
Chapter 2

*6 years later*

Location: Colorado, Brighton state high school

"Meet us at the back of the school after lunch, bitch. If you don't, I'm going to fuck you up and that bitch head of friend you have. What's his name again? Ah, yes Ching Chong Chang the fucking little bitch!" A teenager swore the cigarette in his mouth flicking sparks every it's smell apparent in the air.

Spitting on the floor he made his way to his class his group of lackeys following suite. The figure being sworn at unbothered placed his art book down and made his way out of the library and to his class.

Standing at 188cm tall he towered over most over his age , Brandishing Hazel eyes they expressed a primal strength, it's claws ready to pounce on its game. Stretching his muscles, he pulsed with vigour and raw power.

Sitting at the back of the classroom he sat unbothered as he waited for it to end. Leaving his class, he was stopped by a tug on his back. Feeling someone tug on his hoodie the figure looked down to see his friend.

"You don't have to do this Tavita. Please… Just act like it didn't happen. Please," The voice pleaded tugging tighter.

"I'm sorry Chang but… I'm doing this for myself as well," Tavita answered walking away.

Stepping to the back of the school and dropped his bag to the floor and readied himself. Cracking his knuckles, he stretched, pulling of his hoodie to reveal his menacing body. With muscle like these anyone would back down. Counting there were a total of five of them not including their leader.

"Look at this dickhead he actually showed up!" A lacky spat, laughing like a hyena. Tavita looking ahead saw that each adversary held a weapon. Each one ranging from the sport equipment to their mothers Bantry.

"I'll give you one warning and one warning now. If you leave now, I promise not to end you," Tavita warned.

"Do you see this guy? Ha! What a joke," The leader insulted.

"We're going to teach you why you don't mess with us," The Leader of the group sneered walking up.

Slamming the baseball on Tevita's head he naturally went on one knee his head feeling groggy. Feeling the piercing pain in his head he kneed there readjusting himself. Hearing his ear's ring he gripping onto his knee ready to retaliate.

The Leader unbothered slammed the baseball on Tavitas head the blow cracking his skull. Pushing him down he heard the slight sound of ringing piercing his ears as he felt his mind go numb. Gripping his knees, he staggered up his fist thirsting for blood. Tasting iron in his mouth he readied himself after seeing the notification.

*99 damage taken*

"Is that really all you have got to offer? Man, you're stupid! Nah, guys leave this one to me. I thought this guy was tough but he's nothing but a pussy! Watch me kill this cunt!" The leader exclaimed back to his lackeys, leaving his back to Tavita.

Tavita seeing this quickly gulped down a vial of healing the content's going down his throat instantly. Now healed he kicked him behind the leg forcing the leader to his knees. Lifting his leg Tavita delivered a quick side kick sending the leaders mind unconscious the impact instantly leaving the taste of metal and dirt in his mouth.




Everyone seeing his demonic smile froze the air surrounding them getting dense. Feeling the silent chilling breeze go down their spines they only looked on in shock and fear.

"It's fair game now." Tavita declared to the rest of the attackers.

"The fuck was that…" They all muttered as they saw him instantly deck their leader his body laying unmoving on the ground.

"Come on! If we all attack him at the same time we should be able to fuck him up," One swore before bum rushing Tavita. Running up they raised their weapons ready for the kill.

Tavita seeing one going for his head raised his hand, blocking the blade he Felt it dig through his bone and flesh. Groaning in pain he felt the attacker twist the blade.

*50 damage taken*

*54 damage taken*

Pulling him closer he head butted him pushing him before trying to punch him only to be smacked in the stomach by another baseball bat the hit pushing him forward.

*60 damage taken*

Now on the ground he quickly backed off the pain now being apparent.


Feeling numerous strikes on too his back he pulled one of them down ,the sudden jerk causing the guy to smack his head to the concrete floor. Feeling the cold pavements on his stomach he took the blunt of the curb stomps while he tried to recover his stamina.

*20 damage taken*

*20 damage taken*

*20 damage taken*

*20 damage taken*

*20 damage taken*

Grabbing the empty vial from his inventory he quickly chucked it at one of his opponent's heads crashing into it and forcing them to look away. Now with an opening he quickly crawled away a fresh vial in his hand.


*You have consumed <Health potion> LV 2*

*Health has been fully restored*

Now back at one hundred he stood up refreshed the feeling of warmth Enveloping his veins and flesh.

"Fucking hell, what is he drinking? How is he back to normal I swear the cunt got stabbed and hit ten times," One of them swore circling around Tavita the four of them now circling around the shirtless Tavita.

