
Gasp! She Can Travel Through Time and Space!

Lin Wanwan has a time bracelet that allows her to transmigrate back and forth between the modern age and the Tang Dynasty. One was a modern era with a ton of information, abundant resources, powerful medical care, advanced education and technology, but with indifferent, solitary people. The other was an era that was poor in supplies, had droughts, floods, and locust plagues. From time to time, the emperor also had to cut off their budgets to support soldiers to further expand their territory. It’s said to be a prosperous era, but everyone often went hungry. But there were little ones in the Tang Dynasty who depended on her for everything, and an ancestor several generations before her time, who treated her like a treasure in her family. Lin Wanwan had no ambition. She just wanted to bring some changes to the world that she liked, so that her family could live a better life. She had a home in the Tang Dynasty.

Green Bamboo Lin · General
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40 Chs

Seeking Medical Advice From The Internet

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When she saw everyone bearing the same expression that said, "Of course, of course, I'll nod patronizingly out of sympathy," Lin Wanwan was helpless.

Was it perhaps her clothes that made her seem too distant from life as they knew it?

But in fact, as a modern girl, Lin Wanwan really didn't know how to farm. In the modern era, her grandparents' house had long been demolished and their land had been reclaimed. There was no land to grow crops, so they only opened up a small piece of land in the front and backyard of the small villa to grow some small vegetables.

However, when she bought the grain seeds, the seller even gave her the planting instructions. Lin Wanwan was confident that she could pull it off. In any case, the great Tang's farmers lacked crucial knowledge that science later revealed. They only planted on a large scale and didn't know how to do intensive farming. The yield was frighteningly low, so even though with so much land, they still had to go hungry.

She had bought packet seeds en masse. They were of various varieties and genetically modified to varying levels. With more than a thousand years of technology and research on her end, she was sure she could do better than these Tang farmers.

Some of these vegetables hadn't even been imported into the great Tang.

There were currently five main types of vegetables in the great Tang: sunflower, leeks, celery, scallion, and potatoes. For example, Lin Wanwan's favorite tomatoes and sweet potatoes were originally from America and would only appear in the late Ming Dynasty. The sweet potatoes were said to have been smuggled into China by Chen Zhenlong from Fuzhou.

Lin Wanwan remained silent. She would prove her claims with actions. Seeing is believing. They would naturally fight to exchange grain seeds with her and learn how to plant.

There were many things that were better done than said. Time would not lie.

Lin Wanwan stayed over at Lin Mengbo's house that night. The elders of their family had passed away, and there was an empty room next to them. Because Lin Wanwan had saved Big Ya, the whole family was very grateful to her.

At night, Lin Wanwan lay in the house made of oyster shells and big stones, and listened to the sound of the waves not far away. She tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Xiao Yu'er was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Lin Wanwan turned her head and looked at Xiao Yu'er for a while under the weak candlelight of the mosquito repellent candle. The effect was almost therapeutic for her. She felt a wave of calm and contentment flood over her.

As she looked at her, she suddenly thought of a saying she had read in the parenting encyclopedia the day before yesterday. It was best not to expose children to light sources when they slept, as it would affect their growth and development. The candle was too bright. It seemed that she needed to get some mosquito repellent.

Perhaps she had been staring for a long time. Xiao Yu'er seemed to sense it. Her eyelashes trembled as if she was about to open her eyes. Lin Wanwan quickly looked away. Children needed a lot of sleep.

Since she couldn't keep looking at the little child and remain awake, Lin Wanwan simply rolled over and got out of bed. She quietly pushed open the door, walked out of the courtyard, and went to the bamboo forest in the backyard.

The sea breeze ruffled her dress. She walked quietly in the bamboo forest and organized her thoughts with the help of the bright moon in the distance.

She had met the Lin clan from the Tang Empire, everyone here were her ancient ancestors.

After enjoying the sea breeze and watching the sea for a while, Lin Wanwan returned to her room and planned to sleep.

