
Game Summoner

A 18 year old boy is taken from his uneventful life and unloving family into a fictional reality by a chaos entity. —————— Obviously I don’t anything besides my ideas.

Human_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs


It's been three days and he spent a days worth playing doom eternal, the difficulty of the game increased the points he gets from achievements. From "Hunters became the Hunted" he got 90 points, "Interplanetary Fracking" gave 60, "Thumbs Down" was 75, "Reforged and Refuelled" 150, "The Once and Future Slayer" 150, "Crystal Craving" 60, "King of Crystals" 90, "This One's My Favourite" 45, They're All My Favourite" 300, "Homemaykr" 75, "Reforged The Genie Lamp" 30, "Metal Head" 30, "Playset Sold Separately" 30, "If Only I Could Read" 90, "Bonus Stage" 60, "Breaker of Gates" 120, "Gunpletionist" 90, "Its A Magic Number" 201, "Nontraditionalist" 90, "Iconoclast" 270, and "Meet your Unmaykr" 60 points(I'm never doing that again). In total he has 2226 shop points enough to buy super shotgun which is 2000 points. Amadeus bought it for he plans to go "hunting" tonight but not before he noticed it's enchantment "rip and tear" which increases damage against holy and demonic entities.

Amadeus: before I forget I never checked my stats when I arrived.


Name: Amadeus Reeves

Race: Human

Age: 18

Level: 1

Health: 100/100

Focus: 200/200

Stamina: 100/100


Strength 10

Dexterity 10

Endurance 10

Intelligence 10

Regeneration 10


(Everything should be obvious, hopefully regeneration is as well. Regeneration is how much Health, Focus, and Stamina is regenerated every 5 seconds)

(Also each point of Endurance increases Health and Stamina by 10, while Intelligence increases Focus by 20)

Amadeus: looks good to me, now then time for some demon hunting.

It was midnight when Amadeus started his hunt, he summoned five imps to find strays for them to kill so he could level as fast as possible, it was pretty good though that the imps had five hundred health and each of costed ten focus points to summon.

In a abandoned house there was grotesque creature reminiscent of the people turning into skulltula in "Ocarina of Time". His name was Kirk, the skin on midsection was stretched into four tentacle limbs. While his face was a horrific sight, his lips were gone, eye sockets looked like they're melting, his nostrils were slits, and his eyes looked like they had pupils all over.

Amadeus was happy he got to kill such a thing and put it out of its hellish misery, he proceeded to several other strays that night before returning home at level 12, the time was 3:46 AM when he arrived, tired as hell and wanting to sleep for a day, he decided to go to bed but before that, he checked his stats.


Level 1-12

Health: 100->200

Focus: 200->400

Stamina: 100->200


Strength 10->20

Dexterity 10->20

Endurance 10->20

Intelligence 10->20

Regeneration 10->20

Stat points 55->5


(Every time you level up, you get 5 stat points)

Satisfied with this new power he had, he went to bed.