boy whispered the word 'Fai'. It means beginning.

"Dan Fai. Such a beautiful name." Meixiang said nodding her head slowly. When she saw the red haired boy's blank face she chuckled and said, "Me and my late mother are the only member of our family. I'm sure she wouldn't mind her beautiful daughter adopts a beautiful son for her."

The red haired boy didn't speak.

"How old are you?"


Meixiang nodded. Meixiang walks toward the boy and pat his red hair like petting a small child. "So I just adopted a younger brother."

The boy stiffly stand there blankly letting the little girl pat his red hair. He can't even look down to see Meixiang's face.

She's holding the red hair these people should despise. She called his purple eyes beautiful instead of cursing him. She gave him a name and even wanted him to be her little brother. The young boy can't explain the emotions bursting inside him.

Meixiang after patting the boy's beautiful hair, she threw the key on the ground and with a swish she unlocks the shackles of her newly adopted little brother with her own ability.

At first, Meixiang didn't plan this but when she heard the little boy's so called name, she had a brief understanding of the little boy's life. A wiltt with purple eyes. No one must wanted him before.

Not now. She's not compassionate but adopting a good looking powerful little brother is a good catch.

When the two exited the room, the employees are in daze once again.

"Little Xiang, the red haired boy also wanted to follow because little Xiang is too beautiful?"

"Brother Ling is too smart. The Vian Din Pavilion is indeed have a hobby of capturing people with good judgement."

"Aiyoooo. I followed Little Xiang since young I'm scared I would be captured."

Ping Chunhua twitch the side of her lips. This combo's conversation never failed to amaze her.

After the compliment-selfpraising conversation of the two, Meixiang didn't wait for the employees to escort them back. They went out on their own.

Meixing didn't noticed her mistake that night.

The key given to her is only to unlock the shackles of Dan Fai's legs and wrist and not the metal ring on his neck. Because the only one who should have the ability to unlock this is Vian Din himself!

Outside, Gan Junjie who is observing Meixiang and her now six companions in the dark can't help but raised both of his eyebrows. When he saw the red haired boy, he then had a hunch of the identity of the other man. He was once again amazed by the little girl for taming a ninth rank beast.

Meixiang before going in the carriage nodded to the direction of Gan Junjie and left.

Gan Junjie was startled at first then chuckled while looking at the leaving carriage of Meixiang's team. Like that scumbag's words, the little girl is indeed interesting.

A sudden realization hits him, his reaction suddenly froze.

The red haired boy is free from his neck ring.

And Vian Din is outside the Central.

Inside the auction house, the employees are already sober and entered the room where Dan Fai was locked before. When they saw the neck ring on the floor, they are once again dumb.

The Vian Din Pavilion's main base that night is not in peace. Thanks to a certain little girl who is now oblivious of the commotion she brought. Again.