
Chapter 5

"Status," I muttered.

Name: Tavita Brown (Titan)

Occupation: The Gamer

Titles: Orphan, Titan, sorcerer

Level: 3 -> 9 (1000/34000)

HP: 575/575

MP: 460/460

Money - $25'000 -> $525000

Race: Homo Magi – Homo Magi (also called Homo Magus) is a sub-race of naturally magic-wielding humans. Being born a magician magic is second nature to you.

Strength: 50 (Locked)

Constitution: 50 (Locked)

Intelligence: 46

Agility: 30 (Locked)

Luck: 10 -> 15

Wisdom: 42

Attribute points: 20 -> 80

Looking over my status I smiled. Luck was the only thing I couldn't increase naturally so I increased it once and awhile with attributes . Money wasn't an issue anymore but just because it wasn't didn't mean I was going to be reckless with it. A minority without a job having this much will get the wrong type of attention. With my stats I could tell I was getting stronger my only drawback being this damn lock on my stats. Seeing my intelligence, I decided to max it out later. Attribute points were hard to come by so reading was my only hope for now. Another problem arose my mastery and aim for spells was terrible.

Of course, I could just aim it but things like bullet speed and aim mattered. Most Targets weren't stationary after all. It didn't help I never trained martial arts as well. I was just a muscle head with no technique. A problem for future me when I get back, I guess. Maybe I could ask the three of them but they're pretty rust as well.

Getting up from my sofa I chucked on my round sunglasses and made my way to the ghettos of Miami. My future followers would be here. Feeling the Miami heat today I decided to hold an umbrella.

"Don't you ever try that shit around here Oldman!" A voice spat. Peaking over I was met with a group of hooligans beating an Oldman.

"Aye! What are you guys doing?" I asked enraged. Rushing over I pulled some of them away. Seeing me they backed off a bit. My muscles were quite threatening to the average man.

"This Oldman stole my fucking money and spent it already! Give me my money back, you fucking homeless piece of shit!" The man spat rushing over and kicking the Oldman in the stomach.

"How much did the man steal?" I asked pulling him away.

"He stole $100 dollars from me, and I am not leaving till I get my mother fucking money back," The man spat enraged as if $100 meant the world to him.

"Aye enough is enough the man's already on the ground now. I tell you what if I give you $200 dollars you leave him alone," I offered.

"Hmm maybe," The man responded.

"I want a definite answer," Tavita replied sternly.

"Alright if you give me $250, I'll back off." The man agreed.

"Don't be greedy alright? Here take your money and leave the Oldman alone if you don't I'll be forced to call the cops and I'm willing to believe that they'll trust a beaten up Oldman than a bunch of youthful teenagers," I threatened holding my phone.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," He responded walking off with his friends. Going to the Oldman I helped him up, his feet staggering while trying to get up. Grabbing a minor potion, I allowed him to drink it's contents healing him instantly.

"What's an Oldman like you doing on the streets?" I asked my eyebrow raised as I waited for an answer.

"War… It does many things to a man," The Oldman replied healed.

"War aye? Vietnam war?" I asked.

"Correct." He replied walking off.

"Aye where you are going?" I asked him.

"What? You expect me to tell you a bedtime story now? Thank you for your help but you're better leaving me alone. bad things happen to me and you seem bright kiddo I don't want to drag you down." He replied before falling to the ground again. Catching him I helped him back up.

"Look Oldman what's with the rush. You got nowhere to go right how about I get you a meal. I'll bet you haven't had a good meal in a while." I offered.

"… I guess so," The Oldman muttered.

"But I'll manage I'm going to die anyway a meal today won't feed me tomorrow. It only stops the inevitable," The Oldman grumbled his stomach rumbling.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something," I stated.

"Oh, and what's that?" He asked interested.

"We'll chat over dinner," I smiled.

Reaching the Diner, I ordered three large meals while he only ordered a medium meal. Norming away he look on at me in confusion his face looking in slight disgust as I munched away at my meal. Devouring my meal, he sighed.

"If your only purpose was to bring me here to hear you eat your food I'll be leaving," The Oldman stated about to leave.

"So, you're an army vet what was your first kill like?" I asked him , causing him to freeze and pause. Sitting down he looked at me confused.

