
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[70] The crusade of High Thigh

In the heart of the Church City, a massive crowd gathered, their anticipation palpable in the air. Pope Black Stocking Lover the First, the charismatic leader of the Church of High Thigh, stepped onto the grand podium, his presence commanding the attention of every soul present. His eyes blazed with fervor as he prepared to address his followers.

Pope Black Stocking Lover the First: Raising his arms, he began with a booming voice that echoed through the square, "Faithful followers of the High Thigh! A grave threat looms over our sacred beliefs – the heretics of the Ramil Empire and their blasphemous Church of Bare Skin!"

The crowd murmured, their expressions turning to those of indignation and anger.

Pope: "They dare to mock the sanctity of our stockings, to expose what should be elegantly concealed! They follow the path of bare legs, a path of infidelity and shame!"

Boos and hisses erupted from the crowd, a chorus of disapproval against the Ramil Empire.

Pope: "But fear not, my devout! The time has come to defend our faith, to reclaim what is rightfully ours! I call upon a holy crusade to retake the sacred city of Thicc Thighs, the birthplace of our glorious stockings!"

The crowd roared in approval, the air electric with fervor.

Pope: "Thicc Thighs is under the shadow of the bare-legged infidels. It cries out for liberation, for the touch of our holy stockings! We must answer its call, purge the city of its impurity, and restore its former glory!"

The followers of High Thigh were whipped into a frenzy, their zeal ignited by the Pope's words.

Pope: "Let the banners of High Thigh fly high! March forth, brave soldiers of elegance and grace! Spill the blood of those who dare bare their legs in defiance of our sacred dress code!"

The square turned into a sea of black stockings, flags bearing the symbol of the Church waving fervently.

Pope: "This is a war of faith, a battle for the soul of our culture! We shall not falter, we shall not waver! For every stocking torn, a thousand more shall rise!"

His voice was a rallying cry, fueling the passionate cries of his followers.

Pope: "To arms, my faithful! To arms! For the glory of High Thigh, for the honor of our stockings, we march to Thicc Thighs! Let the infidels tremble at our approach!"

As the speech reached its crescendo, the crowd erupted in thunderous applause and chants. "For High Thigh! For the stockings!" they shouted, united in their fervent desire to embark on the crusade.


In the sprawling virtual landscape of 'Game of Kings', a new figure rose to prominence amidst the fervor of the crusade called by Pope Black Stocking Lover the First. 'Stockings for Life,' a non-militant player known for his zealous advocacy for the Church of High Thigh, had managed to gather a massive following. His speech, infused with passion and conviction, resonated with a million players across Europa.

The gathering began in the central square of a major city, where 'Stockings for Life' stood atop a hastily constructed platform. His voice amplified through makeshift speakers, reached the far corners of the throng.

Stockings for Life: Waving a flag adorned with the iconic black stocking, he shouted, "Brothers and sisters of the High Thigh! The time has come to show our devotion, to march for the sanctity of our faith!"

The crowd, a diverse mix of players from various parts of Europa, roared in response, their enthusiasm palpable.

As the march commenced, the sheer size of the crowd became both its strength and its weakness. The throng of a million moved like a tidal wave through the cities and towns of Europa, but the lack of organization soon became evident. 'Stockings for Life,' though a charismatic figure, lacked the experience and authority to control such a massive group.

In the Streets:

Chaos ensued as the crowd moved. What started as a religious march quickly devolved into a disorganized mob. Small groups splintered off, engaging in looting and rioting. The initial fervor of the crusade gave way to anarchy.

Shops and houses were ransacked, their contents spilled onto the streets. Virtual citizens of the game, caught in the turmoil, scrambled to protect their properties. The sounds of breaking glass, shouting, and virtual police sirens filled the air.

Stockings for Life: Attempting to regain control, he yelled into his megaphone, "We must remain focused! This is a holy march, not a riot!"

But his words were lost in the cacophony. The mob had taken on a life of its own.

In the Countryside:

As the crowd moved through the countryside, the lack of resources and planning became increasingly problematic. Food and water were scarce, and the infrastructure of the game world struggled to accommodate the sea of people.

Arguments and fights broke out among the marchers, each skirmish further fracturing the group's unity. The ideals of the crusade were forgotten in the struggle for basic virtual needs.

Stockings for Life: Frustrated and desperate, he attempted to direct the crowd, "We must keep moving! Thicc Thighs awaits us!"

But the vision of reaching their destination seemed increasingly unrealistic. The march had turned into a disorganized exodus, directionless and unruly.

The Aftermath:

In the wake of the chaotic march, the regions through which the crowd passed were left in disarray. Virtual communities grappled with the virtual damage and disruption caused by the mob. The authorities of the game world struggled to restore order, their resources stretched thin by the scale of the unrest.

Stockings for Life, once a figure of inspiration, now found himself at the helm of a disaster. The march for the High Thigh, envisioned as a grand demonstration of faith, had become a lesson in the dangers of uncontrolled zeal and poor leadership, a virtual embodiment of chaos born from good intentions gone awry.

Q: What do you think will happen next?