
Game Summoner

A 18 year old boy is taken from his uneventful life and unloving family into a fictional reality by a chaos entity. —————— Obviously I don’t anything besides my ideas.

Human_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

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Amadeus: the Human Chaos huh? I should've guessed. What happens now though?

Human Chaos: I give you a gift, I may hate humanity but I like certain humans.

The gift is a unique system that I'm pretty sure doesn't exist yet.

Amadeus: the hell do you mean your sure it doesn't exist?

Human Chaos: that isn't important, the system is called "Game summoner", it also comes with its own version of observe or whatever it's called. Don't ask me the details I will just implant the knowledge in your soul.

Amadeus: thanks I guess, with the information you gave me I can tell you don't know how to describe things well, something I didn't expect from someone who is omniscient.

Human Chaos: I'm lazy what can I say.

Now then you're going to an anime omniverse, which is only anime. Don't worry though the games that we know in this omniverse will also be in the one you're going to. It's just a matter of picking the right game to start with, as you can only do one game at a time until you complete the main story.

Now then which world are you going to, I will just roll a dice or something hold on. Your going into DxD, because I forgot everything else.

Amadeus: are you being serious right now?

Human Chaos: yes now then before you go there is a few things. One is you need change your appearance I don't care if you look like an incubus god of beauty or some shit, second is that you have a house near Kuoh academy or whatever the shit, and third is that you are there a year before issei awakens his sacred gear.

Amadeus: what about me, do I also get a sacred gear?

Human Chaos: do you also get a sacred gear? NO YOU DUMB ASS! Why do you need something that can be taken from you. Whatever, just so you know the shop allows to buy the gear and abilities you get in games you play. Have a good day and goodbye.

Amadeus: wait I-

Human Chaos: finally he's gone, I guess I should wake up, maybe see how Zeus is doing in Purgatory before watching him do random stuff, hopefully he doesn't fuck someone immediately, that would be boring. If he does good for him, maybe I'll be the only virgin in reality when I destroy everything again by accident, I haven't fucked before why start now, too much work, only sleep.


Amadeus: that asshole I still had questions like...? I forgot, it made forget I guess. At least I look good(insert ideal male body to you here, mine doesn't exist because I can't care). The place is nice though, two stories and a basement, all furnished. The main bedroom isn't even on the second floor it's in the basement. However the basement is nice, two bathrooms down here one is obviously for the master bedroom the other is a normal just no shower or bathtub. Actually now that think about it, this is Japan this house is entirely American. Guest rooms are on the second level with the living room for some reason,

The family room connects to hallway, which leads to the kitchen and dining room. Down the hallway is the laundry room, garage, and main floor bathroom. The front door obviously leads to the the hallway but also a secret room through a false wall and down its stairs to a security room and a gaming room. Why is the gaming room a secret, what the hell. This also appears to have a bedroom with a small kitchen, and a bathroom. Now that I think about It, never finished the basement so I should go back. Now this is great, a pool and hot tub, how nice. That should be it.

I guess I should start gaming, that sounds strange. Okay so here there is two games I can pick from, I guess it wanted me to buy games, there's "dark souls three" and "DOOM ETERNAL" I guess I'll start with doom eternal so I could summon demons, now that I think about it, how would Biblical factions think about the demons. I guess there's one way to find out.


(Don't question the way I'm writing, because the answer doesn't exist)


Putting in the doom eternal disc into whatever this console is because he has not seen one before but doesn't bother to question it, he starts the game. " I wonder how the system reacts to achievements I get, let's set the difficulty to Ultra Violence. Amadeus spent two hours and completed two missions. He got one achievement, the points going to his shop. For completing "Hell on Earth" he got the Doomsday achievement which gave him twenty points which was then multiplied by three, getting sixty points in total and that was it. He was tired though, so went to bed soon after.