
Gateway Of Fiction

The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" is true, but to what extent? This story is one that answer this question.

Vike17 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Council Of Writers

It is time.

The meeting where the greatest writers on earth gather. They are called the Writers' Council. They are the best writers that are alive, they each have a special title such as James, Writer of Memories. Arthur, Writer of Hearts, Lucas, Writer of Personality and the rest are for you to find out.

James always hated going to the writer's meeting, it made him feel inferior as a person. All the writers have incredibly high IQs except for James. James' IQ isn't low if you compare his IQ to an average person's IQ he is considered a genius.

He stands just short of the door, he closes his eyes to mentally prepare himself for what he would go through when he opened the door. He reached for the door nob and gently twisted it, opening the door. All eyes were on him the moment he entered. Although they were writers their gaze had the same feeling as soldiers who just got off battle. He wasn't able to move a step. Mustering all his strength into his legs he began to walk avoiding all their eyes. He made eye contact with Bo Sung, Bo Sung smiled at him which made him slightly less afraid.

James sat in a corner with his head down. No one talked for minutes. James lifted his head to see what everyone was doing, he accidentally made eye contact with Arthur Garnier. Arthur is the writer of the hearts, he writes amazing love and sweet story which is funny to James. Since what he writes contradicts his image, Arthur with is a 6'7 body with big shoulders and arms. When he looks at you it's like he can see your soul with his dark sharp eyes and his voice being so deep. James unknowingly smiled as he made eye contact with Arthur, to which Arthur responded with "What the hell you looking at?!"

"Oh... nothing," James said with hesitation in his voice.

As the writers were like soldiers only a general who is strong and highly respected can command them. That general is The Head Writer.

The head writer walked into the meeting his imposing aura made everyone stand up. The head writer is the only one who can put all four of us together. We don't know much about him, heck we don't even know his name, but none of us can deny that he is a dangerously strong person. Although we have never seen him do anything bad or amazing. As the head writer walks to the front of the room Arthur says "You look amazing as ever" Everyone laughs, it never ceases to amaze James how they all turn into innocent puppies when he comes in. That just shows the power of the head writer.

"I call this meeting to talk about a few things, but first let us talk about the matter of the writer of personality being accused of plagiarism." The head writer says in his weirdly deep voice that doesn't match his young face."

Everyone was surprised except James and Bo Sung. The writer of personality was a total scumbag, that is one thing everyone here agreed. Even though he is a scumbag, his writing skills make up his personality. Arthur said, "That can't be true, we all made sure of that."

"That's right." the head writer added "But I will be investigating this, writer of personality do you understand." The writer of personality nods while saying "Could you call me by my name, in case you forgot it's Lucas." Arthur looks at Lucas in disgust, he dislikes him the most out of all the writers.

James just sat there observing everything and everyone. He studied Lucas' face carefully wondering if he had been expecting this, he acted calmly. The head writer suddenly announced, "The investigation will be led by James and Bo Sung." "Wait what the fuck." Lucas yelled in shock "I am strongly against this. I request someone else!!"

Head writer stared at him and commanded "Lucas, come down!" Just those words shook the room, Lucas sat down without hesitation. "You don't have to worry if you have nothing to hide."

Lucas was scared and stressed but only James seemed to notice. "So the next matter we have to discuss is there will be a new writer joining us but I have yet to find him."

"Wait what, what's his name," Lucas asked. "His name is." A massive earthquake shook the building just as the Head writer was just about to finish his sentence.

The head writer stood up quickly ."Hell, it shouldn't be time yet we still have one more month." The head writer yelled, "Everyone stay safe and do not kill anyone." They all looked at him in confusion, in an instant all traces of them were erased like they were never alive. The head writer was the only person to remember all of them. The earthquake stopped just after they had disappeared. The head writer sat and took a sip of his tea "I wonder who will win this war. I favour him to win but I will have to wait to find out."

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