
Gasp! She Can Travel Through Time and Space!

Lin Wanwan has a time bracelet that allows her to transmigrate back and forth between the modern age and the Tang Dynasty. One was a modern era with a ton of information, abundant resources, powerful medical care, advanced education and technology, but with indifferent, solitary people. The other was an era that was poor in supplies, had droughts, floods, and locust plagues. From time to time, the emperor also had to cut off their budgets to support soldiers to further expand their territory. It’s said to be a prosperous era, but everyone often went hungry. But there were little ones in the Tang Dynasty who depended on her for everything, and an ancestor several generations before her time, who treated her like a treasure in her family. Lin Wanwan had no ambition. She just wanted to bring some changes to the world that she liked, so that her family could live a better life. She had a home in the Tang Dynasty.

Green Bamboo Lin · General
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40 Chs

Four hours later, the little child's temperature finally went down. According to the ear thermometer, it had gone down to 36.8 degrees. Lin Wanwan quickly traveled back in time and threw the thermos back.

She quickly returned to the Tang Dynasty again, her heart racing and her chest choking up.

She noticed that every time she traveled through time and space, she would feel a little tired, especially mentally, and her pulse would be raised. It seemed that it put some strain on her body. She had to pay attention to the frequency of shuttling back and forth.

The sky outside had already brightened. Lin Wanwan was tired from the night and fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow.

It was really tiring to raise a child! Especially when she was sick!

The moment before she fell asleep, Lin Wanwan said in her heart, "This is probably a sweet burden."

The next morning, Lin Wanwan was woken up by the laughter of the children in the yard.

The little girl had also woken up and was lying quietly on the small pillow, looking at Lin Wanwan with her eyes wide open. She was in good spirits and did not look like she had a fever last night.

Lin Wanwan reached out and touched Xiao Yu'er's forehead. It had returned to normal. However, she had read about how to raise a child. Since the child had a high fever after being frightened, it would not be over in a day. There was a high chance that it would return tonight. However, seeing that Xiao Yu'er was in a good mood and in good spirits, she was relieved that it was not serious enough for her to need a hospital trip.

She could not bring Xiao Yu'er through the space-time portal, and she did not trust Tang doctors. She might as well read up and treat Xiao Yu'er.

Well, she had to get her hands on more books on the topic.

Lin Wanwan turned over and got out of bed. She changed out of her short-sleeved nightdress and put on a long-sleeved ancient dress. Although it was a rather hot, she could live with it. She had been raised tough, so she wasn't afraid of the cold in winter and the heat in summer. The silk traditional dress also allowed for good ventilation.

Fortunately, she was a modern girl, so she was very open-minded in terms of dressing. There were many half-sleeve clothes in the palace, and there were also many chest-revealing clothes. Some others wore chiffon clothes that exposed their shoulders. If such clothes were to be worn in the Ming and Qing dynasties, it would be miserable. She would die of heatstroke.

Xiao Yu'er had not yet fully recovered, so she did not plan to get her wrapped up in too many layers. If she got a heat stroke again, it would not be worth it. She could wear a long dress with half sleeves and a skirt that reached her calves.

Lin Wanwan had observed that in the great Tang, there were many children the same age as Xiao Yu'er who were naked. She was free to dress the little child as she liked without being inappropriate.

She carried Xiao Yu'er up and pushed the door open. Big Ya was the first to hear the commotion and quickly looked up. "Aunt, you're awake?"

Lin Wanwan had been established to be Lin Mengbo's cousin, so she called her aunt.

There were two children in the courtyard, one big and one small. After the big girl called Lin Wanwan, the boy opened his small bean-like eyes and looked at her curiously for a while. He seemed a little shy and did not say anything.

Lin Mengbo and Lin Qinshi had a son and a daughter. Other than the five-year-old Big Ya, they had a seven-year-old son called Small Crab. A few days ago, the fish that Lin Qinshi had gone to town to sell had been caught by Small Crab who was playing in the big stream pit by the village.

