
Gateway Of Fiction

The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" is true, but to what extent? This story is one that answer this question.

Vike17 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Start

All James' could feel was pain, the constant ringing in his ear as he came to be. Did not help. As he slowly opened his eyes, the all-white room blinded him. He barely made out the other in the room. It was the other writers. The others seemed to be in the same pain as him. He called out "Fumihito!"

"James!?" Fumihito respond.

The pain began to stop, this caused James' mind to become clearer. Lots of questions began to flood his mind "Where are we? Why are we here? Why us? Why...Me?

James' train of thought was stopped by the voice of a man "Welcome!" The man hovered in the air with a bright light behind his back. James looked up at him because of the light James was not able to see the man's face. Just as the man landed in front of them, six other people hovered towards them each having a shining white light behind them.

" I see there are 8 of you?" The tall man on the far right said

"Oh dear, that seems to be a problem?" The woman on the far left said

"Oh well, life happens." The man that first descended said. Although James couldn't see his face, James guessed the man was an old man. The old man began to announce

"You who are the best writers in the multiverse, it seems that they are all from Earth, like us. You are chosen."

"You dare kidnap us and say we are chosen!!!" Lucas screamed

"I am quite sorry about that, there really was no other way." The old man responded

"I DO NOT CARE!!!" Lucas began to ramble on, "ITS UNFAIR, WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THIS!!"

"Lucas come down, Let us hear the old man out." James looked to see who it was that spoke. It was Nicolas Bernardi, he is the shortest and the youngest of us all standing at 5'11 and 20 years old but his presence is ever so imposing. His temper is his only weakness.

"Why is the midget talking?" Lucas said condescendingly.

"I would advise not talking like that to Nicolas." Rainer Denhart advised.

Rainer Denhart is a highly respected writer and person because he was a flower that grew from concrete.

"It is alright Rainer, I was looking for a reason to beat him up." Nicolas began to walk towards Lucas. Lucas in fear subconsciously backed away from Nicolas. To Lucas' luck, he was saved by the old man "Enough, there will be no fighting here!"

"On their behalf, I apologize for their behaviour. Please continue what you were saying." Rainer expressed.

"Thank you, Rainer Denhart. James Love, Fumihito Gushiher, Lucas Mori, Nicolas Bernardi, Arthur Jones, Aimel Alexandre. You all have been chosen because you are the most famous and the best writer in the universe. The winner of this will be able to rewrite anything such as history and the universe itself. This can be won when you collect the other books."

"Books?" James asked

"Everyone will be given a book and in the book resides a power special to only them." With a wave of his hand, a book appeared before each of them.

" The books contain great power, it is to be used with caution."

"If I may, I have a question?" Fumihito asked, "How can the books be collected and used if it is special to only us?"

The woman at the right hand of the old man spoke " It can be collected when you write your name on the first page of the book. This will only work if you write your real name, for you all will be put into different bodies that bear different names."

"Do you all understand?"

"Yes we all understand but why are we doing this?" James asked

"That you will find out at the end of it all. Ok, now it is time to send you all to the battlefield in a world called Htrae."

The same feeling they had when first came back and in the blink of an eye they were gone.