
Gateway Of Fiction

The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" is true, but to what extent? This story is one that answer this question.

Vike17 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"Welcome to the first day of school!" The teacher announced 

Lacobus readily took his sit, his eyes shone with the eagerness to learn. The class was filled with kids just like Lacobus, the rest were either there because they were compelled to attend or wanted to see their friends. 

"OK class, today we will just play some games and then start an introduction lesson."

A loud sound at the door interrupted the teacher. KNOCK, KNOCK!

"Is this the grade two history class?" The attention shifted towards the brown-haired boy who had particularly sharp eyes. He stood tall, demanding everyone's attention.

"Yes, it is. May I ask for your name?" The teacher replied 

"My name is Felix. I am registered in this class?"

 From the way he spoke, Lacobus knew he was of a noble family, the teacher recognized it and led him to his seat next to Lacobus.

"Hello, my name is Lacobus."


The silence lingers between them even after the games they played. The teacher began the first lesson.

"This introduction lesson is the history of the land we live on. There are three nations, The land of Aura, The land of Cultivation, and The land of Magic. In those different lands, there are secrets and powers beyond what you can imagine. We live in The land of Aura, which consists of two kingdoms, The Lion Kingdom and the Heart Kingdom. Can someone tell me which kingdom we live in?" 

All the kids in the class raised their hands, the teacher picked a kid in the back of the class.

"We live in the Lion Kingdom!"

"Correct, the Lion Kingdom"

 His curiosity is satisfied for the moment, but other mysteries will arise in his story. Felix now became the mystery Lacbous is interested in. He stole glances at Felix during the lesson and not once did Felix lose his grace. A thought occurred "To thrive in this world, connections are needed. Felix appeared to be the connection suitable for him.

"Ten years ago, the three nation-states swore not to intervene in their respective countries. We are lucky because this created the time of peace we live in. People of the last century weren't lucky like us. The war between the three nation-states destroyed the land and everyone in it. The events led to the Treaty of Versailles being signed, in that treaty there was only one rule. War between the nation-states is forbidden."

Lacobus now understood this world.

His story begins now.