
GAME OF THRONES Jaehaerys Targaryen

Reincarnated as Jaehaerys Targaryen the son of Aerys, the mad king.

MachoSpartan047 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Chapter 13

My new vassals, they told us how they ended up being prisoners of the band, a fleet of the Ironborn, the fleet was made up of four ships commanded by Harras Pyke, a bastard son of Quellon Greyjoy, a cruel man, they were looting in the different places such as Flint's Finger, Oldtown, Dorne, Lys, Tyrosh, the Vale of Arryn, in these places they managed to accumulate large amounts of treasures and coins from their looting, the fleet needed to replenish its supplies to undertake the trip to the city of Myr to Going to sell their catches in the slave market of Myr, Harras Pyke set the course for the mouth of the Wendwater River, at this point there is an ideal smuggling place for Pirates and Looters to replenish their supplies, but Harras Pyke had the bad luck Fortune that when the fleet passed through Driftmark, a great storm hit them, which caused the fleet to run aground on the cliffs of the coast, of Harras Pyke's fleet only survived t thirteen people, Captain Harras Pyke, two sailors and my ten vassals who had shackles on their hands and feet, by the place where the ships of the Ironborn ran aground, the members of the band passed in a boat, the members of the band with their crossbows they killed Harras Pike and his assistants without giving them time to react. On the ship, they loaded the trunks full of coins, and the documents and my ten vassals were taken prisoner, before entering the port they waited for nightfall so that their port contact would let them enter without having to go through control, the members of The gang and the captain of the ship with his two assistants unloaded the ship and went to the warehouse. The captives were divided into two groups, women and men, and each group was put in a cell. The gang members slit the throats of the ship's captain and his two assistants, to keep their discovery a secret. Two days later I was the one who eliminated the SteelMoond gang.

After hearing the tale, I told the ten vassals to stay inside the cells for now and withdrew with Melisandre and Utias to the entrance of the warehouse.

I told them "Now we have one of the most interesting companies"

"Melisandre and Utias, within the documents that we found in the basement, were the deeds of this warehouse, I will make the transfer to you Melisandre, but I am going to create two new identities for each one, for the moment they must use these new identities, they have We have to be discreet, I don't want them to start burning people alive to spread their faith in the Red god, well at least nobody notices, I don't want to attract attention or the surveillance of the Supreme Septon for the moment"

"Utias I know that there must be followers of the Red God in the city, so I need you to find and choose five followers, who have martial prowess, and are loyal, to guard this warehouse because this will be our base"

"Melisandre, keep an eye on my new vassals to see how they behave, entrust Stan Rivers the thief, and Dyrion Sand the murderer, to find out the situation of the port, how many gangs there are, who are the guards in charge of supervising the merchandise, Anyway, I want to know how power is distributed in the port"

"Melisandre hires a good tutor to teach Rocor Snow, Praetor Snow, and the sisters Shiera Seastar and Serene Seaster to read, write, and math, she also assigns Sarto Grinlind and Tisha Flowers to teach the children their knowledge. "

I look at Utias, I say "Utias, let Harkod Strong and Briany Waters accompany you these days, Watch them closely, for a week to see if they are trustworthy, If they are trustworthy, inform me, so that Harkod and Briany accompany you to a mission that I have for you, within a week I will let you know what this mission consists of"

I turn my gaze to Melisandre "Melisandre I want to keep a close eye on Maester Sarto Grinlind and Septa Tisha Flowers's behaviors and actions to see if they are trustworthy, to entrust them with a mission.

I tell them "As I am a child and because of my age, it is difficult for me to leave the Fortress, so I will send you my messages with a raven, and with that same raven you will send me your messages"

I put the black mask on my face, pull the hood over my head, place my gloves on my hands, open the warehouse door, and step outside.

I tell them "Melisandre and Utias, comply with what I assign you, and remember to be as discreet as possible, if there is a threat, eliminate it immediately", I continue, "I also want you to acquire the properties near the river, so I'm leaving".

They both nod at me and answer "Yes Jace, we'll do what's assigned."

I quickly leave the port and climb the steps carved into the cliff.

I communicate with Diana, I ask her if everything is fine, and she tells me that everything is fine, that she is calm, I relax and continue on my way back.

Finally, I get to the wall that leads to my room, I start to climb the wall, I finally get to the window, I cross the window frame and enter my room, I quickly undress, put my clothes in my trunk, lock the key the trunk, I keep the key, I put on my clothes, I quietly lie down on my bed, next to my mother, Diana approaches and licks my face, I caress her neck and she begins to purr pleasantly. I hug my beautiful mother from behind, and infuse my healing magic into her body, to strengthen her body and that of the baby that my mother has in her womb, I place my hand on her belly, and suddenly the baby kicks and I am pleasantly surprised.

The time is near for those who attacked my mother to pay for their actions, for the great suffering they caused this great woman, they will suffer my revenge.



Lys City

Location and Layout

A mercantile city, Lys is built on a fertile island considered a paradise by Valyrian dragonlords. The sunny island is fertile with palm and fruit trees, and the surrounding blue-green waters are filled with fish.

Lys is protected by high walls and hired sellswords. A city dominated by wealth rather than by birth, Lys is where trade is considered a profession more honorable than arms. The city is known for its pillow houses and pleasure gardens.

Temples and shrines can be found in the streets and waterfronts of the city, including the Temple of Trade, the Temple of Yndros, and the Red Temple of R'hllor. The hulls of Lysene galleys are often striped in bright hues.


More than anywhere else in the known world, the blood of Old Valyria still runs strong in the Lyseni, who is regarded as beautiful. Even the smallfolk in Lys have the pale skin, silver-gold hair, and purple, lilac, and pale blue eyes of the dragonlords of old. Many of the nobility in Lys have produced infamous beauties, and Targaryen kings and princes are known to have looked at Lys for wives and paramours. The people of Lys are known to curl and perfume their hair.

The Lysene tongue is a corruption of High Valyrian. Like the Braavosi and Pentoshi, the Lyseni are great lovers of song.

Lys is ruled by conclaves of magisters, chosen from amongst the wealthiest and noblest men of the city,[1] with the First Magister as the preeminent figure.[10] The gonfaloniere is an elected military leader.

Lys is a port city with no established faith. Pantera, Yndros of the Twilight, Bakkalon, Saagael, and R'hllor are some of the manifold deities of Lys. The city is home to a love goddess[16] whose naked figure is on Lysene coinage; it is unknown if she is the same as the Weeping Lady of Lys.

The Lyseni fight often with Tyrosh and Myr over the Disputed Lands, though they will not risk the lives of their citizens in this, preferring to hire free companies instead. Lysene pirates often have nests in the Stepstones.


A coin of Lys, as depicted by Nutchapol Thitinunthakorn in The World of Ice & Fire

Lys is deeply involved in the slave trade, with slaves outnumbering freeborn Lyseni three to one. Lys is most famous for their bed slaves, and Lyseni is known to be famously voracious in their search for comely young boys and fair maids for their pillow houses. Lys is also known for the breeding of slaves, mating beauty with beauty, and hoping to produce the most lovely courtesans and slaves.

Lysene coins are oval and have a naked woman stamped on them,[19] the native love goddess of Lys.

Lys makes red and white wine, as well as fine tapestries. The alchemists of Lys are known to make poisons, including the strangler[21] and the tears of Lys. Heady sweet perfumes also come from the city.[2] The Lyseni also make fine long dirks.

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