"Fuck I knew he was weird, but this cunt is crazy!" Another spat.

Tavita now recharged rushed the one in front of slamming his fist against the others face, the impact knocking him to the ground. Stomping on his mouth he was left unconscious his front row of teeth now loose.



*40 damage taken*

*Damage Negated*

Feeling a blow to the shoulder by the baseball bat he staggered back the throbbing pain jolting adrenaline his body .

"The fuck how did my cut not do anything I swear I cut him!" One of the exasperated in frustration.

"Man is he some sort of alien the guy's got some sort of thick skin," One of them announced.

"This is getting out of hand! Let's finish this before we get tired and the cunt somehow goes super Saiyan," They exasperated tired the fight having annoyed them to no end.

One of them throwing a punch was quickly grabbed by Tavita. Going with a left hook he knock him onto his knees. Tavita ducking down slammed the bottom of foot to the one behind him feeling his ankles hit he slipped. Now up he slammed him fist on his head before breaking his knees.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Fuck! Ah!" The lacky screamed in pain. His scream's alerting everyone near their location.

"Nah this isn't fair hurry up get up he's right there!" The last standing goon shouted.

"He... Punches like a fucking truck…" The first one hit replied laying down his mind finally giving up and going into rest mode. Now one on one Tavita stood watching the last standing goon who looked on petrified.

'Everything went so well! How the fuck did he just knock everyone out!' He thought shaking. Dropping his knife, he attempted to run away only to be pulled by the hair. Dragging him down Tavita dragged the frantic goon who pleaded with Tavita.

"Please don't hurt me! I'll do anything please! Give me a chance." The goon pleaded.

"I already gave you a chance. You should've taken it when had the chance," Tavita revealed. Punching his stomach The goon opened mouth about to scream for help only to have his upper jaw slammed onto the curb.



*Congratulations for Defeating numerous armed opponents, you have been awarded 5750xp*

"Status," He muttered. Seeing what he did he smiled.

Name: Tavita Brown

Occupation: The Gamer

Titles: Orphan

Level: 3 (2370/8000)

HP: 575/575

MP: 0/120 (Not activated)

Money - $25'000

Race: Homo Magi – Homo Magi (also called Homo Magus) is a sub-race of naturally magic-wielding humans. Being born a magician magic is second nature to you.

Strength: 50 (Locked) <Cannot be trained further or be attributed to>

Constitution: 50 (Locked)

Intelligence: 12

Agility: 30 (Locked)

Luck: 10

Wisdom: 35

Attribute points: 25


Stone fists: Your fists are as hard as rock when dealing physical damage, it is increased by 15%

Bronze Bones: While your Bones are strong, they have increased in density and are now stronger increase Health by 15%.

Description: You're a muscle head but that doesn't mean you're stupid it's just easier for you to use your fists than your brain. Books haven't always been your forte even after this whole time. You're not that fast either. So, a living tank.


[Eyes of the gamer] Level MAX - Allows the user to see through the eyes of a gamer. Levels and names of people will be displayed on their name if known. Certain people's levels will not be able to show if stronger than the user. Level also display experience no skill.

[Gamers body] Level MAX - Allows the user to live reality in the body as a game character.

[Physical endurance] Level 50 - One's tolerance to pain. Each level a gives a 1% reduction in physical pain.

[Martial Arts Mastery] Level 10 – You can throw or punch or two you're not very skilled, but you'll manage.

[Danger Sense] Level MAX – The higher the level the easier it is to perceive danger.

[Parkour} Level 12 – You can jump, run and climb but your skills are trash.

[Swimming] Level 30 – You can swim at a moderate level

[Cooking] Level 45 – You're not a professional but your meals are better than most.

[Observe] Level MAX – The observation of an object or thing. Skill will give a detailed summery using obtained knowledge on the subject. (Can be evolved)

"Oh, do I love progress," Tavita smiled wiping the blood of his hands and onto his pants.

"To the office now, I guess," Tavita muttered to himself.

"So, what was the reason he fought the other students?" The principle asked.

"Standing up to the bullies harassing his friend he says," The councillor explained.

"And what about the other students, how many were there again?" He asked again.

"6 I believe, well that's what the nurse reported, one of them stated that he snuck behind all of them and attacked them and another said he threw bricks at them, they didn't bother to explain further. Camera footage suggests it was a planned brawl as both met behind the school and fought with the group attacking first, by striking Tavita in the head with a baseball bat. The CCTV footage also suggests that all of them were armed besides Tavita. After the first hit He was then seen drinking something before engaging with the attacker and moving onto the rest and my god was it messy," The Vice principle stated passing the groups condition report.

