
Gateway Of Fiction

The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" is true, but to what extent? This story is one that answer this question.

Vike17 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Lacobus Amare

This was all too much for James, he was just going on with his life. Alone.

Nothing. That was what felt until he could feel fabric on his skin and a soft pillow on his face. slowly James remembered everything. He could feel that he was on a bed but when he tried to get out of bed, every part of his body felt foreign to him.

"Why are my legs so small and my arm too!? I can't even get up!!" James thought. This scared him, he tried to scream for help but all that came out of his mouth was "BLAB BLAB BLAB! WAHHHHH!

In response to the sound of crying, James saw a beautiful woman with wonderful blond hair. "Huh?! Why is my wonderful youngest son crying?" The woman picked James up and began to rock him side to side in her arms. 'Please darling don't cry, If you are hungry I can feed you." The woman began to remove her shirt. James in shock began to cry even louder.

"Okay, Okay. Food isn't what you want." She puts him down.

"Honey! I need you here" A loud voice called.

"Ok, I am coming." She rushed out.

"What the hell! I can't stand this body. This life they gave me, why do I have to be a baby!" James thought. He tried to cry out but in fear of the woman who is James' new mother coming back, he kept quiet. Still in disbelief he gaze at the ceiling.

"This is really my life now? Everything is like a web novel plot. It may not be all bad, I get a redo in life." With that thought, James found peace to sleep like a baby.


The Amare family is now James' family.

"I hereby pronounce Sebastian Amare and now named Julia Amare husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." A priest declared. Cheers erupt everywhere. Sebastian and Julia kissed. The wedding was the talk of the whole kingdom. Sebastian the head knight, the graceful Julia are a match made in heaven for those on good terms with them. In other's eyes they are a match made in hell for those against them.

"IT IS SUCH A GLORIOUS DAY, AND A GLORIOUS BANQUET WILL FOLLOW!" The king announced from his seat on the front row.

The banquet went on for two days, and everyone but their enemy celebrated. After a year the couple birth their first child, a girl named Aurora. The news of their first child bore a new reason to have a banquet for all. The same also happened with their secondborn, a boy with the name Felix. Now come to James, the name Lacobus was given to him.