
Gateway Of Fiction

The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" is true, but to what extent? This story is one that answer this question.

Vike17 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


The life of a baby is a life of peace and not having a care in the world, but Lacobus found it boring not being able to move around much. Every day was a routine day for him. He wakes up hungry and his mother then feeds him, Lacobus finds this uncomfortable because he may look like a baby but he isn't. Then his siblings would come to play with him, and Aurora would show him the things she had learned in school such as her swordsmanship. At first, that was all she showed. One day, she came home from school with joy and excitement wanting to show everyone something. She called everyone to the backyard and stood in the middle of the yard. She took a deep breath in, only the sound of nature could be heard in that moment. Lacobus wondered what was happening, in his eyes she was just standing. As he stared at her, he began to make out a light shining from within her. He was amazed. She shined with the brightest of a star. What she did next shook Lacobus. She began to transfer the light to her arm, forming a ball of light at her fingertip. At first, the ball was the size of a baseball but it compressed into a marble. She raised her hand to aim at a tree, steadied her breath and prepared to fire.


The light explodes in her face.

"Aurora!" The parents scream as they rush to her side.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. I just haven't mastered how to fire it. Yet."

"It's okay honey you can take your time." Mom said, "Now let's go back inside."

Lacobus was still fascinated by it. For the whole week, it was the only thing he could think of. That was the first time he encountered a power like that. The second time wasn't in the best circumstances.

The day was like another until they had a visitor. Lacobus never saw the man because he was put upstairs with his siblings as the man entered the house. Their parents discussed with the man, and Lacobus began to be curious, his curiosity peaked when the house was suddenly filled with different colours like mist. He recognized it! It was the same as his sister but it seemed to have more depth to it. The whole house began to shake. Cracks formed in the mirrors and walls of the house but he was too mesmerized to notice. Lacobus reached out his hands, and in an instant, the mist vanished. The suddenness of its vanishing made Lacobus begin to cry. "WAAAAH!" He rushed into the room "Shush it's okay, it's okay, everything will be ok."She whispered to him.

After that day His parents cleared out a room just for Aurora to train and grow her powers. Lacobus often tried crawling into the room, but all his efforts were futile due to the barrier his parents had placed. The power that would leak out of the room made Lacobus curious. Thoughts like "Just how powerful can one be with this power? Can you use this power differently?" His curiosity only grew because there were no books in the house about that topics. All he learned were how to read and write, this went on for four years. It ended when He was finally old enough to attend school.

"Good morning everyone and welcome to School!"

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