"Just what do you want?" The Oldman asked.

"An offer." I replied.

"What type of offer?" He questioned.

"A Million of things happen on these streets. Some small, some big. Some good, some bad. I want someone who can tell me these things. I need a little birdy who can get me information on criminals. I'm not some god so I can't just watch over everybody's neck so I need someone like you who blends into the streets. Someone who society actively ignores, and I find you the best candidate," I stated.

"So, you only helped me because you needed someone for your own schemes?" He scoffed.

"There's no free lunch in this world what I'm willing to offer to you will be more than enough to help you back to your feet," I advised.

"Oh, and what are you willing to give me in return?" He replied.

"A wounded soldier is a bad soldier. Don't you find it strange that after drinking my red vile you were instantly able to be back on your feet? Join me and you'll be back in action." I continued.

"And what if I don't want too?" He asked menacingly.

"Then I'll have to kill you," I replied tapping my fingers.



"I'm just kidding but on a serious note if you don't want to join me, then do so. Forget what I said and leave. If you want to go back to being another bum on the street go ahead. I'm offering you a once in a lifetime opportunity, A new life. I'm offering a chance to help people. If you don't want that then leave." I urged.


"What do I have to do to join?" He asked determined.

"It's quite simple meet me at this abandoned warehouse at night and if you have any other friends bring them along with you as well," I replied paying for our food and sliding him some cash.

"So why exactly are we here again?" Dick asked looking through the Ferrari's windows. (Ferrari 458 Special)

"We're here to investigate the new hero's abilities and thought process. Black mask and Penguin were taken out by him and while I'm thankful he did, his methods were quite ruthless," Bruce explained driving.

"New Hero? Are sure you're not just targeting him because he took out your villains'?" Dick asked only to earn a glare back.

"I mean I'm not wrong, am I?" Dick questioned rubbing his head.

"We're here on a business trip I don't want you running around looking for our target even if he's right in front of you. Am I clear? We need to find this new hero I'm not a fan of leaving Gotham naked." Bruce commanded Dick.

"Crystal." Dick replied smiling.

"So, what's for lunch?" He questioned.

"That local dinner looks good," Bruce replied seeing a family diner.

"Oh, so no medium rare wagyu steak glazed with truffle sauce and English potato's today?" Dick joked rubbing his stomach while licking his lips.

"I can almost taste the flavour," Dick thought dreaming of such a beautiful meal. The succulent juice's escaping the tender steak with the sauce and mash potato's just adding that little flavour to keep it even.

"Sometimes eating the same thing every day can get bland." Bruce replied leaving the car.

"What do you want to get?" He asked.

"Anything with Milk chocolate in here?" Dick asked.

"Chocolate will ruin your teeth pick something else," Bruce replied entering. Everybody seeing the Billionaire looked on in shock.

"It's Bruce Wayne," A voice muttered.

"Yeah it is," Another confirmed.

"Hello everybody," Bruce greeted. Faking his smile, he made his way to the counter.

"It seems like you came here more to flex than anything," Dick joked before ordering his order.

"Can I get some Hot chips please," Dick ordered.

"And I'll have the special for today," Bruce ordered.

Making their way to their seats he noticed a man and Oldman sitting in the corner of the diner talking to each other. Seeing the Oldman he saw his worn out clothes and dirty face seeing his gloves full of holes he sighed before noticing the man in front him seeing the back of his he didn't get much out besides the fact he was brown and had a fade.

"Feeding the poor how nice of him,' Bruce thought before seeing the Oldman's face enrage before going pausing and going back to normal. Seeing that he walked up to them.

"Greeting Gentlemen anything going on here?" He asked looking over them. Now Infront he saw the man's face. Seeing him he looked quite young yet masculine. He looked like he was twenty in age. His frame was well off maybe muscular. It was hard to tell from the baggy clothes.

"Oh well if it isn't the famous Bruce Wayne," The Oldman stated in disgust and sarcasm.

"Bruce Wayne? Ah you're that rich guy, aren't you?" The young man questioned.

"You'd be correct though I don't understand the hostility," Bruce stated flabbergasted.

"It's people like you who put me on the streets you. I'll be on my way now friend, thank you for the meal and money," The Oldman spat leaving the diner.

