
Chapter 4

*Quest complete!*

Quest: The path of a Sorcerer!

Mission: Realizing why you haven't been able to use magic you must open your mind to knowledge. A sorcerer's mind is their biggest weapon. Knowledge is power.

Read 100 books: 100 (complete)

30 wisdom is required: 42 (complete)

30 intelligence is required: 32 (complete)

Time limit: No limit

Penalty: No penalty


- Activation of mana

- New spell

- Youth potion bundle

*Daily Quest Rewards have been updated*

Daily Quest: The steps to power

Do 100 Push-ups: 100 (complete)

Do 100 Squats: 100 (complete)

Run 10 kilometres: 10 (complete)

Do 100 Sit-ups: 90 (Incomplete)

Time limit: 24 hours (Time left: 4 hours)

Penalty: No Rewards


- HP potion LV 2 <Heals 250 points of HP>

- Mana potion LV 2 <Recharge 200 points of MP>

- Energy rations

Finally finishing my final book, I laid there smiling in satisfaction. My intelligence had increased by bounds with my mind and thought processing quickening. Another interesting thing though was that when my intelligence increased reading books became easier allowing me to easily read through them. With this I completed the whole quest in two weeks.

Another thing I found was that I required to read more books to gain an increase of stats for my intelligence what was one book now became ten. What was a smooth drive was now a rocky road. When I reached the thirty mark was when I required much more books the twenty mark was only to read two books. In terms of textbooks, It seems that I've already completed everything maybe that was one of the reasons why my intelligence increased quickly because of the grade of the textbook being higher as I went up. Walking out of the library I decided to walk home and see my rewards.

[Mana Regeneration] Level MAX – Allows one to passively channel mana into their body without thought. Requires Wisdom.

*Mana now functions within you*

*Spell acquired*

[Teleportation] level MAX - Who runs around like a loser? From now on you can teleport to places you've been or seen from your own two eyes. MP cost: 300

Seeing the spell, I smiled in awe. This spell was amazing and now with mana, I could finally create my own spells. After all, mana is the sauce for spells. Now was the time for experiments with magic I could solve my issue with my protection. Thinking on an Orb in my hand I started to feel a small tingle in my hand before it appeared in my hand.

*New spell acquired*

[Mana orb] Level 1 – A mana orb it's quite the easy spell to learn. Spell Damage: 50. MP cost: 10

"Now with this in my hand what can I do with it?" I muttered before thinking of a place to safely experiment with my spells.

"Where the hell would a new upcoming wizard go to learn spells in safety? Hogwarts!" I joked before concentrating. Laying back in my chair I decided to twirl it vigorously and was greeted by a notification


*You've gained 2 points of Intelligence for creating two spells*

*New spell acquired*

[Twirling mana bomb] Level 1 – If thrown will explode when landing on target. Spell damage: 300. MP cost: 75

"Ok I think it's time to dispel that don't want to accidentally explode my new apartment now,' I thought demising it. Now that I had a bomb what would be a good, ranged spell although bombs were cool what other spells could I meddle around with? Seeing the previous notification, I smiled in satisfaction as well. New spells mean more intelligence as well. Time to study again.

[Strength enhance] Level 1 – Increases strength of user by 200%. MP cost: 50, Duration: 10 minutes.

[Force field sphere] Level 1 – Envelops the users' body with a translucent sphere which blocks any incoming attacks. MP cost: 40 per min

[Mana bullet] Level 1 – Fire a spiralling orb of mana that will drill into a target. Spell damage: 200. MP cost: 30

[Mana construct] Level 1 – Create a temporary object made of mana. MP cost: Depends on mass of object/minute

[Mind Acceleration] Level 2 – Accelerating one's mind allows for time to slow down as your mind process information in inhuman speeds. If the mind does not match the body in terms of attributes user will be damaged. MP cost: 100, Duration: 5 minutes.

[Meditation] Level 1 – By closing your eyes and staying motionless one will be able to increase the speed of HP and Mana regeneration by 200%. One must have an empty mind for it to work.

