
Gaming in MHA!

Hamamura Misaki is a HORRIBLE gamer, but she really likes gaming even when she loses all the time because she feels like she's being herself the most when playing games. • • • • However one day, she suddenly passed out while working due to a severe headache. As soon she opens her eyes she realized she's in an unfamiliar place... • • • • Everything belong to their respective owner(s). I only own the oc(s), non-canon plots, and other stuff that I create from my imagination.

Otaku_123 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


In front of U.A., crowds of reporters asking students and teachers on any thoughts about All Might being a teacher.


'Is there a back door to U.A...?' Misaki wondered.

"Hmm..." Misaki tries to remember if there's another way to enter the school.

'I don't think there's any back door... but I hate crowds...' Misaki thought.

"Okay... let's just run pass them." Misaki muttered to herself.

Misaki get through the crowds while ignoring any questions the reporters had.

In class,

"Today I'll have you decide on a class representative." said Aizawa.

One after another the students offered to be the class rep until Iida suggested to hold an election and vote the person they think the most suitable for the role.

'I'll vote Iida then... he'll be the class rep later so why not.' Misaki thought.

Midoriya and Yaoyorozu got selected as class rep and deputy class rep.

After a while later, it's lunchtime.

'The cafeteria is crowded...' Misaki thought. 'I'll just quickly buy some breads and get out of here...'

On school ground,

"The bread's delicious..." Misaki murmured.

Misaki ate her breads while walking around the school.

'This school is really big...' Misaki thought.


'I'm lonely...' Misaki thought. 'I know everyone in class is nice but... it feels somewhat awkward to try to befriend an anime character...'

"Well... I used to be a loner so it's not that bad..." Misaki muttered.

'I'll make friends later if I feel like it...' She thought.


"There's has been a level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly." said the intercom.

"Guess it started..." Misaki said to herself.

Few days later,

In class,

"For today hero basic training, it turned into a class with three instructors, All Might, me and another person." said Aizawa.

"Excuse me. What'll we be doing?" Sero asked.

"Disaster, shipwrecks and everything in between. It's rescue training." Aizawa explained.

Everyone felt excited for the training.

"One more thing, you can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities too." said Aizawa. "The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all, start getting ready."

Everyone change their clothes and gets on the bus.

In the bus,

Everyone talks about Quirks that they find interesting.

"If you're talking about flashy and strong Quirks, it gotta be Todoroki's and Bakugou's, right?" said Kirishima.

"Bakugou's always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular, though." said Asui.

"What the hell, you wanna fight?!" Bakugou yelled.

"See?" Asui said.

"I think Hamamura's Quirk is pretty interesting too." said Hagakure.

"Huh?" Misaki surprised that she suddenly got put into the conversation.

"Now that I think about it, Hamamura can create things and teleport, does that mean she has two Quirks?" Mina questioned.

"?" Todoroki woke up from his nap when he heard "two Quirks".

Everyone look at Misaki waiting for an answer.

"Ah... N-no I only has one Q-Quirk.." Misaki stuttered as she answers.

'I stuttered because of the sudden pressure...' Misaki thought.

"Misaki's Quirk A.K.A me, is called "system"." The system suddenly make itself visible to others. "I have various functions and skills for Misaki to use and that's why she has more than one ability." The system explained.

"Really?! That's awesome!" said Kirishima. "How many things can you do?" He asked excitedly.

"Um.. well.. the system can do a lot of things but..." Misaki paused. "Uh.."

'How do I explain how the system works...?' Misaki thought.

Misaki looked troubled so the system decided to help. "I'll explain..." The system said.

Misaki quietly sighed in relief. She smiled apologetically towards the system. 'Sorry..' She said to the system.

'It's fine.' The system replied.

"I'm sure everyone know there's various types of Quirk if you count the sub-types. I am an evolution type Quirk, so the more Misaki grow, the stronger I get. Of course, there's a limit but for now Misaki nor do I, know whether it's possible or not to reach it since it depends on Misaki's growth as a person. So for now, there isn't much Misaki can do but there might be more in the future." The system explained.

"Excuse me but.., did you said evolution type Quirk?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Yes." The system answered while Misaki just smiled softly.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but, does one of your parents have an evolution type Quirk?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Um... I don't think so..." Misaki answered.

"That's weird.." Yaoyorozu said.

"?" Misaki didn't understand why Yaoyorozu asking all of this. " Why do you ask?" She asked.

"Don't you know? Evolution type Quirk is very "extremely" rare. And the fact that both your parents do not have an evolution type Quirk despite Quirk being hereditary, makes it more unusual." Yaoyorozu explained.

"R-really?!" Misaki genuinely surprised. "Well, I'm not really sure about my family tree so maybe an ancestor of mine have a evolution type Quirk." Misaki said whatever she had in mind.

"But didn't people start getting Quirk about four generations ago, plus back then Quirk itself are pretty rare-" Asui said.

"We're here. Stop chatting already." said Aizawa.

"Yes, sir!" The students replied.

Everyone gets off the bus and sees Thirteen in front of a dome shaped building/U.S.J.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for you." said Thirteen. "Let's go inside without delay."

"Look forward to working with you!" The students bowed respectfully towards Thirteen.

Everyone followed Thirteen and Aizawa inside the building.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etc. It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters." Thirteen explained about the building. "It's called the "Unforseen Simulation Joint" or U.S.J. for short!"

Thirteen continue to talk for a while about how dangerous a Quirk is and why they're going to learn how to use their Quirk to save lifes.

"That is all, thank you for listening." said Thirteen.

The students cheered on Thirteen speech.

"All right then, first-" said Aizawa.

*KRRR!* The light suddenly went out. The dome shaped ceiling didn't completely blocked the sunlight so it's still bright enough see inside the building.

Some kind of black mist appears in the middle of the building.

Aizawa realizes something is wrong. "Gather together and don't move!" Aizawa said. "Thirteen, protect the students!"

"What's that..?" Kirishima said when he sees people crawling out of the black mist. "Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?"

Midoriya took a step forward to take a closer look.

"Don't move!" Aizawa yelled. "... Those are villains."



The students are confused and scared by the sudden appearance of villains.

'Hey, can I get any function or skill if I survive this?' Misaki asked the system.

'I'm pretty sure you'll do just fine so no.' The system answered.

'... Stingy system..' Misaki said to the system.

'Say whatever you want it's still a no.' The system said to Misaki.
