
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[71] Tales of the past

Upon arriving at Vespera, Elara and I decided to unwind at a local tavern known as The Drunken Dragon. The place was known for its raucous atmosphere and strong ale, a perfect spot to decompress and chat away from the politics and strategies of the 'Game of Kings.'

As we settled into a dimly lit corner of the tavern, Elara leaned in closer, a hint of intrigue in her sapphire eyes.

Elara: "Have you ever heard of Giga Chadeus the Great in this game?"

Me: Taking a sip of my drink, I shook my head, "No, can't say I have. Who was he?"

Elara: "He was a legend in GoK, controlled a fucking quarter of the world at one point. But the real kicker? He died in real life, only 34 years old, some kind of illness."

Her tone was a mix of admiration and melancholy, a rare display of vulnerability in her usually tough demeanor.

Me: "Damn, that's intense. To have that much power and then just... gone."

Elara: "Yeah, it's a crazy story. He started as a nobody, just another player. But he had a knack for strategy, made alliances left and right. Before anyone knew it, he was a major power player."

The tavern around us was filled with the usual din of laughter, clinking glasses, and the occasional drunken argument.

Me: "So, what happened? How did he end up controlling so much?"

Elara: "He was ruthless, knew how to exploit weaknesses. He took down bigger players, absorbed their territories. But he wasn't just a warmonger; he was smart about his alliances. Always knew when to strike and when to hold back."

Me: "Sounds like he was a master at the game."

Elara: "He was. But it wasn't just in-game. Heard rumors that he was dealing with some heavy stuff in real life. Health issues, personal demons, the works. The game was his escape, his realm where he could be powerful, invincible."

I listened, fascinated by the story of Giga Chadeus the Great. His tale was a testament to the blurring lines between virtual and real worlds.

Me: "So what happened in the end? How'd he die?"

Elara: "Nobody knows for sure. One day he just stopped logging in. His empire crumbled without him. It was a massive power vacuum. Caused a shitstorm in the game."

Me: "That's kinda tragic. To build all that and then just... vanish."

Elara: "Yeah. Makes you think, doesn't it? About what we're all doing in this game, chasing power, fighting wars. In the end, we're all just... people. Fragile, mortal."

Her words hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the human element behind each avatar and empire in the game.

Me: "It's a hell of a legacy, though. Giga Chadeus the Great. Even in death, he's a legend."

Elara: Nodding, "True. In the world of 'Game of Kings,' legends never really die. They live on in stories, in the history of this virtual world."

Elara: Taking a deep breath, "After Giga Chadeus's empire crumbled, chaos reigned. But from that chaos, the New Roman Republic (NRR) emerged, and with it, a man who'd become a fucking legend – Based Maximus the First."

Me: "Based Maximus? What kind of name is that?"

Elara: Laughing, "Right? Sounds like something out of a cheesy gladiator movie. But don't let the name fool you. The guy was a tactical genius. He took the NRR from a fledgling state to a major power."

The tavern buzzed around us, but our little corner felt like a world apart as we delved into the game's rich history.

Me: "How'd he do it?"

Elara: "He was brilliant on the battlefield. Under his command, the NRR's armies swept across territories. Conquests, alliances, you name it – he was always three steps ahead. His strategies quadrupled the NRR's territory."

Me: "Sounds unstoppable."

Elara: "He was, for a time. But his ambition was his downfall. He wanted to crown himself emperor. That shit didn't fly with the NRR's nobility. They valued their republican ideals. An emperor was a step too far back into tyranny."

I took a sip of my drink, the ale bitter on my tongue.

Me: "So, what happened to him?"

Elara: "Here's where it gets fucked up. He became a celebrity outside the game too. Internet famous, you know? Started doing fan meets and all that."

Me: "Wait, he was killed in real life?"

Elara: Nodding solemnly, "Yeah. At one of his fan meetings. Some fanatic, probably hired by his in-game enemies, stabbed him to death. Can you believe that? The game spilling into real life like that."

The gravity of her words weighed heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the blurred lines between virtual and reality in the world of 'Game of Kings.'

Me: "That's insane. It's just a game, for fuck's sake."

Elara: "Exactly. But for some, it's more than that. It's power, fame, an identity. Based Maximus's assassination shook everyone. Made us all realize how deep this game can cut."

The tavern's noise seemed to fade into the background as we contemplated the tragic end of Based Maximus the First. His story was a cautionary tale of ambition, both virtual and real, and the perilous path of mixing the two.

Me: "Makes you wonder, doesn't it? About the risks we take for this game."

Elara: "Yeah. But it also shows you the impact we can have. Based Maximus changed the NRR, changed the game. He's gone, but his legacy? That shit lives on."

Elara: Leaning forward with a serious expression, "After Based Maximus was killed, Galaxy Brain 9000 stepped up. The guy was a mastermind, more brains than brawn. He wasn't just playing the game; he was playing the players."

Me: "So, what did he do?"

Elara: "First, he went on a fucking crusade to track down everyone involved in Maximus's assassination. It was like something out of a spy movie. He used his influence, his connections, everything."

Her tone conveyed a mix of awe and disbelief.

Me: "In the game and IRL?"

Elara: Nodding, "Both. He ruined them, completely. Online, he dismantled their empires, turned their allies against them. In real life, he exposed their dirty laundry, got some of them fired from their jobs, more. It was brutal."

Me: "That's... intense. And after that?"

Elara: "After he'd settled the score, he turned his attention to the New Roman Republic. He transformed it, rebranded it into the New Roman Empire – NRE. And then, the mad lad crowned himself the first emperor."

I took a sip of my drink, trying to picture the scale of such ambition.

Me: "Galaxy Brain 9000 as an emperor... Did he do well?"

Elara: "He was a different kind of ruler. Didn't expand much territory-wise, but internally? He strengthened the NRE like nobody's business. Infrastructure, economy, alliances – he was a couple of steps ahead of everyone else."

Me: "So, why'd he leave?"

Elara: "That's the million-gold question. He appointed a successor, some guy who was as shocked as anyone to be chosen. Then Galaxy Brain just... vanished. Left the game without a word."

Me: "Just like that? After all that effort?"

Elara: "Just like that. It's like he'd accomplished what he set out to do and just moved on. Left a hell of a legacy behind, though."

The story of Galaxy Brain 9000 added another layer to the complex narrative of 'Game of Kings.' His tenure as emperor and the mysterious end to his reign were topics of much speculation in the game's community.

Me: "It's crazy, the impact one player can have in this game."

Elara: "It's more than a game for some people. It's a stage, a battleground, a kingdom. Galaxy Brain knew that better than anyone."

Q: Are you interested in history?