[Mind shield] level 1 – Shields attacks to the mind, the higher the level the easier it is to protect from attacks. MP cost: 50 per min.

[item enchantment] Level 1 – increase the sturdiness of an object or thing the higher the level the stronger it is. MP cost: 90. Duration: 5 minutes.

[Item search] Level 1 – When looking for an object picture it and it will be highlighted through walls. MP cost: 20 per min.

[Telekinesis] level 3 – Be able to move an object with your mind. Strength of Telekinesis will increase with level. MP cost: 10 per min.

[Eye enchantment] level 1 – Be able to see further and clearer. MP cost: 100 , Duration: 10 minutes.

[Dual casting] level 10 – The ability to cast two spells at once with each level the easier it is to cast spells simultaneously.

[Night vision] level MAX – One will be able to see in the dark as if it were day. MP cost: 40 per min.

'Well isn't that a nice boost to my intelligence,' I thought puffed out. Breathing in and out I rested, exhausted from the rush of spells flooding my brain.

"Now with my strength finally complete all I need is experience and informants. I wasn't rich enough to afford to have eyes everywhere by myself, but I did have the power to persuade people. With my little money, power, and charisma. I could just persuade some homeless people to join me. Of course, the problem was making sure they wouldn't spill. Maybe if I made some sort of soul contract, they wouldn't crack or break. Pulling a sheet of paper from one of my Drawers I decided to experiment.


*You have created a new spell!*

[Blood contract] Level MAX – The user is able to bind a willing target with the contract with their blood. Target will be forced to obey any command made by the user. MP cost: 100

"Now this will do," I smiled. Eating an energy ration, I walked outside to see it hitting night. Hearing the croaks of birds, I decided to get ready.

Wearing my 'Superhero' suit. I brandished my mask ready to strike the criminals of Miami.


"Help! Please!" A voice cried out for help. Struggling to hold her belongings she let go her hands sore from the pull.

"Thanks for the cash lady," The man smiled running away before bumping into a large figure. Standing over him he looked down on him.

The figure seeing him knocked him to the ground with a quick uppercut. Grabbing him by the colour he threw him against the wall knocking him out cold. Picking up the woman's purse he gave it back.

"Thank you," She thanked shaking.

"Call the police," He replied turning his back to her.

"Ok. Though I want to know, who are you?" She asked.

"I'm… Titan," The figure responded with a burning Sigil behind his back. The letter 'T' shining brightly before her before suddenly disappearing his figure gone in an instant.

The figure was Tavita and after beating up the crook he smiled seeing the notification Infront of him.

*Quest complete*

*You have gained $120 and 300xp*

'Off to the next I guess.' He thought as he shifted through the city until meet a strange figure walking around with goons. Seeing them he followed over them. Teleporting form roof top he eventually stopped when they entered a warehouse. Sneaking from the roof he counted the goons reaching a total of twenty. The last two were quite different. The goons also seemed heavily armed. This was going to be tricky.

"So why exactly am I here Penguin? I am a busy man you know," A man in a black mask stated twirling a cigarette the smell filling the whole warehouse.

"I'm a busy man too you know. The tie and suit don't pay for itself," The short, fat, obese, long-nosed man stated tipping his hat.

"Likewise, so I'll tell ask you again. Why am I here?" The black mask man stated.

"Has the mask finally gotten to your head or has your patience always been this thin?" The penguin teased walking towards the back and grabbing a suitcase.

"This here is a new drug we've created and let me tell you it's quite the kick," The penguin explained.

"Oh, and what's this got to do with me? I get the drugs and all but why do you need me in all of this?" He asked dropping the cigarette and smudging it to the ground.

"You know how the bat's is nowadays. With him and his side kick roaming the streets of Gotham distributing these would eventually lead back to me and while I like Gotham, I'm quite sick of dealing with the meddling dark knight right now. I would call this holiday," The penguin admitted.

