
Gaming in MHA!

Hamamura Misaki is a HORRIBLE gamer, but she really likes gaming even when she loses all the time because she feels like she's being herself the most when playing games. • • • • However one day, she suddenly passed out while working due to a severe headache. As soon she opens her eyes she realized she's in an unfamiliar place... • • • • Everything belong to their respective owner(s). I only own the oc(s), non-canon plots, and other stuff that I create from my imagination.

Otaku_123 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Preparation for Exam.

Misaki cried herself to sleep.

The next morning, 9 days before exam.

*Yawn* Misaki woke up.

She look at the clock. '9 am... I accidentally cried myself to sleep...' Misaki sighed. She got up from bed and gets herself ready before going to the living room where her parents are.

"Misaki, you finally woke up. You missed breakfast." said Etsuko as she bring some sandwiches out of the fridge. "Eat this before you go."

"Uh.. hm" Misaki answered. She ate the sandwiches before leaving.

'From what the system told me last night, my parents allowed me to live closer to U.A. for the exam so they rented a place for me and I took a part-time job to earn some money.' Misaki thought as she got on the train.

Misaki gets off the train and starts walking home.

'Since my parents already given me permission to attend U.A. that's one thing solved. Now I need to figure out how to pass the exam...' Misaki thought.

Once she got home, she take a look around to get use to the place.

"There's a lot of things I need to organize and change so I can feel more comfortable here..." Misaki muttered.

"Do as you please." said the system.

Misaki begin adjusting the stuff around the house. She changed the bedsheet to a more neutral colour, organize some stuff, rearrange some light furnitures and finally, she do some cleaning.

"Done! The place feels much better now." Misaki said. "Now I need to think about the exam..." She said before she sat down on her bed. "With my past body condition, it'll be quite difficult to pass the exam."

"If you don't mind me asking, what physical problem do you have in your past?" the system asked.

"... Well... I have anemia, I also have... low sugar blood or something, then I also have some allergies- let's just say I have lots of problems.." Misaki answered.

"... Alright.." the system said.

"For now the biggest problem would probably be my lack of stamina since "Creation" uses my energy." Misaki said. "Hmm... I guess I can start with light exercises for now.."

She goes to the closet and search for some clothes to go on a jog. After changing her clothes she went to the nearest park and starts jogging for a couple of hours while thinking what to do next.

After a couple of hours Misaki went back to her home.

"Okay, I thought of a plan." Misaki said.

"And what is it?" The system asked.

"From what I know, the exam have some kinda point system and to get points you have to either defeat the robots or save people. However only saving people isn't the best option cause I don't want to be accuse of stealing their points so that leaves me with defeating the robots. Fighting the robots face to face would be stupid especially when I have a weak physical condition." Misaki explained.

"Then are you gonna strengthen your physical condition?" The system asked.

"No. Ten days isn't enough for that." Misaki said. "Instead, fighting while putting distant between me and the robots might work so I was thinking of using some kind of gun that can short-circuit the robots to shut them down." She explained.

"Hmm... that could work on the small robots but what if the giant 0 point robot came, with your condition and stamina, there's no way you can run away from it." The system said.

"Then I'll use the "Save & Load" function. I'll make sure to "Save" my position at places that seem safe so I can get back to that positions anytime I needed." Misaki said.

"What if the positions you "Save" at isn't safe?" The system asked.

"... Then I'll "Load" at the other two positions and if the other positions isn't safe..." Misaki paused for a second. "It'll be fine..." Misaki said.

"What- How exactly will it be fine?!" The system asked.

"Hm... Cause I'm always fine." Misaki said in a calm but sad tone.


"Now, let's go buy some groceries. The fridge is empty." Misaki said.

"Okay." The system answered.

The next day, it's early in the morning and Misaki went on a jog.

Since Misaki have social anxiety, she can't go to the gym and can only jog early in the morning when there's less people around.

She continues to do the same routine for a couple of days.

Few days later,

Misaki came home bringing a vr set.

"Are you playing games...?" The system asked.

"No... Kinda? Well you see... I thought I should find a way to work on my aim since I'll be using guns in the exam and playing a vr shooting game is the only legal way I can think of that doesn't involve interacting with a lot of people." Misaki answered.

"..." The system sighed and said "If you think that's gonna help you, then be my guest."

"... It feels like you're saying this is a bad idea..." Misaki said as she look at the vr set she bought.

"It's not exactly a bad idea. It's just a little bit weird since you're training inside a game." The system said.

"Oh.." Misaki said. She start setting up everything and played for a couple of hours.

The next day, Misaki is eating breakfast.

"Hey, system. Is there any bookstore or something nearby?" Misaki asked.

"I'm not sure." The system answered.

"Hmm..." Misaki finishes her breakfast and change her clothes. "Let's go see if there's one nearby." Misaki said to the system.

After two and a half hours,

Misaki is sitting down on a bench. "I can't find one anywhere..." Misaki said.

"Why do you want to search for a bookstore?" The system asked.

"I thought I could find a book about firearms, weapons or martial arts. Learning about them might help." Misaki said.

"Can't you just search up those stuff online?" The system asked.

"... Sometimes it's easier to learn about something from a book." Misaki answered.

"Unfortunately, we can't seem to find any bookstore around so you probably have to make do with searching it up online." The system said.

Misaki sighed from tiredness and frustration.