"Well then I guess that's my que to leave as well. It was nice meeting you Mr. Wayne enjoy your meal." The young man stated putting his shades on and leaving.

"Why'd the Oldman get angry at you we didn't do anything wrong." Dick asked flabbergasted as well.

"Sometimes when someone has nowhere to go they blame the people on top," Bruce thought before eating his meal in silence the crowd people who heard going back to what they were doing.

"So, you made it," Tavita stated in his outfit. Holding a brick, he held it in his hand.

"I did," The Oldman replied. Behind him were two other old homeless people.

"You know you never told me your name," Tavita stated.

"True. Let restart I'm Logan Miller my friends behind me are Sarah Connor and Wade smith. Both of them are veterans like me who were left on the streets. The rest are either scattered or dead. So, what's your name?" He asked.

Sarah had one eye with scars all over her arms. She looked to be of Asian descent. Wade had one arm and looked to be off African American descent his body quite well of. He looked to be healthy for a homeless person though.

"Well since we're going to be quite acquainted, I'll tell you when you sign this. after that I'll tell you everything, you'll need to know about me," Tavita explained holding a contract.

"Oh, and how can we trust you? This might be some sort of sadistic trap you planned for us," Sarah doubted.

"Well I tell you what I'll give a sample of what I'm willing to give if you join me," Tavita appeased by giving Logan a strange serum. It's bright white glow interesting the others.

"What is it?" Logan asked confused.

"Try it you'll and you'll find out," Tavita explained.

"Look kid I'm not one to play games what exactly is it?" Wade asked angered.

"Trust me." Tavita protested.

"Look here you little -," Wade growled before being held back by Logan.

"It's alright… I trust him," Logan replied.

"Hmm alright then but if I see something's up, I'll bash your teeth in. It doesn't matter if I only have one arm left my fist still can do the job." Wade threatened stretching his arm.

Logan taking a deep breath gulped the whole vial instantly making sure not a single drop was left. Entering his mouth, he felt himself cough his throat burning. Getting on the ground he laid there coughing violently.

"I knew we should have trusted this shit head. Sarah hold him down I'm going to teach him why you don't fuck with us Veterans," Wade stated going in for a straight.

"Wait!" Logan stated. His body convulsing violently before getting up shakily.

"It's alright Logan I got this," Wade stated.

"Stop!" He shouted this time. Wade going in paused his fist inches from Tavitas face who only looked on unfazed. A punch from an Oldman wasn't going to do much damage to him so what was there to be scarred off. If he could take a bat to the head directly what's an old mans punch going to do to him?

"I'm alright… In fact, I feel better!" Logan replied getting up his back pain gone, his scars gone, and wrinkles gone. His old body was now replaced with smoother skin, stronger bones and muscles.

"I feel like I'm twenty-five again!" He cheered looking at his hands. Touching his stomach, he smiled even more. His youth had returned his scars now gone.

��Are sure that's you Logan?" Sarah asked confused. Touching his face she smiled.

"You're young now? But how? A serum can't just instantly bring back someone's youth again. What if it's some sort of one-time thing. What of the aftereffects?" She muttered.

"There's a flying alien protecting Metropolis and you're denying the effects of my potions," Tavita sighed.

"Potion? What are you some sort of wizard?" Sarah teased.

"Well I'm not a miracle worker as some might say but I do dabble in the mystic arts," Tavita smiled conjuring mana orbs around him.

"Magic how Preposterous something like that can't exist. Those things are fairy tales stop joking with me. Are we some sort of lab rats to you," She scoffed.

"So, an invincible alien flying around in his underwear is believable, but magic isn't? I believe your beliefs are quite twisted besides, you've seen it yourself what type of vial would bring you back to your youth and who would be willing to share it with some homeless veterans. If I was going to have you be my lab rats, you wouldn't be here you'd be strapped to a chair until your last breath which could be tomorrow. Your old bones have been through war and have withered, a quick brick to your head would be the end for you. But I'm here and I'm willing to give you a fresh start. A start where you won't have to be left on the streets like some dead dog." Tavita explained.

"Hmm, I'm still sceptical what exactly do you want us to do when we join you?" Sarah asked.

