
Game Summoner

A 18 year old boy is taken from his uneventful life and unloving family into a fictional reality by a chaos entity. —————— Obviously I don’t anything besides my ideas.

Human_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs


My name is Amadeus Reeves, and currently I have no idea where I am and what is happening as I have awoken or maybe I was already awake and never noticed, but that's not the point. I appear to be floating in a void or maybe it's the abyss, after all it's really dark.

???: What do we have here, an annoyance, a human.

What did I to this...it, thing, I don't know it speaks with a male and female tone to its voice or something.

Amadeus: Hello there, do you know where I


???: The place where I sleep and hopefully never wake from, sometimes I sleep for seconds and other times Centuries., at one point I slept for several trillion Earth years. This is apart of my soul, half of my soul is a omniverse where there is only solar system so far, the other half is purgatory where the sinners I have killed go, those that have committed crimes I have no tolerance for.

Amadeus: and what would that be.

???: murder and torture of the innocent, rape, and slavery. Actually just physical, mental, and sexual abuse. Those who done "virtuous deeds" to further crimes are given worse punishment. The punishment everyone is given is pain that would kill any human an infinite amount of times over under a second, each of their "kind" acts increases there punishment by 100%, the more pain they feel the better.

Amadeus: why though isn't their punishment enough, why increase it.

???: I made it so whatever pain they feel, I feel it as well. I'm punishing myself not them, they are but a byproduct of my self imposed punishment. An uncountable amount of years ago when I last counted them, there was several quadrillion souls, most of them were human, about 75%. Now though they too have expanded by infinity, and my age is unknown, due to traveling through not only space but time as well. I went to the future but also to the past, even different reality's in the original omniverse. However the year is 2021 so I would be 18 now, soon to be 19. However Due to space time travel my age is unknown, while I can find my age by using my power, I don't feel like it.

Amadeus: you mentioned the original omniverse earlier, what do you mean?

???: I meant what I said, the original omniverse, omniverse Zero.

Amadeus: omniverse Zero? What happened, is there more.

???: More of what. More to the story of Omniverse zero or more omniverses, you know what, it doesn't matter. I happened, I consumed the original, along with the personification of it, the Biblical God.

Amadeus: gods exist that I understand because I met you, but the Biblical God? Isn't he supposed to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, wouldn't he he just outright destroy you without bothering?

???: I wish he did but he couldn't, I was too much like him in regards to power.

Amadeus: how were close to him in power, were you also omnipotent.

???: no, I was human and still think myself one, however it had to do with my soul.

Amadeus: first of all before we continue, you said were a human and still think yourself to be one, how does a human do all this. And second, you said it has to do with your soul.

???: yes, I was born human, however there is no love for humanity, I hate them all. I still consider myself human because that is the form I take most of the time. Now the topic of my soul is interesting, whenever I kill something, their power becomes mine, as I consume their soul.

Now then, lets put it like this, if I had stats from a gamer system, let's say they're all at 10 points, if I were to kill someone with 20 points in all stats, then mine would raise to 30. If they had abilities and skills, those would be mine as well, when I take someone's skill if they had it at lvl 5 out of 100, then my soul would empower the skill to the max.

However power isn't just strength it's also intelligence, everything thing they once knew is mine , their memories become my memories.

I can even shapeshift into the being I killed taking on their personality and way they have lived.

Amadeus: that's amazing and all, but can you tell me how already?

???: I killed something that the deities of earth couldn't, a man called the Shadow King. He was a shade, powerful, and immortal. Not like those false immortals, they're immortality was incomplete, his was though just like the deities of earth. When someone has true immortality they no longer age after 21 years, immune to toxins and diseases, indestructible, regenerative, and even if they were to die they're souls wouldn't as they can't be destroyed.

He was a challenger to them, someone who didn't need faith or to be known by mortals to be immortal. When I killed him I absorbed everything he was. The Minor and Middle level Deities saw this and afraid and pissed, some human mortal just killed someone like them. First it was the deities of more prideful religions, when I killed the Minor and Middle level Deities, Major level deities were next, after King and Emperor level Deities fell. When the other religions saw several of the most prideful religions fall to a human who killed all of there gods, they went to war with me. A single monstrosity of a human against several thousand deities. I started to go insane they're memories merging with mine, those who had similar divinity's fused becoming stronger, and they're immortality, it fused with my soul. I was becoming more immortal with each kill which didn't make sense.

I would begin to feast on their flesh and drink the ichor that flowed from the corpses around me, I transformed into something I call "the Beast". When it was over, several thousand gods were dead, and I went from a beast to an abomination, which I lovingly referred to as "the Abomination". It was huge, about the size of an entire multiverse. Time and space and ruptured around me, versions of myself in the past and in other universes ceased to exist, I wiped myself from time and space yet I still existed, I didn't want to live after the war that took place and yet all of power I took couldn't be used to kill me. So I forced my way to something that could and at the centre of the omniverse was him, looking at me.

I started our fight so he would kill me but whatever he did didn't work, so I thought if he died, the omniverse would go with him and I as well. I killed him and the omniverse collapsed and every soul went directly to me, while waited for the end.

It never came instead I was brought here. My dream world, chaos itself. When I killed him I didn't think I would take the nonexistent soul of chaos within myself. Several earth centuries went by and I failed to kill myself I gave up. But I felt terrible, I was in the form of my human self, however I killed innocents, just so I could die.

Using the Biblical Gods powers I could create a new omniverse, not just one but several. I created omniverse Zero, recreation of the original, except there was no intelligent life forms, I went to Canada my home country, and there was once my home city was now a forest of grey trees made from blood.

But I wasn't done yet obviously, I made millions of omniverses and resurrected the innocent by copying their souls.

One being lovecraftian, another anime, games, and so on.

Amadeus: truly nice but why am I here, and what do I call you?

???: you are here because you brought yourself, unloved by your birth family, and an uneventful life led you to boredom, you came here to do something, to go on a adventure and be loved. As for what you can call me, address me by my title, the Human Chaos.