
Gaming in MHA!

Hamamura Misaki is a HORRIBLE gamer, but she really likes gaming even when she loses all the time because she feels like she's being herself the most when playing games. • • • • However one day, she suddenly passed out while working due to a severe headache. As soon she opens her eyes she realized she's in an unfamiliar place... • • • • Everything belong to their respective owner(s). I only own the oc(s), non-canon plots, and other stuff that I create from my imagination.

Otaku_123 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

U.S.J. 2

While is fighting the group of villains, Thirteen lead all the students to flee. But, Kurogiri stop the students from escaping. Bakugou and Kirishima tried to attack Kurogiri, however it doesn't affect him at all.

Kurogiri uses his Quirk and separate the students all over U.S.J.

When Misaki got out of the warp gate, she realizes she's at the landslide zone.

'Todoroki and Hagakure should be here.' Misaki thought.

She look at her surrounding to see if Todoroki or Hagakure is around but instead she got surrounded by a dozen of villains.


'Should I run away...' Misaki thought. '.... . . . . ugh... I'm in the hero course, I don't think I should run without trying...' Misaki prepares herself to fight.


As the villains step forward to attack, Misaki quickly step to the side. Another villain breath out a bunch of smoke.

Misaki make a anti-poison mask just in case the smoke is poisonous but...

'I can't see!'

Panicking, she couldn't think of a way to see through the smoke.

A villain with a werewolf appearance tries to strike Misaki from behind.

Suddenly system uses "Screen Control" to block the attack.

"Misaki, focus!" System yelled.


'I need to calm down..'

Misaki quickly uses "Creation" to make a handgun and shoot the werewolf villain at the left shoulder and both his legs.

Then, she make a device to clear the smoke so she could see.

Before the smoke is completely clear out, the other villains attacks Misaki one after another.

After putting up a bit of a fight, the smoke finally cleared up.

She aim for the one that created the smoke first to ensure that her sight isn't obstructed again, before dealing with the others.

Misaki already defeated half of the villains but... she's too tired to fight the other half. She never gets into literal fight before so her inexperience makes it harder for her to win.

'Well, I tried... now might be time to run..' Misaki thought.

While fighting, Misaki makes sure to slowly walk away from the exact spot she "Save" at. This is so she could run away if needed to.

"I didn't really want to do this but.." Misaki creates five grenades, pull off the pins and throw it at them. "See you never."


*Boom* The sound of explosion could be heard far away.

Misaki looked at where the sound comes from and whispered quietly to herself "... I hope no one lost their life from that.." before trying to get out of the landslide zone and back to where the entrance is.

"As a student, I think I should go to where the teacher is in this kind of situation.. right?" She muttered the question to herself.

On the way to get back to the entrance, Misaki stumbled across Hagakure who seems to be walking around.

They decided to go to the entrance together.

"Oh! I also saw Todoroki-kun, should we go with him?" Hagakure asked.

"I think he should be fine, so the two of us should go first." Misaki answered.

"Oh, ok!"

After a bit of walking the two girls could finally see the entrance from far away. They also see Aizawa fighting with the villains.

"Is sensei in trouble...?" Hagakure asked with worries.

"... He'll be okay.." Misaki said to calm Hagakure down.

'He should be okay.' Misaki thought.

Misaki looked around to make sure it's safe before saying "We should sit down and rest for now. We can't really pass through there since there's too many villains on the path. Plus, we might be a burden to Aizawa-sensei if we go."

Hearing Misaki's reasoning, Hagakure decided to do as she's told and sit with Misaki.

Few minutes later, Misaki starting to feel drowsy.

She yawned and thought 'Am I feeling tired from using my Quirk more than usual or is this my lazy trait taking control...?'

'Either way, I shouldn't sleep in this situation..' Misaki thought as she yawned again.


'Where is this?' Misaki thought.

She woke in a room that seems like the nurse's office.

'This looks like... what do you call this place again..? Infirmary or something, right?' Misaki thought to herself.

She got up from the bed and walk around the room.

'Doesn't look like the hero nurse is here..'

'Should I just leave.. But if the nurse came back and saw me gone, she might freak out.. But what should I do here...'

While thinking deep in her thought, she heard the sound of footsteps coming closer.

"..." She goes closer to the door and check if the footsteps sounds like it's coming here.

'The footsteps sounds like an old lady's.' Misaki thought.

She waited for the footsteps to get closer before opening the door.

"Oh.." She said acting surprised as she sees the hero/school nurse, Recovery Girl at the door.

"Ah.. you woke up already.. Before you leave I need to talk to you." The nurse said.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Let's go back inside first." said the nurse.

Though unsure what's going on Misaki answered "Ok..?" and followed the nurse.

The nurse took a seat while Misaki sat on the side of the bed.

"Do you remember that you fainted?" The nurse asked.

"Huh? When-" Misaki were about to ask but she suddenly remembered.

She were waiting at a safe place for things to calm down back at U.S.J. She felt sleepy but refuses to lose focus at a place filled with dangerous villains. The next thing she knew, she's in the nurse's office.

"Uh.. yeah I remembered... kinda.." Misaki muttered at the end.

'I only remembered it just now. And I didn't even question how I got here... I'm an idiot...' She thought to herself.

"It seems you got exhausted from using your Quirk more than you usually does." said the nurse. "Your Quirk uses your energy to be use. I'm not surprise since there's tons of Quirks out there that uses it's owner's energy but to faint from using your Quirk, now that's a problem."

The nurse continues "To be in the "Hero Course" means you could save lives but it also means possibly losing yours... To faint on the battlefield is the same as asking for a death sentence."

"..." Misaki listens quietly since she understands what the nurse talking about despite being upset at what the nurse's said.

The nurse sighed before continuing "I suggest you quit the "Hero Course"..."

"Huh?!" The upset-ness and frustration could be seen on Misaki's face. That same face slowly look down.

'I-i know I only wanted try this course but isn't it too early to quit just because I fainted?! I understand my reason to be in this course is probably the worse out of everyone in 1-A but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to continue trying this out! Why can't they just leave me be.. I won't die.. I won't die at least for the next 60-70 years.. they don't to worry about my death... I won't die.. I know it cause I do.. so... stop blocking my path...' These thoughts came at Misaki faster than the speed of light.

"Hello? Are you asleep?" The nurse tried to get Misaki's attention when she sees Misaki glaring at the floor absent-mindedly.

"Hah?! Ah.. S-sorry.. what were you saying..?" Misaki asked while trying to hold in her "childish" frustration.

"I said, your should quit the "Hero Course"..."

Hearing it twice doesn't make Misaki feels better at all.

"Or you could work on your Quirk." The nurse said.

Misaki raised her head in surprise.

"Work on my Quirk? What do you mean?" Misaki ask in a excited childlike manner.