"So, you didn't tell them Logan," Tavita sighed hearing her ask.

"What? I asked if they wanted to come with me somewhere and they agreed in an instant." Logan admitted.

"Well anyway I'm going to protect these streets and I need eyes and ears everywhere I need someone like you who society looks away from and despises. I need you to gather information for me and for that I need you to sign this," Tavita replied holding a contract in his hand.

"Once you sign this a drop of blood is required from you and once you do you officially become my what would I call it?" Tavita explained.

"Slaves," Sarah spat.

"No slaves wouldn't gain anything from being under me it would be a once sided relationship what I want is loyalty. You see the contract requires you to willingly take it. I can't force you to sign it even If I wanted to though Once you do you can't back out," Tavita explained.

"The word follower would be more appropriate," Tavita stated.

"Here's the contract." Tavita continued, giving Logan the contract, pen and knife.

"Hmm what are the terms?" He asked.

"Look at it," Tavita replied.

<Blood Contract>

If you sign this contract you will be under the authority of <ՇคשเՇค ๒г๏ฬภ> follower will be forced to obey the authority of <ՇคשเՇค ๒г๏ฬภ> no matter what. Their word is law in turn the follower will be gifted with 20% of their boss's strength.

"This seems risky there's not much here only 20% of your strength for my freedom this seems unfair," Logan stated.

"I would also give you $50'000 each but where would you hold it besides I'm giving you the youth potion as well and didn't you notice that your scars are gone just imagine what would happen if you had a missing limb? Trust me you won't regret it." Tavita explained.

"Just how strong are you though?" Wade asked.

"See this brick?" Tavita asked.

"What of it?" She answered.

Tavita throwing it in the air punched it air the dust going everywhere.

"Now imagine if that were someone's skull," Tavita replied.

"So, what do you say?" Tavita asked smiling devilishly.

"A deal it is then," The rest replied signing the contract and dripping their blood into it. Finishing it, it burned its ashes disappearing into the void that is space. Giving them the potions, they quickly went back to their prime.


*You've gained 3 followers*

Name: Logan Miller

Occupation: None

Titles: Ex-soldier, corporal, Ex-enforcer

Level: 25

HP: 300/300

MP: 0/0

Money: $300

Race: Human

Strength: 25 + 10

Constitution: 20 + 10

Intelligence: 15

Agility: 10 + 6

Luck: 8

Wisdom: 20

Name: Sarah Connor

Occupation: None

Titles: Ex- Soldier, Medic

Level: 20

HP: 250/250

MP: 0/0

Money: 0

Race: Human

Strength: 15 + 10

Constitution: 15 + 10

Intelligence: 22

Agility: 15 + 6

Luck: 8

Wisdom: 30

Name: Wade smith

Occupation: none

Titles: Ex-soldier, Weapon expert, Ex-enforcer

Level: 22

HP: 400/400

MP: 0

Money: $10

Race: Human

Strength: 25 + 10

Constitution: 30 + 10

Intelligence: 22

Agility: 10 + 10

Luck: 8

Wisdom: 20

"A good choice indeed. Now that you're my followers I'll tell you who I am. My name is Tavita Brown and I'm currently sixteen years old, who is currently seeking to protect the streets of Miami, "Tavita explained before seeing their stats and looked at their titles confused.

'Ex-enforcer? Hmm so a former criminal…. Oh well they're on the good side now," Tavita thought seeing their status's.

"Bullshit, you must have taken one of these potions yourself," Wade called out.

"I'm not lying what reason what I need to lie for? I'm sixteen. My parents died because of the incompetence of the police and while I trust them something is wrong. So, while I find the truth, I want to purge these streets of crime whether I die because of it. I want you three to build our connections currently I don't have a base of operations or a way to gather information. I need you to do that for me. Here is some cash to start it up." Tavita explained pulling out three duffel bags with new clothes and cash.

"I have feeling you know more homeless people who are willing to give information for us for a price I want you three to be our fence. Instead of keeping that info to themselves or police they come give it to us instead. Inside the bags are $5000. It's not a whole lot but as a sixteen-year-old conjuring authentic cash isn't easy." Tavita explained.

'I can't conjure cash, but I can't really tell them my game became a game,' He thought to himself.

