
Chapter 3

"Sister Terica I've come to leave the orphanage," I stated sitting down.

"Is there a particular reason you want to leave or has your expulsion pushed you too?" She asked confused raising an eyebrow she awaited a response.

"I believe it's time I finally enter society although I was expelled, I believe school has been restricting me. I feel as though I need to contribute to society," I explained.

"I understand but why leave the orphanage this seems so sudden you only turned sixteen a few weeks ago?" She asked again leaning on her hands.

"I don't mean to be feel rude, but I want to experience what it's like to live on my own staying here has been a welcoming experience, but it is holding me back as well." I elaborated.

"In what way exactly?" She asked again. Hearing her continued questioning I sighed.

"I want to have my own room and the orphanage isn't cutting it. Changing clothes always seems like an awkward experience for everyone," I explained.

"I understand now you're a growing boy with raging hormones," She replied winking to me earning me a slight cringe.

"Well I've got the papers right here just sign here and the date you are leaving. It's always saddening to see an old face leave but as a mother to many I know when to let you go," She continued smiling. Picking the papers, I signed it and then set the date of my leave to be in two days which should be enough for me.

"In a rush I see?" She joked before grabbing a few more files from her desk, for herself. she always was busy. Leaving her to herself I made my way to my laptop that I bought with the money I was getting from my parents' insurance and case.

Going through it I researched the areas I was going to go to and how exactly I was going to get information on the streets being a vigilante I couldn't negotiate with criminals. I didn't have the infamy for it and with reports of super powered vigilante's cable of fracturing a man's body to dust but keep him alive was scary. I wouldn't want to get in the crossfire and be mistaken as a criminal. The risk was too high.

Looking at new reports I started to get the gist of it. Some were more open while others were lowkey. The latter's option would better suit me. Most crimes that happen at night would better suit me. Only dangerous individuals conduct crimes in broad daylight. Those people were dangerous. A thug is easier to deal with then a homicidal maniac waving a gun around in broad daylight shooting people. Seeing the List of vigilantes, I started to dot down their names in my files while trying to make out their locations and looks. Certain Vigilantes or Heroes as what they call themselves would stick to their area. An example would be the infamous Batman.

Files – The Heroes of America

Gotham – Mostly dark and rainy the weather is terrible with crime rate soaring through the roof. Dread is its middle name. It's a good place to farm for experience and money but it's Home to the Batman.

Description: Around 6ft, extremely bulky yet lean, is very skilled in hand to hand combat Carries an array of weapons/gadgets or is extremely versatile in powers. Seeing a video posted online of him I started to wonder just who he was. The video was moderately blurry with a figure of a bulk man dodging and weaving through criminals before beating them up. He then disappeared though the method could be quite anything and although he could be human the reports and victims said by them say otherwise. A man like that can't be always this active and be this healthy and lean all the time. Maybe he had strange powers like me or maybe something else. He also seemed to have a side kick though I didn't understand why he needed one. He was already packing fire power was this kid somehow his son or something? The kid also seemed to have the same powers as him. The man was ambiguous to say the least.

Metropolis – The land of the great and sunny sunshine. Where Bright smiles are filled with hope. Home to Superman the man of steel.

Description: The man is incredible he is invulnerable to bullets and explosives. Standing at about 6ft 2 with chiselled muscles the man is the definition of invincible and with him around crime has lowered significantly meaning less Experience and Money for me. He seems to wear a caped costume with a large red S on his chest. He also seems to like to wear his under wear outside of his pants… I guess there's a price to such powers. Who knew what other powers he had not only is he incredibly strong, he can fly! This was displayed by him saving a falling plane it was all over the news! He was out of this world. Though the strange thing is the man doesn't wear a mask and hasn't been caught. There is something going on here. Maybe he has the power to just shuffle the idea of his face behind your brain, so it doesn't link to any others, though I'll never know.

Gateway city – An average city with an extraordinary hero. Home to Wonder women.

Description: It seems this city had the famous Wonder Women she stood around 5ft 9, with chiselled muscles as well. A quick history lesson would show she participated in world war 1 and 2. She seemed to have super strength and speed with weapons at her disposable such as a lasso and bracelets though that's all I can see from her armour. It was quite the revealing type. She had quite the jugs and thighs with a beautiful face. I may be called horny for out her looks but at the end of the day but how can I not appreciate art? Anyway, her city was out of the door that was her turf and I wasn't willing to enter it knowing someone's stealing my thunder and resources. I wasn't strong enough to contend with such big players yet. Maybe when I gain enough power and knowledge but for now, I'm just a strong teenager. A bullet to the head was it for me.

