
GAME OF THRONES Jaehaerys Targaryen

Reincarnated as Jaehaerys Targaryen the son of Aerys, the mad king.

MachoSpartan047 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Chapter 14

POV Melisandre

A beautiful woman with burnished red hair is at a desk on the warehouse's second floor.

A week has passed since I swore allegiance to Prince Jaehaerys, the prince sent with a large raven, which was twice the size of a normal raven, the certificate with my and Utias's new identity, my name is Jennifer Redwill, I am now the owner of this property.

As Jace tells me, I have been observing the behavior of Maester Sarto, I have verified from the interactions that he is a reserved man, with a good heart, of great knowledge, who has been to learn, Sarto has not had reservations or prejudices about teaching children. Septa Tisha, from our interactions I have seen that she is a caring woman, she has no prejudices, the children adore her, and the children see her as a mother figure.

Stan and Dyrion have done a great job, they have discovered that four gangs in the port control the city's smuggling, and they have created a relationship with the chief guard at the Rio gate, Stan and Dyrion have shown that they have a great ability to deceive and generate trust in people or rather in their victims.

The five new guardians, followers of my lord of light R'hllor, have been of great help in dissuading the four gangs that operate in the port, they are strong and faithful men.

POV Utias

Prince seven days ago, he sent our new identities with his big raven, my new name is Mikael Sand, and now I'm a mercenary. As ordered by the prince, I have been observing Harkod and Briany, Briany has proven to be a great connoisseur of ships and navigation, she has repeatedly commented on the ships that are in the port and the crews of these ships. Regarding Harkod, he is a quiet but observant man, from our interaction I have discovered that he was a member of the Golden Company, and I have observed that he is always prepared and analyzing the environment to benefit from a possible fight.

Two nights ago a group of looters tried to rob us, Briany proved to be a great fighter with her saber and her great speed managed to easily dispatch her opponents, Harkod with his sword and shield was like a machine, parrying blows with his shield and with his sword in his right hand giving accurate thrusts into the stomachs of his opponents. In this brief skirmish, I was able to perceive that both Briany and Harkod, have strong control over their emotions, and manage to remain calm in situations of tension, from what I have seen they can be reliable allies.

At this moment I am writing the report to the prince to send with the raven.

POV Jaehaerys Targaryen

I am currently on the roof of Maegor's keep, reading the reports from Melisandre and Utias, I finish reading the reports.

Perfect, it seems that they are good elements, they have good abilities.

I go down the wall and enter through the window to my room, I hear my mother scolding

Rhaella- "Jaehaerys, I already told you that I didn't want you to continue climbing the walls, It's dangerous, and you could have an accident"

I approach my mother and hug her- "Mother, don't worry, nothing bad will happen to me"

My mother sighs- "Jaehaerys. Why are you so disobedient?"

I just smiled at her and winked at her, I moved away from her, walked to the chair that was near the window, and told her- "Come mother, sit next to me, we have to talk"

My mother, Queen Rhaella Targaryen, approaches and sits next to me - "Tell me Jaehaerys, what do you want to tell me?"

I tell her "Mother, I tell you this, you are the most important person I have in this life, I am going to protect you" I pause, look into her eyes, and take her hand "Mother, I know you are an intelligent woman, I know you have I had doubts about the losses of my other brothers who have died"

My mother has a small tear in her left eye, I wipe it with my hand.

I told her - "Mother, I have revealed to you my secret that I can use healing magic in small amounts, that this ability has accelerated my physical and mental development", My mother interrupted me and touched my face with her beautiful hands "Jaehaerys, I will I love above all things, I don't care about your condition, you are my beloved son", I hug her and kiss her on the cheek.

I tell her "Mother we have to protect ourselves, I did not trust Grand Master Pycelle, I know he is an ambitious and lustful man, that his loyalty is in gold and his order of the Citadel, who writes reports of us to his order, too He did not trust the septons and septa, who are faithful servants of the High Septon, who would do whatever the High Septon commands."

I grab her hand "Mother, I need you to trust me, that you name among your courtiers two people that I have cultivated in these weeks, that I know are trustworthy, One is Tisha Flowers, she is a Septa of the Domain, she is a kind woman, ideal to take care of you for when the new baby is born, and the other person I want you to accept is a master of the northern lands named Sarto Grinlind, who has no connections to the Citadel "

My mother "Jaehaerys, are you sure about this?"

I answer "Yes Mother I'm sure, mother if someone tries to hurt you, Diana will take care of them"

Diana gets up from the bed and gives a great grunt, to reaffirm my words.

My mother looks at me intensely- "Okay, Jaehaerys, I will name you as my courtiers, but Pycelle, it will be difficult to deal with him"

I tell my mother "Mother, don't worry, everything will be fine", I kiss her on the forehead.

I will take advantage of the fact that my father and brother are on their way to Lannisport to visit Tywin Lannister, clean the house, and remove some obstacles from our path.

I have to meet with Melisandre and Utias tonight.

Here I leave you a link for donations

Thank you


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Thank you!!!

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