"Well what are our code names we can't be calling ourselves by our real names, I also need a new identification we're dead now. We can't exactly go around saying we gained our youth back. I'm going to need more cash If I'm going to get new papers." Wade explained.

"Hmm how much do you need?" Tavita asked scratching his chin.

"I need $150'000 for all of us," He reaffirmed.

"Here, don't make me regret this," Tavita warned throwing another duffel bag to them the cash inside. Although seeing his money disappear like air he understood that a good foundation would save him millions.

"you won't," He reassured.

"Now for names. Address me as Titan it's how the streets will know me as. Now for you three tell me what you want your code names to be?" Tavita asked.

"You can call me Mercy," Sarah smiled.

"Just call me Stone," Wade replied.

"Hmm call me… Wolf," Logan decided.

"Great now head off. Meet me back at my apartment when you're done and remember, not tell a single soul of what happened here. Not even god," Tavita stated giving them his address.

"See you later," Tavita farewelled before disappearing the cold air of outside now entering.

"He's quite the kid," Logan muttered.

"He is… Let's go get what the boss ordered, we'll also need to get some untapped phones can't have the feds on our case, if we really are going to go this deep," Wade explained still moving his missing arm.

"Untapped phones and fake papers I never knew you were this deep into the criminal world Wade," Sarah stated still getting use to her eye returning.

"Should we tell her?" Wade asked Logan.

"I think it's time don't worry I won't burden you in telling her," He reaffirmed.

"Just what exactly are you two on about," Sarah asked confused.

"Since we technically died, I believe it's time we tell you," Logan explained.

"When Wade and I came back from the war we took certain jobs for the Falcone family. Some jobs we regret to this day. Maybe helping this kid will wash away our sins even if it may be hard. I didn't lose this arm in the war after all," Logan finished, walking outward with the two-following suite. Their silence cutting deep into the atmosphere.

"Help! Someone please… Help me…" A voice cried out as a group of men attempted to rape the young lady, their cocks already out ready to penetrate her. Gripping their hands on her arms they forced her to submit, punches to her stomach to force her down.

A total of six pinned her to the ground as they carried at their act of impurity.


Tavita arriving to the scene slammed one of the goon's head to the wall his body dropping to the floor like a puppet. Finishing with him he kicked one of the men in the knee leaving him on the ground crying. The impact fracturing it.

Punching one in the balls he shot mana orbs at the rest of the goons each to their chest. He was going to use a mana bullet but decided against it as a mana bullet would pierce through a target while a mana orb did not. Walking to the downed goons Tavita thought of something before smiling.

*New spell created*

[Mana rope] Level MAX - A rope made from mana. It has physical durability and disappears after some time as mana scatters. MP cost: 3, Duration: 20 minutes.

'No this wasn't quite right… How about binding them on activation instead,' Tavita thought.

*Spell has been updated*

[Bind] Level MAX: A skill to tie an enemy with a rope made of mana. It has physical durability and disappears after some time as mana scatters. MP cost: 10, Duration: 20 minutes.

*You've gained 2 point of Intelligence*

"*Cough* What in the *Cough* Fuck was *Cough* that," The goon muttered coughing ballistically.

"That would be me, Titan." Tavita replied stomping him in the head. Binding all of the criminals he made his way to the victim to call the police but stopped. The victim was in no mental capacity to call the police her tears evident of this.

'How am I going to call the police without them recognizing my voice. Maybe if I could distort my voice, I would be able to talk to them without getting my voice identified,' Tavita thought before thinking of a spell.

*New spell created*

[Voice Distorter] Level Max – Distort one's voice. MP cost: 5 minutes per minute.

'No this wouldn't do as well distorting my voice would be to menacing maybe if I were to change it entirely,' He though again before breathing in and out and forming mana around his throat his mind thinking of changing his voice entirely.

*Spell has been updated*

[Voice changer] Level Max – Change ones voice entirely. MP cost: 8 per minute.

*You've gained 2 point of Intelligence*

"Hello? Yes, I'm here to report a crime. An attempted rape on a woman I was walking by when I heard her calling for help. We're near Birds street lane in an alley near Marys bakery. The suspects have already been neutralized." Tavita replied before ending the call from one of the suspects' phone.

