
Game Starts With The Scarecrow

Player 1: "Is there something wrong with the scarecrow? Damn, it killed me within a second..." Player 2: "Is there anything wrong, why is the name of this wild monster more than 40 meters long? Player 3: "F*ck, that guy brought a group of bosses to siege the city again, can't they give us a chance to live?!" Mo Fan: "Kid, do you have a lot of questions?" ........................ After Mo Fan entered the game, he found that he had become a scarecrow next to the Beginner Village, a wild monster for players to kill and level up. Mo Fan, who had become a wild monster, began to continuously upgrade and level up; he underwent Star Ascension, fused with new bloodlines, and watched as his attributes soared! ........................ PS: The book is also known as "Evolving and Upgrading from a Scarecrow", "After Becoming a Scarecrow, I Became Self-Conceited", "Having a Sense of Superiority After Playing a Game", "I Can't Believe This Scarecrow Is so Powerful", "This Is Just a Wild Monster, How Is It so Strong?"

Butterfly-shaped Nebula · Games
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Who's Sneak Attacking?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Just as Mo Fan was preparing to hunt the players, two groups of people confronted each other outside the beginner village. Both sides seemed prepared for a brawl. They looked as if they would attack each other at the slightest disagreement.

On one side was the Proud World Guild led by Proud World Traveler. Almost all of their names started with Proud World, and there were about a thousand of them.

On the other side, there were only five people led by Night Rain.

However, these thousand players seemed to be slightly afraid of the five people in front of them.

They did not directly make a move.

"Night Rain, you guys are too rampant! You even dare to fight with the members of our Proud World Guild?"

Proud World Traveler stared at the five people in front of him with a dark look on his face.

He shouted rather sternly.

"Hmph, being an obstacle to my leveling means that you are my enemy! Who cares about your guild?"

Night Rain had a proud expression on his face.

He looked as if he did not care about the Proud World Guild at all.

Seeing how courageous Night Rain was, most of the surrounding players revealed looks of admiration.

Night Rain's identity had long been exposed by some players on the official website forum.

The reputation of the Blue Ocean War God soared once more.

But who would have thought that Night Rain would dare to fight against the Proud World Guild with just four other people?

"Others may be afraid of your Blue Ocean, but I am not!"

"Brothers, follow me! Kill them!"

Proud World Traveler gave the order to attack.

More than a thousand people immediately rushed forward.

Night Rain and the four players beside him did not show any fear at all.

Instead, they seemed to be even excited.

After the two sides clashed, it was clear who was stronger.

Against the attacks of the crowd, Night Rain and the others were like an indomitable towering mountain. Their coordination with each other was flawless.

The five of them had their backs against each other. As long as one of them lost a lot of health, they would be surrounded by the other four. Then, the injured would take the opportunity to drink potions to recover their health. Afterwards, the cycle would continue.

Their attacks and evasive maneuvers seemed to be instinctive instead of intentional, they used the least HP to kill the most people.

Even when attacking, they would reveal some classic PK movements from time to time, making the spectators gasp in amazement.

However, everyone's levels were relatively low.

Basically, they were Level 3 or 4 and their stats were also extremely low.

No matter how good Night Rain and the others' PK skills were, they could not possibly stop so many people on their own.

"Who dares to challenge our Blue Ocean's members?"

Just when everyone thought that these five people were going to be killed, a middle-aged man shouted from afar.

Behind him stood 700 people.

The name displayed above the middle-aged man's head was Fatty Blue.

When Fatty Blue saw Night Rain and the others being surrounded, he immediately led his men and charged forward.

The scene instantly turned chaotic.

Some of the spectators were even injured in the chaos.

"Damn, who hit me?"

"I'm not from either side. Why are you hitting me?!"

"Why did you hit me? Is there something wrong with you Blue Ocean members?"

"F*ck you, I didn't provoke you. I didn't provoke you at all…"

Fatty Blue brought Blue Ocean's players over to save them.

However, their characters' names were unique from each other, unlike Proud World's.

Moreover, with their current level, they couldn't establish a guild in the game.

Therefore, some of Proud World's players could not differentiate between friend and foe, causing a large number of spectators to be killed.

"F*ck, killing players can actually cause weapons to drop!"

A player waved the "Broken Wooden Stick" in his hand and shouted in excitement.

This information made the surrounding players' eyes turn red.

The players who did not want to participate in this battle immediately hopped in.

After all, a weapon could be sold for two to three hundred dollars.

For the average player, it meant a huge profit if a weapon truly dropped.

All of a sudden, the players with weapons became the target of everyone's coordinated attacks.

As a result, the battle became even more chaotic.

Mo Fan realized that if he were to kill players in his current state, they would notice him before he could even reach them.

After all, his current appearance was simply too conspicuous.

He looked neither like a scarecrow nor a human.

[Scarecrow Skin: 1000 Player Reputation Points]

[Human Skin: 1000 Monster Reputation Points]

Mo Fan looked at the Reputation Shop.

The scarecrow skin and human skin sold inside the shop were worth 1000 Reputation Points.

Mo Fan only had less than 500 Player Reputation Points and more than ten Monster Reputation Points.

It was not enough to exchange for anything.

But just as Mo Fan was about to close the Reputation Shop, he discovered an icon that wasn't grayed-out like the others.

Behind the Bloodline Fragment and Star Level Fragment tabs, there was a sale button.

Mo Fan looked.

A Grade 0 Bloodline Fragment or a Star Level 0 Fragment could be exchanged for 1 Player or Monster Reputation Point.

In other words, Player Reputation and Monster Reputation Points could be exchanged for using fragments.

He currently had about 740 fragments in total.

Mo Fan directly exchanged 525 fragments and raised his Monster Reputation to 1000.