However, when she laid down and her arm touched the little child's arm, she felt that something was wrong. She quickly lowered her head and touched her forehead against hers. As expected, it was boiling hot!

There wasn't a thermometer or anything like that here, so she estimated that the temperature had to be above 39 degrees.

Things were a little odd. The four-year-old Xiao Yu'er did not get sick when he was abused by his uncle, aunt, grandfather, and grandmother. She did not get sick when she was hungry and ate grass and seafood shells. She also did not get sick when she drank uncooked water and rolled about in the dirt and dust of the streets.

Her stomach had finally been recuperated, she had been fed with rice and porridge every day. She had a shelter, a comfortable bed, and Lin Wanwan, who loved her, but she had suddenly fallen sick. What could explain this?

It was already past midnight. Lin Wanwan roughly estimated that it was probably one or two in the morning, based on the position of the moon outside.

"No, I can't leave her like this. I have to go back to the modern world and think of a way." Lin Wanwan frowned. She wanted to go back to the modern world, but she was worried about leaving the little child alone. In the end, she made up her mind and opened the space-time portal, returning to the villa in the modern world.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon in the modern world. The pharmacy was still open, but in 2022, anyone buying anything for fever would raise red flags. However, no matter how much bad attention she drew to herself, she still had to buy it!

Lin Wanwan flipped through the book and found the page that explained how to deal with a four-year-old child's fever.

It was written that if the child was in a good mood, she should be observed for three days. A child's fever usually lasted for three days. You could give the child a warm bath and use a wet and hot towel to wipe the child's palms, feet, armpits, and neck, which were concentrated with large blood vessels. By repeatedly wiping, you could achieve a cooling effect.

Once one's body temperature exceeded 38.5 degrees, they would need to be fed with fever medicine. Generally, one could take paracetamol, which was relatively safe for children.

If the child was in a bad mood and drowsy, it would be more serious, and she would have to go to the hospital for a detailed examination.

After checking, Lin Wanwan put on a mask, mobile phone, and ID card, and went to the pharmacy outside the community to buy medicine.

Although the fever medicine was tightly controlled, as long as the reason was legitimate and the name was registered, it could still be bought in the pharmacy. As for the ear thermometer, it was even easier to buy, as long as one had money.

It did not take much effort to complete her purchase. Lin Wanwan had bought them under the guise of family backup medicine, so the people in the pharmacy naturally didn't suspect anything. In addition to the fever medicine, Lin Wanwan also bought some other common medicines. There was a child at home, so one could not be over-prepared.

After buying the medicine and the ear thermometer, Lin Wanwan rushed back to the villa, poured hot water into a thermos bottle, and returned to Xiao Yu'er's side.

The internet doctor, Lin Wanwan, will be online soon!

Xiao Yu'er's face was burning red, and her small hands were uneasily touching the small pillow, as if searching for Lin Wanwan's figure. It was still mumbling and crying. "Don't throw me away, don't throw me away..."

"No! I'll never throw you!" Lin Wanwan quickly comforted her and wrapped her hands around Xiao Yu'er's small hands. She gradually calmed down, probably because she felt her presence.

Lin Wanwan quickly took this opportunity to measure her with the ear thermometer, and it turned out to be 39.4 degrees!

She fed the little child medicine and mixed warm water to lower her body temperature.

During the process, Xiao Yu'er opened her eyes in a daze and looked at Lin Wanwan a few times. However, Lin Wanwan was certain that she was barely lucid and possibly delirious.

Lin Wanwan felt a little guilty. She guessed that the little child had fallen sick because she had been frightened. Before she brought the little fellow back to the Lin family manor, she did not give the little child enough mental preparation, and she actually thought that she was going to abandon her.

As she thought of this, Lin Wanwan pitied the child all the more. She had suffered so much at such a young age.

"Don't worry, I will make you live so sweetly and happily, as if you're in a jar of honey."