Star city – Just like wonder woman's city there isn't much going on here. Home to Green Arow who I presume to be an archer just from the name alone.

Description: Just like Batman theirs is barely any information besides witnesses and bystanders. He's been said to be around 5ft 11 with blond hair but other than that he's good with the bow. How boring. He's not even that interesting like what kind of powers are that? Though at least he is doing something to the community. Saving lives were important even if his methods are boring.

Central city: Now this one's interesting home to the flash who I presume has speed related powers.

Description: Well just like in the description there's nothing the man is a literal flash a speedster. All the pictures the media has on him is a red flash and yellow static electricity from him running around.

Well that's all that I could compile while there are other's they seem to have no sighting's or significance to the media while green arrow may have been mediocre compared to the rest one cannot underestimate a hero even if they may seem weak. One's power doesn't just come down to his power but skills and from the way these heroes conduct their business the only one who has no skill is superman. Though who needs skill when you have extreme power?


*You've gained 1 point of wisdom*

Thinking of my costume I decided against trying to look like a badass but clothes that would conceal my Identity. While I could get some armour, I don't know where, so I'll stick to concealing clothes and here we go my list of clothes:

· Air force ones

· Black cargo pants

· Black woollen gloves

· Balaclava ski mask

· Black sleeveless shirt

Although I would need a costume or symbol, I would stick to this for now. One needs experience for the job not the suit while it certainly makes you look better a sparkling piece of dog shit is still dog shit no matter how much you do to it.


*You've gained 1 point of wisdom*

Now that I got my description of Heroes and their cities and costume all I needed now was a plan. If I was going to get information how would I do it and just which city was, I planning to enter… Hmm Florida Miami seems right, it's away from all the rest of the Heroes and would be a great start for my crusade. Crime rates also seem to have been increasing latterly… How lovely. Miami the city of parties. How catchy it has a nice ring to it. Now was information… Who would be my eyes and ears of the city for me… Ah, I just know the people or well type. The Homeless. Unwanted by society they walked and slept in the streets.


*You've gained 1 point of wisdom*

If I were to be my eyes and ears on the street, I would be able to stop crimes before they even happened or stop it before it's too late. Smiling to myself I closed my laptop satisfied with my plan, with it finished all that I needed to do was set it down in on motion. With the gamer's powers I will be invincible.


*You've gained 1 point of wisdom*

*2 days later*

Location: Florida, Miami

"So, this is Miami," I muttered looking around. Feeling the sun's rays hit me hard I thanked god for wearing sunglasses, singlet and shorts, I heard it was hot but I didn't think it was going to be this hot. Walking down the streets I made my way around the streets and took the long way to my new apartment, I needed to get use to these streets. If I was going to protect these streets, then I was going to need to know it like the back of my hand. Finally arriving to my new apartment, I was greeted by the landlord.

"Welcome to your new home Tavita here is your key to the place. We've just refurbished it so it should be alright. Enjoy your stay here. If you need anything contact me." She explained before walking away. Getting in I dropped my bad to the floor and rested on the couch.

"It's really quiet here. Too quiet," I muttered closing my eyes.

Getting up I decided to finish my quest for the day. Looking at it I stretched and dug through my bag looking for my headphones. Mindlessly Training was boring and with my strength it was all about enduring the grind. Planning my day, I decided to look for a library while also exploring the city. When I came home, I would then finish my day off with push-ups, squats, and sit ups I didn't want everyone see me blast through my training. With this I was killing two bird with one stone.

*Music playing: Blinding lights*

"And off we go," I muttered making my way out. While I was here, I would study for a while. The money I had in my Inventory would last me a good solid month before I needed to find a job. I didn't want police officers getting suspicious of me when I started my manhunt on the criminals of Miami. I first needed the skills to do without getting detected. An Alibi would get me a long way. With my inventory evidence with my fingerprints or DNA could be removed. Although there were exceptions the more options the better.


Daily Quest: The steps to power

Do 100 Push ups: 12 (Incomplete)

Do 100 Squats: 10 (Incomplete)

Run 10 kilometres: 10 (complete)

Do 100 Sit-ups: 10 (Incomplete)

Time limit: 24 hours (Time left: 14 hours)

Penalty: No Rewards


- HP potion <Heals 250 points of HP>

- Energy rations

"Nice," I muttered before reaching the Library finishing my survey of the area I concluded that Miami was alright for a place but it did carry some suspicious figures such as a group of me moving a "Rubbish truck" but didn't stop for any of the full bins. The parties also seemed to scream with vigour with young teens such like me not giving a care in the world, but some seem to be too much out of this world… Drugs were definitely being supplied but by who? A question for latter. A culling was going to happen but for now these books were going to be read first.

