
Game Starts With The Scarecrow

Player 1: "Is there something wrong with the scarecrow? Damn, it killed me within a second..." Player 2: "Is there anything wrong, why is the name of this wild monster more than 40 meters long? Player 3: "F*ck, that guy brought a group of bosses to siege the city again, can't they give us a chance to live?!" Mo Fan: "Kid, do you have a lot of questions?" ........................ After Mo Fan entered the game, he found that he had become a scarecrow next to the Beginner Village, a wild monster for players to kill and level up. Mo Fan, who had become a wild monster, began to continuously upgrade and level up; he underwent Star Ascension, fused with new bloodlines, and watched as his attributes soared! ........................ PS: The book is also known as "Evolving and Upgrading from a Scarecrow", "After Becoming a Scarecrow, I Became Self-Conceited", "Having a Sense of Superiority After Playing a Game", "I Can't Believe This Scarecrow Is so Powerful", "This Is Just a Wild Monster, How Is It so Strong?"

Butterfly-shaped Nebula · Games
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I Insta-Killed a Bigshot

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Looking at the furious players around him, Mo Fan's scalp went numb.

Fortunately, he had just leveled up to Level 6 while farming these players, and his stats had increased by a bit.

But there were simply too many players surrounding him.

"Who are you exactly? Why don't you reveal your name?"

"What a sneaky fellow. Weren't you having a good time killing us just now? Why are you silent now?"

"Scoundrel! You dare to kill both our Proud World and Blue Ocean's men at the same time? You must be tired of living!"

The surrounding players started shouting.

Then, Proud World Traveler and Night Rain parted the crowd and walked over.

"Night Rain, Fatty Blue, let's put this matter aside for now and deal with this fellow first. How about it?"

Proud World Traveler glanced at Mo Fan as he spoke to Night Rain and Fatty Blue.

"Of course, I didn't expect someone to take advantage of our situation. How despicable!"

Night Rain glared at Mo Fan and said coldly.

"Boss, be careful. This guy's attack is very high!"

A lackey beside Proud World Traveler reminded him.

"No matter how powerful his attacks are, there are so many of us here. How can he possibly escape?"

Proud World Traveler looked nonchalant and disdainful while saying that.

The players knew that Mo Fan was going to die for sure. There was no way he could escape.

"Hmph, I can't stand seeing you two fighting and implicating innocent players. What's wrong with what I was doing?"

Mo Fan did not panic.

Instead, he asked in a loud and in a matter-of-factly voice. "Could it be that only you are allowed to kill others, while no one else is allowed to kill you? What kind of logic is that?"

He knew that if he panicked now, there would be no way to escape.

Furthermore, he did not have many revival attempts left. If he was killed to the point where he could not revive anymore, it would truly be tragic.

The average players who have been killed by Proud World or Blue Ocean earlier immediately joined in the conversation.

"Yes, I was just a spectator, but I was killed by the Proud World members who thought that I was from Blue Ocean!"

"That's right, me too. These fellows didn't even bother to distinguish who was their friend and foe. They directly attacked me."

"That's right! This is too despicable! The two guilds are working together to bully others. They deserve death!"

Proud World Traveler's and Night Rain's faces immediately darkened when they saw the reaction from the crowd.

In the beginner village, an official guild could not be created yet.

If there were too many people in a group, it would be difficult to manage their actions.

Thus, it was inevitable for them to inadvertently hurt innocent players.

But they did not expect Mo Fan to use this as an excuse.

"I don't care who you are or what reasons you have. I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself!"

Night Rain glanced at the surrounding players and said to Mo Fan.

"As long as you can defeat me, I will let you go!"

Proud World Traveler—who was standing beside Night Rain—frowned when he heard this.

He wanted to say something, but he eventually stopped himself.

The other players were thrown into an uproar.

Night Rain actually wanted to fight this handsome guy one on one.