"And that's when you come in place. I'll supply you with the drugs and you get to get some money dealing them off. We'll split it 50/50. Trust me this stuff is lethal small dosages will give anyone a good fix. So how about it?" The penguin offered.

"It certainly does seem like an alright deal… But alright is not cutting it… How about you give me the formula and I'll pay you," Black mask proposed. Subtly hinting his goon's, they all readied their arms'.

"Oh, you want the formula now. Are sure you want to? The man who supplied me wouldn't be so happy hearing your tone," The penguin announced snickering.

"What do mean by that penguin? You think I'm someone that can be fucked over by some small-time supplier," He spat.

"No but are sure you want to ask the man who creates them?" The penguin replied.

"I'm the king of Gotham who do you think can mess with me? I'm the Black Mask not some random thug. Whoever this chemist is, must be some random scientist you picked off from the street," The Black mask spat offended by the penguin's remark.

"Getting Cocky now? Are willing to keep the same energy when you tell that to Bain's face?" The Penguin revealed causing Black Mask to be taken back.

"Bain? I thought he got sent to Arkham," Black mask replied.

"You should know by now that Arkham isn't as reliable as it use to be. Bain's not just some muscle head you know, behind all that bulk and veins is some sort of brain and jsut imagine what he'll do if he finds out what you told me," Penguin snickered clasping his hands.

"Well he won't find out if I kill you," The Black mask replied aiming his pistol directly to Penguins head the barrel just touching his head.

"Kill me? Go ahead. What do you think will happen if you do? Bain's going to find out and you're going to go to war. But in the end guess who's going to win," The Penguin replied smiling.

"Me," Black mask answered.

"Wrong. It's Batman. " The penguin corrected.

"So, it's either you take these drugs and sell it for him, or you risk destroying your entire empire. I wouldn't want to repeat the stadium incident again." Penguin threatened.

"No one fucks with me, Penguin. Not even Batman or Bain." The Black mask replied shooting the penguin in the arm knocking him to the ground. The rest of Black mask goon's already ready to shoot killed the rest of penguin's goons making my job easier for when I struck.

"You're lucky Penguin that I don't want you dead. Well not yet at least. Boys chuck him in the trunk. Let's find out what he knows," The black mask ordered before being smacked in the head by a fist its power striking him onto the ground. Tavita now over him held an orb and pushed it into his chest pushing him into the wall knocking him out. The other goons seeing him fired away at him.

Putting up his mana shields he was still shot. Some bullet's still hitting him.

*99 damage taken*

*99 damage taken*

*99 damage taken*

*99 damage taken*

*You are in critical condition*

Tavita seeing the damage looked on in shock the damage being preposterous to him. Quickly jugging two potions he smiled seeing his health come back. Feeling the bullet's push out of his body he refocused on the fight.

"Fuck the bullets aren't piercing that weird orb of his pull out the missile launcher!" A goon announced causing Tavita to move quickly but was too late.


The missile hitting Cracking Tavitas shield knocked him back yet the flames also caused an accident to their boss.

*250 damage taken*

Reactivating his shield, he drunk away as vials disappeared like air. Feeling unsafe without his HP at max he continued his streak of gulps.

"Fuck… My face… My fucking face! Man… What the fuck was… That…" He groaned in pain his mask burnt into his face. Looking over Him leaned down to see his face.

"Who the fuck brunt my fucking face!" He screamed. Feeling the fight being too drawn out he Quickly closed his eyes and teleported behind the goons and knocked each one in the head.

'Man, this would be so easy I could just kill them!' Tavita thought looking at the M14's on the ground. Thinking of grabbing it he stopped himself. He knew deep inside that he wasn't ready for it. It wasn't his time to kill yet.

Quickly teleporting to each goon, he quickly ended them their minds now entering the world of dream. Tavita finished with the goons made sure each was incapable of resisting when the police arrived. Chucking the guns into his inventory he made his way to the Penguin who sat by the car awaiting Tavita.

"So, who are you? Never heard of you before." The penguin asked Tavita.

"You can say I'm new to the business," Tavita replied making his way towards him.

