
Gaming in MHA!

Hamamura Misaki is a HORRIBLE gamer, but she really likes gaming even when she loses all the time because she feels like she's being herself the most when playing games. • • • • However one day, she suddenly passed out while working due to a severe headache. As soon she opens her eyes she realized she's in an unfamiliar place... • • • • Everything belong to their respective owner(s). I only own the oc(s), non-canon plots, and other stuff that I create from my imagination.

Otaku_123 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Entrance Exam.

Misaki sighed. 'Well, if I can't find a bookstore then I should go back home for now...' Misaki thought as she she starts walking back home.

When she arrives at home, she starts doing online research on martial arts and exercises to increase stamina.

The next day, 8 days left before exam.

After Misaki woke up, she had breakfast and went on a jog at the nearest park.

10 minutes later.

Misaki is taking a rest cause she doesn't want to faint in middle of the jog. "Huff... Huff... My body is seriously as weak as it was when I was 15 - 16 years old." She muttered.

'I'm feeling light-headed already...' Misaki thought.

6 days before exam.

Misaki is in her room.

"Ugh... This isn't working... My body can't keep up with any type of martial art..." Misaki said. 'Self-taught is hard...' Misaki thought.

"Hmm... maybe I can take the easy moves from every martial arts and mix it, that way even someone with weak physical condition like me can do it..." Misaki mumbled.

3 days before exam.

'I've learned some self-defense and increase my stamina. What else should I do..... maybe I'm thinking too much about this... Everything will be fine...' Misaki thought. 'Maybe I should sharpen my reflex...'

A day before exam.

'Okay. The exam is tomorrow.' Misaki thought. She took a deep breath to calm her nervousness. "Let's do our best..." Misaki whispered to herself. 'I should make sure I get enough rest.' She thought.

The day of the exam.

Misaki is standing in front of U.A. She's tries to ease her nervousness by taking a few deep breath before she enter school.

After Yamada/Present Mic gave the explanation on the exam, all students move to where the exam will take place.

Everyone is murmuring and talking to each other before arriving at their destination.

'Soo noisy...' Misaki thought.



[Sudden Mission!!

- Objective : Gain higher points than Bakugou Katsuki and take first place in the exam!

- Duration : From the start of the exam till the exam results are out.

- Reward : Unlock a new "Skill".]


"HUH?!" Misaki screamed out of shock.

"...What's wrong with her?"

"Is she... okay?"

"Why'd she screamed like that...?" Whispered the students around Misaki.


'I got surprised but I shouldn't have suddenly screamed like that...' Misaki thought while lowering her head so she wouldn't bring too much attention towards herself. 'System, what does this "Sudden Mission" supposed to mean.' Misaki asked.

'As you see it's a mission where when the objective is fulfilled you'll receive a reward.' The system explained.

'Yes, I can see that. What I meant is why is there a "Sudden Mission". You never said anything about this.' Misaki said.

'Like I said before when certain conditions are met, new "Skills" or "Functions" will unlocked. In this situation, the condition is to take first place in the exam.' The system explained.

'...' Misaki sighed and said 'Alright, thanks for explaining.'

'Beating Bakugou huh... I wonder how he would react.' Misaki pondered on the thought.

It doesn't take long for the students to arrive at their destinations of the exam. When Yamada gave the green light, everyone race to find the robots and gain points.

'Everyone is eager to pass the exam..' Misaki thought as she race with everyone.

As soon as Misaki saw a 2 point robot, she created a gun with electrical bullets and aim towards the robot.

'Aiming in real life shouldn't be too different from a game so I shouldn't miss from this distance.' Misaki thought before shooting.


The robot that Misaki shot got short-circuit and shut down.

'Okay. Next.' Misaki thought as she search for a new target.

A while later,

'79 points excluding save point so I should get first place..' Misaki thought.

"Less then 2 minutes left!!" Yamada yelled.

"I don't think I need to do more.." Misaki said to herself. As soon as she calmed down she felt tired and short of breath. "Huff... I should rest for now..." Misaki muttered.

Misaki find herself a safe place to rest till the end of the exam.

The exam ended and everyone went home.

As soon as Misaki got home she took a rest at the couch and accidentally fell asleep for the rest of the day.

A week later,


'I've been feeling tired for the whole week... I don't think I overdid it at the exam but my body feels heavy...' Misaki thought as she went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

She look at the doorway and sees a letter.

'Oh, right. The letter from U.A. should come today.' Misaki thought.

She picked up the letter and opens it at the table. A device was inside the letter.

The device activated once it's outside the envelope. It projects an image of Principal Nezu.

Principal Nezu gave a short speech before saying "...and so, with a total of 89 points you pass! Congratulations, Hamamura Misaki! I happily welcome you to U.A."

'Hm... Bakugou got 70 something if I remembered correctly so...' Misaki thought.

"System, I have higher points than Bakugou right?" Misaki asked.

"Right." The system answered.

"Since I got higher points than Bakugou, this should means I've completed the mission right?" Misaki asked.

"That's right." The system answered.

"Then where's the reward?" Misaki asked.

Words appears on the systems screen.

[New Skill Unlock! : = Haste =]

"Haste?" Misaki said.

"It's a skill that allows you to move faster." The system explained.

"... That's all?!" Misaki asked.

"It's your first "Skill" and your first mission completion so it's understandable for you to only get a simple "Skill". Plus, it was an easy mission." The system explained.

"... sigh... fair enough..." Misaki said as she went to the kitchen to continue making her breakfast.