"Fractured kneecaps… Ouch," The principle muttered.

"So, you're saying that Tavita Brown fought ten other students who carried weapons… And came out on top with nothing but his fists and a glass vial?" The Principle asked rubbing his eyes.

"That is correct sir," The IT teacher explained going through the cameras.

"Is he some sort of alien or something? That isn't humanely possible… With all these reports of strange vigilantes and spaceships I'm starting to believe this world is going crazy." The principle exclaimed.

"He's just extremely strong sir while we don't know why he just is. During his immunization we had to get a stronger syringe to just pierce his skin. The Nurses were complaining about it for a while. You've seen his suspension record, right?" The IT teacher asked.

"Indeed, expelled two times due to fighting… He's a good kid though… I've seen him in the library every day during lunch, he doesn't seem like the kid to be violent. He also helps around the school with picking up litter and helping teachers," The Guidance officer reasoned.

"The other schools have said so as well… There's not much we can do sir, our policy state's no tolerance in any fighting incident… It's why students like the ones' he fought get away with this type of stuff. Victims of this abuse don't get caught much and the ones' who are get bought into silence. While I feel sorry for him, we can't do anything but follow the process I've already tried contacting the head of education but they keep dismissing it since they believe that teachers should be notified before such incidents occur even though most are too scared to contact and with reason," The IT teacher sighed. The Guidance officer hearing this clenched his jaw. Gripping his hands, he slammed the desk in frustration.

"David!" The principle reprehended.

"I'm sorry sir. It's just… This is so fucked… Why do they always get away with this. I thought that if I could be teacher, I could make a difference but nothing's changed. It all ends the same," David explained his brows creasing and his body tensing with frustration.

"Look David I understand your pain we've all gone through a situation like this at some point but that doesn't excuse his behaviour. Rules are Rules and no matter how stupid or strict its what protects us," The Principle explained.

"Well obviously it isn't working! If it weren't Tavita who else would it be? Chang? He would be beaten, tortured, ruined and then what? Another school shooter? Another suicide? Another statistic? It truly never ends and with how things are going I won't be surprised when a kid comes down that hallway with a gun." David shook. Sitting down he wiped the sweat of his face the room turning eerily silent as David caught his breath.

"I'm sorry Sir… I'm sorry for lashing out on you but this cuts deep. Too deep. While I'm not often to get angry. I'm tired. I'm tired of seeing students being butchered. School should be a safe place of learning. Student's shouldn't fear for their livelihood when they enter those gates. Twenty years and things still haven't changed." David sighed exhausted.

"So you won… But at what cost?" Chang asked Tavita who sat on the oval awaiting his last day at this school.

"I gave you back your freedom it didn't matter the cost. They are gone now. You're safe and that's all that matters. Farewell friend," Tavita replied hearing the home bell. Walking away he felt alone once more maybe it was the best.

"Goodbye my friend…" Tavita replied.

"School just isn't for me maybe being a full-time vigilante is the way for me with this I can also amass a network to allow me to find out just why my parents were killed. Being on the streets I'll be able to get some eyes and ears on the streets." Tavita muttered. It was time for him to finally enter the world of an adult.

'If society won't accept me in their system for serving justice then I'll do it outside of it. My dad was right… if you're going to do the right thing then don't get caught. I might even steal from thieves and pocket it for myself depending on the situation. Bedside's I'm stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor the poor being me,' Tavita thought smiling.

"Though I wish I could use magic why is it I can't use it? This seems so stupid for it to just be there if I can't use it… Is it cause I'm stupid and need to increase my intelligence or wisdom to a certain degree,' Tavita though looking at his mana bar.

"If I had magic, I would be so powerful. With it I can easily become a hero," Tavita thought frustrated.




*You've gained 1 point of wisdom*

*2 New Quests*

Quest: A Hero's duty (Repeatable)

Mission: Crime has always been a problem. Better the community by lowering it.

Time limit: No limit

Penalty: No penalty


- $100 - $10000000 (Depending on the crime)

- 10xp – 1000000xp (Depending on the crime)

- 1 attribute point

Quest: The path of a Sorcerer!

Mission: Realizing why you haven't been able to use magic you must open your mind to knowledge. A sorcerer's mind is their biggest weapon. Knowledge is power.

Read 100 books: 0 (Incomplete)

30 wisdom is required: 36 (complete)

30 intelligence is required: 12 (Incomplete)

Time limit: No limit

Penalty: No penalty


- Activation of mana

- New spell

"Well then I might not need to steal from the thieves after all and with magic things will get quite easy from here," Tavita smiled seeing the new quests.