"It's alright now you're safe. the police are on their way now everything will be alright I'll be here until the police come." Tavita stated sitting next to her.

"Really*Sniffle*?" She asked.

"Of course," Tavita replied before feeling someone watching, ignoring it he continued to sit with the girl.


"Thank you *Sniffle* , " She muttered. Sitting there, the police made their way and arrived in the alley. Three cop cars arrived.

"Hello miss are you there?" A police officer asked.

"Yes I am." She voiced out her voice dim.

"There she is sir we're going to need a statement from her especially with this new vigilante on the loose," The cop stated to the other officer.

"Can't believe he called us and now we can't track him because the call was made with one of the suspects phone, this is going to be pain. Just get the girl to safety she looks like she's been through a lot. Get the commissioner on the line I'm going to need to ask him on what to do with this new vigilante." The policer officer sighed.

"Hello? Yes, this is me, Officer Wilson." The officer called.

"Hmm. Ok. Yep. Alright. Wait. What now? You sure? Aright sir," The officer replied.

"So?" The other officer asked.

"He said to leave him be and to get the vigilante's name or something." The officer replied.

"Say missy did you catch the vigilantes name by any chance?" The officer asked the lady.

"Yes, he went by the name… Titan," She replied.


*Quest complete*

*You have acquired $500 and 550 experience*

"Status," Tavita muttered softly.

Name: Tavita Brown (Titan)

Occupation: The Gamer

Titles: Orphan, Vigilante, sorcerer


- Negative Reputation with Authority figures

- Positive Reputation with Citizens


- Gain the power of mana


Level: 9 (1000/90000)

HP: 575/575

MP: 500/500

Money - $357,500

Race: Homo Magi – Homo Magi (also called Homo Magus) is a sub-race of naturally magic-wielding humans. Being born a magician magic is second nature to you.

Strength: 50 (Locked)

Constitution: 50 (Locked)

Intelligence: 50 (Locked)

Agility: 30 (Locked)

Luck: 10 -> 15

Wisdom: 42

Attribute points: 80


Stone fists: Your fists are as hard as rock when dealing physical damage, it is increased by 15%

Bronze Bones: While your Bones are strong, they have increased in density and are now stronger increase Health by 15%.

*You have reached 50 for intelligence pick perk*

a) The heart of a sorcerer: Decrease the cost of spells by 15%

b) The power of a sorcerer: Increase the damage spells by 15%

c) The mind of a sorcerer: Increase the duration spells by 15%

'Select A ,' Tavita thought.

*a) has been selected*

*You have reached the limit of the human body*

*New Quest*

Quest: Limitless*Repeatable until beaten*

Mission: There are many things in life which have a limit. The gamer is one of them. Prove this false by breaking beyond your limits and stepping into the boundaries of a god. You are not human you are beyond.



By pressing enter you will be transported to a simulation world where you will be forced to battle enemies of the same stats. Your skills will happen determine your outcome. Stats may be supreme but not enough stats can be compensated with skill.

Time limit: None


- Booted out of Simulation for 24 hours

- Stats decreased by 50% for 12 hours


- Unknown

'Man, everything's coming together being a vigilante is pretty easy,' I thought smiling.

Standing over the crime scene two figure watched as Tavita fought the crooks. Hi strength being shown to an imposing figure while the other smaller.

"So, what do you think of him? He seems alright," Robin asked the dark knight.

"He's strong but lacks any form of martial arts or skill. He has heart I'll admit but the way he dispatched them was dangerous and likely lethal. One mistake and they could die," Batman deduced.

"Yeah but they're still criminals anyway," Robin replied.

"No. Just because we have the power to break them shouldn't mean we end them. Our job is to save lives, not end them. The law shall decide their punishment not us," Batman corrected.

"Fine, but what do you think he is? Those orbs seemed strange," Robin asked.

"Likely an alien or sorcerer. The way he vanished was either Super speed, invisibility or teleportation," Batman deduced.

"Sorcerer? Like the one with wands?" Robin asked.

"Of course. Who do you think Doctor Kent was?" Batman questioned.

"I thought he was just some sort of weirdo who liked wearing a helmet. Thought he was an alien as well." Dick replied.

"You've got much to learn," Batman replied gliding away.