When Mo Fan heard this, his heart shook.

In the end, he was just an ordinary player.

He did not know why he became a wild monster after entering this game.

But now, a celebrity professional player was challenging him to a one-on-one fight.

This made him both excited and nervous.

The title of the Blue Ocean War God was no joke.

Without true capabilities, one could not possibly have such a great reputation.

Mo Fan took a deep breath and looked at Night Rain.

He calmed himself down and slowly replied,

"Alright, no problem. I just hope that you'll keep your word!"

"Don't worry, I will do what I say!"

Night Rain took a step forward and assumed a stance.

The surrounding players were chased away by Fatty Blue as he made space for the two to fight.

Mo Fan also stepped forward and stared at his opponent.

Night Rain's gaze was very sharp.

He stared at Mo Fan without moving.

It made Mo Fan feel that as long as he made a move, his opponent would immediately attack the flaws in his movement.

The pressure was suffocating. Mo Fan found it hard to breathe.

Was this a professional player?

He was indeed extraordinary!

Mo Fan could not stand it anymore.

He made his move.

He did not care if he gave the other party an opening to take advantage of.

All he knew was that he had to do something quick and fast.

Just as Mo Fan's wooden stick was about to hit Night Rain's head, the latter dodged it with a quick and trained movement.

Then, Mo Fan felt a wave of pain behind him as a series of damage numbers floated above his head.




Mo Fan's reaction was also quite fast.

Without even looking, he swung his stick.


-450 (Bleeding)

-450 (Bleeding)

-450 (Bleeding)

Mo Fan turned around and saw Night Rain falling gently onto the floor, immediately turning into a corpse.


Night Rain's eyes became filled with disbelief.

His eyes seemed to be saying, "Young people are so fierce these days!"

[Player Night Rain (Level 4) has been killed. Obtained 280 Spiritual Energy Points, 1 Human Bloodline Fragment (Grade 0), 1 Star Fragment (Star Level 0), and 1 Monster Reputation Point. Obtained the weapon "Broken Wooden Stick".]

Seeing that Night Rain was insta-killed, everyone fell silent!


They were dumbfounded!

Mo Fan was also astounded.

He had originally thought that the fight between them would be fierce, but he did not expect that he would be able to get rid of Night Rain so quickly.

The latter even dropped his weapon for him.

Mo Fan picked up the weapon.

He remembered that this was the first weapon he had obtained from his scarecrow brothers.

He did not expect that an item with such sentimental value would return to his hands in this manner.

Looking at Night Rain who laid on the ground, lifeless.

Mo Fan could not help but sigh.

After reaching Level 6, his HP was already at 4500.

Since then, he had yet to inflict bleeding against any player nor monster.

He didn't expect that Night Rain would his guinea pig.

Mo Fan recalled.

Night Rain's HP was less than 1200.

As long as his HP was less than 1350, he would definitely be insta-killed.

As for the current Level 4 players, those with more than 1000 HP were already the best among them.

Mo Fan did not reveal his name.

But his appearance was simply too handsome, causing many people to call him 'handsome guy'.

"Are you kidding me? Night Rain was insta-killed by this handsome guy?"

"That's right! Could it be that this handsome guy is more powerful than the Blue Ocean War God?"

"I don't understand at all. Shouldn't it be Night Rain crushing us noobs?"

"Bullsh*t! In my opinion, Night Rain's reputation is just for show!"

"You're the one who's bullsh*tting. This handsome guy is clearly just too awesome!"

Hearing the discussions of the surrounding players, Mo Fan's lips twitched.

In terms of strength, Night Rain was indeed formidable.

Mo Fan could not have possibly replicated that dodging maneuver just now.

Professional players had their own foundation after all.

But as the saying goes, no matter how skilled one became, one would still be afraid of a kitchen knife. No matter how sturdy one became, one would still be knocked out with a brick.

Even Night Rain himself could not understand why Mo Fan's attack was so high.