<The Tale of Trigon the Demon overlord Volume: 1>

"Hmm what an interesting Book I pulled out," I muttered. Looking at it the front cover was dyed with red and showed a drawing of a muscled demon with ten eyes and one horn. Being placed in the fiction section it sure was a fairy tale. Putting It back I chose another book. I wanted to see if I could read a baby book and still fulfill the requirements of the quest.

<Learning ABC's>

Reading it I found the status of the quest the same. It seems the book wouldn't count but then what would? Going back to the previous book I decided to read it and see if it would complete it. Just what were the requirements for the book to count.

Reading it, it took me one hour to successfully read and it was quite interesting this Trigon was described as an ancient primordial evil that once ruled the universe but was chained to the underworld.


*You've gained 1 point of Intelligence*

Seeing the notification and status of the quest I sighed in understanding. The books requirements were to be a large text. Thinking about textbook's I decided to read it as well. Even though I hated the thought of touching it I decided to see if I could read grade 6 textbooks and make my way up eventually.


*You've gained 1 point of wisdom*

<Grade 6 math textbook>

'Oh, the dread,' I thought seeing it. Well if it doesn't work then it mean I won't have to worry about reading the other textbooks. Finishing it I finished reading it in 2 hours. The brick size of a book was giving me a headache.


*You've gained 1 point of Intelligence*

Seeing the notification, I smiled. At least the two hours of life wasn't wasted at least I could gain more intelligence from these books though I wonder how much intelligence I would gain before they required me to read more to give me an attribute. It seems it was easy for me to gain it right now because of my low intelligence.


*You've gained 1 point of wisdom*

Hmm so I was indeed right. Continuing my search for a good novel I reached an interesting novel. It's content's piquing my interest as I was a fan of fantasy. Sword and daggers just seemed cool to me, but I knew that it just wasn't for me. Reading it was cool wielding it was another. My fists could handle the job better.

<Tales of Tauriel: The arrow and Knee>

Seeing the large book, I decided to read it and found myself being engrossed in it. For a weird title, the book told of a story of an upcoming ambitious adventurer who sought fame and glory before being struck in the knee by an arrow a bandit leaving him crippled and unable to manoeuvre freely. Seeing his adventuring days over he became a guard. It was quite the story.


*You've gained 1 point of intelligence*

"Ah, sir the library is closing now would you kindly leave the library now. If you want to borrow a book you can, we just need you to sign a few papers for a library card. After that it's yours well for a while you still need to bring them back after a week," She offered.

Hearing her I walked up and grabbed another two books. One being a grade two math textbook and another being a sci-fi novel. A good change of theme would serve me well. An overused theme would get boring after a while after all.

"Ok just sign here and… Here. There we go just right your name on the card well you're free to go now Tavita," She stated.

"Thank you," I replied leaving the Library. Checking the status on my quest I nodded satisfied. Why didn't I do this sooner…

Quest: The path of a Sorcerer!

Mission: Realizing why you haven't been able to use magic you must open your mind to knowledge. A sorcerer's mind is their biggest weapon. Knowledge is power.

Read 100 books: 3 (Incomplete)

30 wisdom is required: 42 (complete)

30 intelligence is required: 15 (Incomplete)

Time limit: No limit

Penalty: No penalty


- Activation of mana

- New spell

- Youth potion bundle

Getting home I decided to finish my daily quest although I couldn't develop it further the grind would allow my mind to stay vigilant when I could for some reason something was blocking me from surpassing my limits.

My punches and kicks were violent with a single strike being able to knock someone out. I had to hold back just in case I killed someone but even then, I wouldn't care sometimes. My body was near impenetrable to knife slashes while certain knife stabs were another story. My speed was also fast with me being compared to or faster than Usain Bolt. It felt good knowing my progress compared to six years ago. I went from a chubby kid to muscled freak. Though even with these stats a bullet to the head or heart would end me.

Thinking about it may just be my intelligence holding me back. I should have increased it long ago, but I guess my immaturity and impulsiveness to bullies was getting too my head. I focused too much on my body I forgot about my mind while complaining too much about not getting it. At least now I understand my mistakes after all failure is the mother to success. I guess depression attributed to my unwillingness to learn in school as well but I'm not going to admit that.