
GAME OF THRONES Jaehaerys Targaryen

Reincarnated as Jaehaerys Targaryen the son of Aerys, the mad king.

MachoSpartan047 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Chapter 16

Sorry for not having published, therefore, time, some situations have happened that have prevented me.

I also apologize for the grammatical errors, I don't speak English nor do I write it, I just hope you enjoy the story.

POV Jaehaerys Targaryen

I look at the man, and he looks at me with a look that shows great self-confidence, I don't like torture, but if I have to do it to protect those I love, I won't hesitate for a second to torture, kill, protect those I love. love.

I started torturing the man at first the man did not want to give any information, but after a while of torture, the man began to sing like a little bird and beg to end his suffering.

Then I discovered data, his name was Hansel, he is an agent of the citadel, he was sent to give tonics to Master Pycelle today, to achieve an abortion in my mother the queen, this tonic would be supplied in small doses so as not to cause my mother's death, that it only affects the baby in her womb, so as not to create suspicions about Grand Master Pycelle, to pass off the abortion as my mother's fault because of the history of abortions she had had in the past. Finding out from Hansel that Pycelle has been supplying my mother with these tonics ever since he was made King's Grand Master.

Knowing these data produced in me a great rage and produced an explosion of my fire magic, Hansel watches me with great terror.

Jaehaerys Targaryen – I told you that I would kill you quickly, but I cannot keep it, you will die slowly, so you will suffer for having participated in this plot to harm my mother

After an hour of starting to burn Hansel, his body was completely charred, leaving only ashes in what was once a man.

After a while, I managed to calm my anger, I proceeded to walk through the secret corridor and climb to reach the room that I share with my mother, the queen, I lie next to her on the bed, and I hug her tightly. I supply my healing magic into my mother's body.

Diana realizes a state of mental fury then she approaches my back and puts her muzzle on my neck.

Diana - Jace are you okay? -

I look at Diana and feel her connection with me, she managed to calm my state so grateful I touch her head with my hand and turn my face towards her head, I kissed her forehead - Diana, thank you for being with me, always take care of my mother -

I can finally sleep.

Dyrion Sand POV

Following the prince's orders, together with Stan Rivers, we have frequented the Rose brothel for the last month, but we have not seen our target Grand Maester Pycelle.

During our visits we managed to see the layout of the premises, we found a secret exit towards the alley and we established a connection with the guards who are in charge of monitoring this sector of the city. We followed the doorman at the entrance of the brothel to his house, to find out where he lives, we discovered that he is married and had three small children, this information will help us in case we need his help, we are attentive and prepared for when the opportunity to carry out the task that the prince did not entrust himself to.

POV Pycelle

How strange I have not been able to have contact with Hansel, during the last month I have not been able to supply the tonic to Queen Rhaella Targaryen to produce an abortion in her pregnancy.

Regarding the letters that I have sent to the Citadel, detailing this situation, I have not had any response from the Citadel, and this situation worries me greatly.

Finally, I reach the room of Queen Rhaella and Prince Jaehaerys, I knock on the door.

Queen Rhaella Targaryen- Come forward Maester Pycelle-

Pycelle - Good morning, Queen Rhaella and Prince Jaehaerys! -, I manage to see inside the room two people that I have not seen in the castle, a man and a woman.

Whom will these people be?

Queen Rhaella - Perfect, Master Pycelle that you have come to the room, this saves us the trouble of looking for you to introduce you to these two people who will be part of my private entourage -, the queen points to the woman - her name is Tisha Flowers, she is a Septa-, the woman named Tisha bows before me and Queen Rhaella pauses and points to the man - his name is Sarto Grinlind he is a master, both Tisha and Sarto will take care of me and help me in my pregnancy-

This statement from Queen Rhaella surprises me and greatly affects my plans.

Pycelle – Queen Rhaella, I am the master sent by the citadel to serve the royal family, I am against this…..-

Queen Rhaella waves me to shut up.

Queen Rhaella - Master Pycelle, I am informing you, I am not asking your permission, is that clear, Master Pycelle? You can withdraw and leave us alone-

I leave the room and go to my room.

I finally get to my room

Pycelle - damn bitch that you have believed, to talk to me like that, damn bitch you will pay for this, I swear-

After a while I manage to calm down, I sit in the chair, and I start to write a letter to inform the citadel and request how to proceed with this situation.

Pycelle - damn it, I need to relax, I know, tonight I'm going to visit the brothel to relax-

I roll up the letter, get up from the chair, open the door of the cage where the crows are, take out one of the crows, put the letter in its paw, and drop it at the window to send the letter to the citadel.

Without Pycelle noticing, a mouse watches from the wooden post all of Pycelle's actions.


The raven that carries the letter of Maester Pycelle, flies over the city King's Landing, passes the walls, suddenly a large raven grabs it with its big claws and quickly with its beak pecks the head of the small raven and ending its life.

Here I leave you a link for donations for the purchase of a pc.

Thank you


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