Looking at the human skin in the Reputation Shop, Mo Fan became a little excited.

He chose to buy it!

-1000 Monster Reputation Points!

[System Notification: Congratulations on obtaining 'Human Skin'!]

[Human Skin: Once in effect, the user can disguise as a human player. If your HP is lower than 10%, the disguise will lose its effect!]

[System Notification: Character skin can be taken off to return to your original appearance. You can change your skin in the [Fashion Skin] column.]

Mo Fan followed the instructions and chose to use the Human Skin.

Then, his monster appearance disappeared and he became a human.

Like the players who had just left the beginner village, he was dressed in plain clothes.

However, there was a Broken Wooden Stick in his hand.

"Wow, I really transformed back to a human?"

Mo Fan touched his smooth and tender cheeks in disbelief.

"Am I a monster in human skin now?"

He touched his entire body again and confirmed that he had become a human.

Mo Fan looked at the top of his head.

It was no longer showing "Strong Scarecrow", but "Bunao Biaoyin".

This time, as he was going to kill players, he could not reveal his name.

Thus, Mo Fan chose to hide his ID as the column at the top of his head vanished.

His human appearance was extremely handsome.

He looked so ridiculously handsome that he was simply breathtaking!

Satisfied with his appearance, Mo Fan swaggered towards the beginner village.

Along the way, the monsters nearby didn't attack him.

This fact made him more convinced that he had become a monster in human skin.

He was just in disguise; he had not actually become a player with a humanoid character.

After a few minutes, Mo Fan watched the battle outside the beginner village.

He could not help but open his mouth wide.

"F*ck, what's going on?"

"Why are these players fighting here instead of doing their best to level up?"

"But since the situation is already like this, I hope they won't blame me for being impolite!"

Mo Fan revealed a sinister smile before blending in with the battlefield up ahead.




[Player Blood Tissue (Level 2) has been killed. Obtained 70 Spiritual Energy Points, 1 Human Bloodline Fragment (Grade 0), 1 Star Fragment (Star Level 0), and 1 Monster Reputation Point.]

[Player Half-step Epileptic Laughter (Level 3) has been killed…]

[Player Not Wearing Underwear (Level 2) has been killed…]

In such a chaotic scene, Mo Fan became like a fish in water.

He killed one player after another.

And he was also very smart with his actions.

He specifically targeted those with low HP.

He did not directly fight with those whose HPs were still close to full.

And in order not to expose himself, he would always do it secretly.

For example, when a player was about to be hacked to death, Mo Fan would immediately attack from behind to land the killing blow.

"F*ck, who is this guy? Why is his attack so high?"

"F*ck, I was killed instantly! What the heck?"

"Hey, who attacked me? Why isn't there a name?!"

"It must be members of the Proud World, screw them!"

"Bullshit! You Blue Ocean members are slandering us!"

Because of Mo Fan's sneak attack, the battle between Proud World and Blue Ocean became even more intense.

A large number of players who were killed immediately came out to fight after reviving in the beginner village.

The scale of the PK also went from a few thousand to tens of thousands of people.

The video of the battle between Proud World and Blue Ocean was uploaded to the official website by some players. It immediately became the hottest topic of discussion.

"Shocking news! Sharing a hidden secret between Proud World and Blue Ocean Club."

"Shocking news! The massacre caused by Blue Ocean War God - Night Rain!"

"Beginner village's shocking battle! Proud World vs Blue Ocean, who is stronger and who is weaker?!"

"This feels so good! Hahaha!"

As Mo Fan launched his sneak attacks one after another, he watched as his experience bar steadily increased as he laughed wildly in his heart.

In less than an hour, he had harvested at least a thousand heads.

There were simply too many players concentrated in such a small area.

It was impossible to kill all of them.

It was completely different from killing wild monsters.

Moreover, he realized that with his current stats, he could completely crush these players who had just left the beginner village.

Most players had a few hundred HP, while a handful of them had more than a thousand.

When these players retaliated against him, the damage he received was always at the minimum number, 1.

On rare occasions, he would lose 2-3 HP from a single strong attack.

With his current HP of 3,800, no player posed any danger to him at all as long as he remained prudent and careful.

"That's it! That's it! Do something proud to show yourself~"

[Player Half Green (Level 3) has been killed. Obtained 155 Spiritual Energy Points, 1 Human Bloodline Fragment (Grade 0), 1 Star Fragment (Star Level 0), and 1 Monster Reputation Point.]

"That's it! That's it! No matter how high the mountain is, it's still under my feet~"

[Player Overall Champion of the National Head Shaking Championship (Level 2) has been killed…]

Mo Fan hummed a song as he killed…

"I've finally become a rising star. Hehe!"

[Player Kinky 5G Lifestyle (Level 3) has been killed…]

"You cowards, who told you to treat me like a monster from the very beginning?"

[Player Protruding Figure (Level 4) has been killed…]

"Now it's my turn! Haha!"

[Player Your Breast Is So Fierce (Level 3) has been killed…]

"Woo~ This feels so good!"

Mo Fan killed a player whose health was critically red with a single blow.

[Player Unusable Ugly Face (Level 3) has been killed…]

As Mo Fan killed more and more players, the number of players around him decreased.

Many players who were killed by him revived in the beginner village.

They soon caught up to what was happening as they slowly approached and surrounded him.

This created a phenomenon…

On the battlefield, there were only a few players around him.

Just as Mo Fan continued to kill the players, he realized that the surrounding players stopped fighting.

Then, a few people came out and stared at him angrily.

"It's him!"

"That's right, I was ambushed by him!"

"That scoundrel! Who cares if he is from Blue Ocean or Proud World, let's kill him!"

Seeing that more and more players had turned their eyes to him, Mo Fan immediately had a bad feeling.

Oh damn, my cover's blown?