The people of the Tang Dynasty loved to eat fish, especially fish bellies, so fish was the main source of income for fishermen. Prawns, crabs, and shellfish were not very popular, nor were they valuable. Nowadays, the most valuable crabs were freshwater lake crabs, not sea crabs.

Xiao Yu'er was holding a glass jar filled with colorful fruit-dissolved beans in her hands, and she blinked her big eyes at Big Ya and Small Crab.

Lin Qingyu carried her to the mat in the central room and said to her, "Xiao Yu'er, I need to wash up first. Play with these little uns for a while, and share some of the dissolved beans with them, okay?"

Xiao Yu'er nodded obediently and replied softly, "Mother, I will be good."

"Dissolving bean?"

The two little guys had been following Lin Wanwan around, and their eyes lit up when they saw the glass bottle in Xiao Yu'er's hand.

Xiao Yu'er was wearing a silk one-piece dress that was in the national color scheme of Western Blue and Mulberry yellow. It had half sleeves and was embroidered with heavy gold threads on the chest. The peach blossom clusters were embellished with silk patterns. The entire dress was light and elegant, revealing a section of her pink and tender arms.

She sat cross-legged on the mat in the central room of Lin Mengbo's house, like a little adult, and instructed them. "Your little hands are dirty, you can't eat dissolved beans! Mother said that you can only eat and not get sick if your hands are washed clean. "

When Big Ya and Small Crab heard this, they hesitated for a moment, but in the end, they could not resist the temptation. They turned around and went to the courtyard. They scooped out water from the water tank and fought to wash their hands. After washing up twice, except for the black spots under their fingernails, the rest of their hands were fair and spotless.

Then, the two of them immediately ran back to the central room and surrounded Xiao Ya'er. They stretched out their hands expectantly, staring at the glass jar in her hand like two puppies waiting to be fed.

Xiao Ya'er counted the dissolved beans one by one and placed them in the hands of the two little guys.

The two of them stuffed pink dragon fruit yogurt dissolved beans into their mouths in satisfaction. It was sweet and sour, and they were so intoxicated that they felt like they were about to faint.

In the past, even during the new year, they might not have been able to eat a malt candy, let alone such a beautiful and sweet dissolved bean.

A child's happiness was that simple.

Lin Wanwan came to the water tank, took some water with a ladle, and washed her face and mouth.

The two little guys were very curious about the toothpaste, toothbrush, and other toiletries that Lin Wanwan had taken out. Because they were still young, they were very accepting of it. Other than envy, they had no other thoughts.

Xiao Ya'er also obediently followed Lin Wanwan's steps in washing up, then returned to the central room and continued to reign as monarch over the other children.

"Big Ya, Small Crab, where are your parents?" Lin Wanwan asked as she used the hot water on the stove to make nutritious rice flour for Xiao Ya'er's breakfast.

"Father and Mother have gone to the fields to farm." Big Ya had a dissolved bean in her mouth as she mumbled in reply.

As for Small Crab, he was still a little shy. Although he had been following Lin Wanwan around, he had said nothing.

Lin Wanwan made three bowls of nutritious rice noodles and served them breakfast.

Lin Wanwan also fed Xiao Ya'er some of the formula she had taken from the modern world and poured into a small porcelain bottle. As for the vitamin C that she needed the most, it was still the most convenient to get it from fruits.

These fruits were also the oranges, kiwis, and pears that Lin Wanwan had bought when she returned to the modern world last night. These were the most suitable fruits for children to eat when they were sick, and Tang Dynasty happened to have them too, so it would seem too out-of-place.

She quickly washed two oranges and a pear with water, cut them into pieces, and placed them on a plate. Then, she served the food to the three little ones.

Big Ya looked at Xiao Ya'er enviously and whispered, "Your mother really loves you. Do you eat such delicious food every day?"

Xiao Ya'er proudly stuck out her little belly. "Yup! Mother loves me the most."