
GAME OF THRONES Jaehaerys Targaryen

Reincarnated as Jaehaerys Targaryen the son of Aerys, the mad king.

MachoSpartan047 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Chapter 15

I sent a message with Munin to Melisandre and Utias, that we meet at the mouth of the Blackwaters River, at the exit of the secret corridor, at night.

It's dark, I go out the window, I go down the wall, I arrive at the secret entrance, through Morpheus I know that the passage is free, without people in it, so I advance through the passage and finally cross it. I know from Munin that Melisandre and Utias are already at the meeting point, I go out through the sewer and finally arrive at the meeting place.

I observe them and approach them, I ask them to comment on the actions and interactions of the members and to detail their behaviors and thoughts they have about the members, Melisandre and Utias detail all their thoughts about the members for an hour.

After listening to their story, I tell them "Thank you Melisandre and Utias for your efforts", Melisandre and Utias nod at me,

I direct my gaze to Utias "Utias, with the money we found I want you to buy a boat, ask Briany Waters for advice so that she advises you to acquire the best possible boat, and hire the necessary crew to be able to navigate the boat, that Briany choose since she knows her job well", I continue "Utias, I want you to form a squad of ten men together with Harkod Strong, choose that they are good fighters, above all that they are reliable"

I walk and sit on a rock - "Utias, I require you to observe these recruits, if they are not trustworthy or if you have doubts about any of them, proceed to eliminate them, within a month, I require you to set sail with Briany, Harkod, and the new members to the port of the Grandview castle, Utias that in the ship carry fabrics, grains, and materials to trade with the members of the House Grandison, have this safe-conduct, which indicates that you trade in the name of the crown, this safe-conduct will It will allow you to enter any port of the Seven Kingdoms, follow Briany's advice that she must know what to sell in the different ports so as not to arouse suspicion", I hand over the safe conduct to Utias.

"Utias, when you disembark Grandview, you will go to the ruins of Summerhall, inside the castle in ruins, in what was the great hall, through the fireplace, on its left side, there is a secret chamber, in that chamber, there are some objects of great value, I require you to bring them to me", I call Hugin and he perches on a nearby bush, I point my finger to the place where Hugin is, "that raven will accompany you on your journey, when you have the objects in your hands, send me a message with that crow, also pay attention to the crow, that crow is called Hungin"

Utias looks at me in amazement, "Master, I will do so."

Now I look at Melisandre, I tell her " Melisandre, according to the reports you have sent me and what you told me about Sarto Grinlind and Tisha Flowers, I have selected them to join my mother's entourage, to protect my mother." mother and inform me of the people who want to find out information about my mother the Queen and me, then Melisandre even though they have the servitude rune that is a bond of loyalty, I want you to invent a ritual to instill in the hearts of Sarto and Tisha a fear of the consequences of breaking their vows of loyalty to me, and of the punishment they would receive."

I give two scrolls to Melisandre- "Melisandre, in these scrolls is written the appointment in which it is specified that Sarto and Tisha have been chosen by my mother Queen Rhaella Targaryen to be part of her subjects and courtiers, with these documents Sarto and Tisha can enter the Red Fortress, in seven days they will appear at the entrance of the fortress, to carry out their orders"

I hand Melisandre another parchment- "Melisandre, on this parchment, the face of a person is drawn, this face belongs to the great master Pycelle, he is a very cunning and intelligent man, but he has a weakness, he is an inveterate lustful, who frequents the Purple Rose brothel, this brothel is near the river gate, by the fish market", I pause, "that Stan Rivers and Dyrion Sand, who enter the brothel, study the distribution, see the objective, I want Let them plan a plan to kidnap Pycelle, I want him alive, Dyrion and Stan must be discreet in their behavior."

I hand another scroll to Melisandre, "Melisandre, this scroll is the deed of a house that is near the wall, in the basement of this house there is a passageway that crosses under the wall and leads to the port, I want you to take care of it." to acquire the warehouse where the exit of the passage is located so that we can use this secret passage for our plans"

Melisandre stares at me "This will be done my Master Jace"

I tell her - "Perfect Melisandre, Concerning children who continue to expand their knowledge, Melisandre hires weapons instructors to teach children how to fight and use different weapons"

I finish giving directions to Melisandre and Utias, say goodbye to them, and start my return trip, I know from Morpheus that no one has entered the secret passageway, so I enter the passageway.

When I'm halfway through, Munin tells me that a man entered the passage through the entrance of the river sewer.

In one of the chambers of the passage, I hide and wait for the man to pass through the place.

When the man passes where I am hiding, I follow him from behind, I hit him hard on the neck with the hilt of my Dagger, and the man falls unconscious to the ground, I tear his clothes and create ties to tie his hands and feet, I proceed to tie his hands and feet, I check that the ties are well fastened, I pronounce IĒDAR, I produce a sphere of water from my hand, I let it fall on the man's face, he suddenly wakes up.

I tell him "Can you have a quick death or a painful death with great suffering? But I know that you will tell me everything you know, of this I am sure."

I pronounce PERZYS, a sphere of fire forms in my left hand, "Then choose"

The man looks at me with great fear.

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