
Gateway Of Fiction

The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" is true, but to what extent? This story is one that answer this question.

Vike17 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Way To Escape Reality

"We are going live in 3, 2, 1!"

"We are coming live from New York City. In today's show, our guest for today is arguably one of the best writers to have picked up a pen. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you James Love." The talk show host announced.

"It's an honour to be here," said James Love. He sat tall on a chair across from the host, and his brown eyes looked at the audience. He smiled elegantly, the audience, mainly filled with girls, was captivated by James' tall fit body which was nicely displayed in his suit.

"So we are here to talk about your new book called The Way To Escape Reality. How did the idea of this story come to be?"

"When I was young, my life wasn't all colourful and bright, the truth is, the days were dark even when the sun was out. My mother was never there for me, just like my father wasn't there for her. He always disappears for a long time, neglecting both me and my mother. I'm thankful that they gave me food and clothes. That was the limit of what they did for me. As a child, I craved love but they never gave it to me, not receiving love changed my view of the world to a dark perspective."

"Although they gave you food, water and shelter. They were truly acting like parents."

"Yes, I lived out those days with no happiness and no one, back then I didn't have friends. This made my days long and dull, but it was then I discovered a book. With curiosity, I flipped open the first page and began to read. In this book, I was able to see life better than mine and experience it as I read. That book is what made me live past my childhood. I used my childhood as a base for this story."

"I am sorry about how your childhood was. This may have been your best work so far. What you are known for is the way you can make your readers feel the emotions of your characters, how do you do this?"

"I wrote all my books with the mindset of the main characters and other side characters. By placing myself in those characters, I can create characters that people can relate to and understand. In a sense, I create a person like you and me"

"That is a deep answer to my question but some stories you write are just depressing. By placing yourself in the character's shoes, do you feel the pain and suffering some of your characters have gone through?"

"Yes, that is a given. Although I feel the sadness, hatred, and depression my characters feel, I also feel their happiness, joyfulness, and peacefulness. What I like the most about writing stories is I can create a world which I would never be in and experience that unrealistic world through my characters."

"I am amazed at your work ethic, it is bizarre but it's working seeing how you have written some of the most famous books around the world. We as readers thank you for putting your utmost effort into creating these masterpieces. Well, it has been an absolute pleasure to have you here."

"I had a great time today, thank you for having me."

"You can thank us by writing more amazing books. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching us today, and see you next week."

James was exhausted both physically and mentally due to him staying up late trying to find an idea for his next book. After he left the talk show set, despite being exhausted he went to meet his friend, whose name is Fumihito Gushiken at a bbq restaurant. The savoury smell hit James as he walked into the restaurant, he could not wait to eat. Fumihito waved him over to his table. James walked over to his table and sat across from Fumihito . Before Fumihito could even say anything James quickly called for the waiter, he ordered lots of food thinking that his friend will pay for the food, Fumihito had also ordered food. After James ordered his food Fumihito finally had the chance to ask James "What will be your next book"

"I'm working on it but I have no ideas"

"Our old enemy writer's block. It will come to you eventually, so what has the writer of memories been doing lately."

"I went on a blind date with.... wait, I have something to tell you the writer of personality is suspected of plagiarism."

"He is the least popular among all five of us. But his books are well written, we saw him write his latest book, from the start

to the end in a small room. It took him a year!"

"I think it is all fake, someone is just trying to frame him. Well putting that aside will you come to the writer meeting."

"No. I don't want to"

" You have to come. the Head Writer is the one who summoned us."

" Okay fine. I'll come only because the headmaster summoned us."

Just then their food arrived. The conversation ended at that for all James could focus on was his food. There was a peaceful silence of them eating their food and not a word was spoken. Just as the last bite of food reached James's mouth, Fumihito had also finished the food he suddenly got up and told James "It's been fun eating with you. I'll see you at the writer's meeting. Fumihito ran right out the restaurant door without paying.

"Damn you, you traitor!" James yelled at him.

James angrily paid for all the food and it cost 120 dollars.

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All persons fictitious

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