"Oh, what's your name maybe we can be good acquaintances?" The Penguin offered.

"I don't noviciate with criminals buddy, I interrogate," Tavita replied pulling out a knife.

"You really think I'm going to talk you're a dreamer?" The penguin taunted.

"Oh, I'll make you talk alright. Just watch," Tavita replied stabbing his thighs

"Bane's a crime lord like us and is in charge of a quarter of Gotham's underworld!" He squealed.

"So how are you and he connected?" I questioned.

"He's just creating a new drug and he wanted me to test it by selling it! That's all I know! Please no more!" The penguin pleaded.

"Are you sure that's all you know," I asked holding a knife to his other thigh. It seemed he wasn't good a dealing with pain. Just one dip and he had already spilt the beans.

"Yes! Please no more!" He replied crying making me feel a little bad for the fella but decided otherwise he ruined peoples lives he'd rather rot in jail than die here.

"The name's Titan, don't forget it," I replied before teleported out of there, the police making their way there.


*Quest complete*

*You have acquired $500'000 and 150'000 experience*

Seeing the notification, I smiled and shocked at the reward but nodded in understanding. Things like this weren't going to happen all the time and seeing my level and free attributes I smiled again.

Going home I decided to look over the vial and expect just what they were. A new drug was nothing good especially for my demographic. Teenager who were careless and depressed would be swallowed whole by drugs without even knowing what hit them.

<Concentrated Venom meth Vials>

- Increases strength by 10000%

- Increase constitution by 10000%

- Decrease Intelligence by 75%

Duration: 10 minutes

After effect:

- All base stats decreased by 75% for 1 month

- May cause addiction

"The fuck kind of drugs are these," I muttered. This looked more like steroids than anything. There were seven vials in total as well with the note on top saying not to consume all of them at the same time. The content's inside glowed with a deep purple glow it's light almost hypnotizing.

"Just where did they get this…" I muttered again. People able to create this kind of drug don't usually meddle with the streets this is some government type shit right here. Well whoever it maybe it's mine now.

"Bruce what's got you awake early this morning?" A butler asked his overly determined son… I mean master.

(AN: We all know the real boss in that Mansion)

"The penguin and Black mask were taken into custody today in Miami," Bruce replied tapping away at his computer.

"Oh, and what of it?" Alfred asked.

"He was taken out by a new hero," Bruce replied his focus still on his computer.

"Another to be added to the files I see, though you getting up to add the new cape to file's this early is quite overboard. You need rest Bruce a wounded and tired Bruce Wayne is a wounded Batman," Alfred replied.

"Bruce Wayne can wait. The Penguin and The Black mask were injured with a stabbed thigh, burnt face, and broken bones. This new hero is ruthless and awhile I condone justice I believe this is quite overboard." Batman replied.

"Well you've certainly done your days of bruising Bruce. Besides this new hero could be new to the scene I remember your first day was just like this. That poor bugger had his leg broken. Tea?" Alfred offered.

"Thank you. You may be right, but I don't like taking chances even if he is new, mistakes in this line of work means death. If he doesn't accidentally kill someone, he might himself. I'll be up soon, tell Dick to get ready as well. We'll be taking a 'business' trip to Florida soon," Batman ordered his hands still on the keyboard tapping away.

"Very well then Master Bruce," Alfred replied making his way up.

"Before I go, Master Bruce, you might want to freshen yourself up. Your smell is quite horrid. Batman may be fighting in sewers at night with his friends, while Bruce Wayne is not," Alfred stated entering the elevator before shooting up. Batman hearing him sniffed his armpit before sighing.

"So, did you hear about the Miami news? There's a new vigilante out there and he's made quite a big name for himself by taking out two of Gotham's biggest crime lords ," A voice replied.

"Of course. Now keep taps on him this could prove to be quite the investment if I'm correct," A feminine voice replied.

"Affirmative, we'll keep eyes on anything related to him Mam," the first voice replied.

"Please, call me Ms Waller instead," She insisted.