Mo Fan observed the surrounding players.

After he killed Night Rain, a few players have become thoroughly dumbfounded.

But they all quickly came back to their senses.

Then, they collectively stared maliciously at Mo Fan, especially Fatty Blue and Proud World Traveler.

"No matter who you are, put down that weapon now! We will let you go if you do so!"

Fatty Blue growled in a low voice.

After seeing Mo Fan's strength, he had no choice but to be cautious.

"Is that so? Then, get out of the way. After I leave, I'll give you the weapon that Night Rain dropped for me."

Mo Fan did not agree immediately.

Instead, he raised his demands.

If Night Rain was still here, it would be fine.

But now that he was not here, these people would probably not take his words seriously.

Proud World Traveler narrowed his eyes at Mo Fan and snorted. "Hmph! Do you really think that you can leave so easily after having just defeated Night Rain?"

Just as he finished speaking, Mo Fan started to break out of the encirclement.

"Hurry up and kill him!"

The people on both sides of Proud World and Blue Ocean immediately charged toward Mo Fan.

After killing Night Rain, Mo Fan had constantly observed his surroundings, looking for an opportunity to escape.

Just now, he realized that as the players rushed over, the wild monsters outside were also gradually respawning.

Then, he chose a direction with more wild monsters and began his mad dash.






Many attacks struck him as his health bar decreased at a visible rate.

No matter how much health he had, he could not possibly withstand the attacks of so many players.

Mo Fan also understood why these players wanted to kill him.

He had two small wooden sticks on him.

It did not matter who he was.

As long as he dropped one, it would be enough to satisfy the average players.

"It's over, I'm gonna die this time!"

Mo Fan's expression darkened as he watched his continuously decreasing health.

After a while, his HP dropped to 10%.

His character skin lost its effect, revealing his true form.

Seeing Mo Fan suddenly turn into a monster, many people stopped attacking.

However, the people who rushed up from behind did not react to this change in time.

Thus, their attacks still ended up killing Mo Fan.

[System Notification: Remaining Revival Attempts: 1]


Mo Fan revived at the edge of the forest.

Since there were not many players here, he immediately ran into the forest to hide.

As he ran, he looked at his remaining revival attempts. Mo Fan's heart started to beat faster.

He did not know what would happen once the remaining revival attempt reached zero.

If he died completely, it might be game over for real.

Therefore, he only had one goal now.

He would run towards any place with more monsters around.

He tried to log off when he reached Level 6, but he found out that the system would still not let him log off for his level was not high enough for him to do so.

Mo Fan was not sure how many levels he had to reach before he could log off.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Mo Fan stopped when he could no longer see any more players.

The human player image that he had maintained very well was now destroyed.

The appearance of his monster form had probably spread among the players.

Mo Fan opened the official website and looked at the popular posts on the forums.

As expected, his ugly monster image was captured by people.

"Astonishing sight! The child of a scarecrow and human?!"

"Shocking news! A humanoid monster appeared in the PK battle of the beginner village!!"

"Shocking secret! A secret that only a scarecrow and human can hold!"

Player 1: "Hahaha, what is this? Isn't this too funny?"

Player 2: "Look at his name, Bunao Biaoyin?"

Player 3: "Wow, this guy is a naming genius, are we supposed to read it as 'Don't attack unless you are good enough'?"

Player 4: "What the heck, is straw growing in his flesh? Isn't this too terrifying?"

Player 5: "Seriously speaking, this monster is very powerful, but it is too ugly!"

Player 6: "Could this be a hidden Boss in the game?"

"Hmph! These guys actually dared to laugh at me! Just you wait!"

Mo Fan stared at the comments and shook his head.

Closing the official website, Mo Fan continued to walk deeper into the forest.

However, he did not stay idle along the way.

He always made sure to come up and 'deepen his relationship' with any of the scarecrow brothers he encountered in the way.