
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[69] Palace de Magnifique

The Concert of Europa was hosted in the Kingdom of Franks II, at its resplendent capital, Bagutte. The meetings were held in the ball room within the grandeur of Palace de Magnifique. Among the various rulers and diplomats, Queen Isolde of the Kingdom of Franks II stood out, not just for her leadership but also for her choice of attire that sparked a flurry of whispers and admiring glances.

Queen Isolde, despite being in her forties, carried an air of timeless elegance. She was dressed impeccably in a tailored gown that accentuated her figure, with black stockings adding a touch of boldness to her ensemble. Her hair was styled in a sophisticated updo, and her makeup was applied to perfection, highlighting her sharp features. The haughty, picky, and slightly condescending demeanor she usually wore like armor was softened by a hint of a smirk, betraying her inner pleasure at the attention she commanded.

As young noblemen, some half her age, flocked around her, vying for her attention with compliments and flattery, the scene was a mix of diplomacy and courtship.

Young Nobleman 1: "Your Majesty, you look absolutely ravishing today. The black stockings are a bold choice, very... modern."

Queen Isolde: She glanced at him with a barely perceptible smile, "Do you think so? I merely dress in a way that pleases me. It's quaint that it catches your attention."

Her voice was laced with a subtle undertone of amusement, yet her face remained an impassive mask of regal indifference.

Young Nobleman 2: Trying to impress, he chimed in, "It's more than just pleasing, Your Majesty. It's a statement. A statement of power and beauty."

Queen Isolde: Tilting her head slightly, "A statement, you say? How intriguing. I hadn't realized my stockings were capable of such eloquence."

There was a lightness to her tone, a playful mocking that seemed to go over the heads of her admirers.

Young Nobleman 3: "Indeed, Your Majesty. You set trends that the rest of us can only hope to follow."

Queen Isolde: Turning to face him, "Flattery will get you everywhere, young sir. But do remember, it's the mind behind the stockings that truly sets the trend."

The noblemen laughed nervously, trying to keep up with her wit and charm. Isolde, however, remained largely unimpressed, her demeanor a mixture of aloofness and subtle enjoyment.

As she excused herself from the group, a few of the noblemen looked visibly disappointed at her departure.

Queen Isolde (muttering to herself): "Boys playing at politics. Amusing, yet so utterly predictable."

She walked through the halls of Palace de Magnifique, her every step a study in grace and confidence. Despite her outwardly dismissive attitude, there was a glint in her eye, a sense of satisfaction at having captivated the attention of so many.

In a secluded corner of the opulent Palace de Magnifique, a group of noblewomen huddled together, their eyes darting towards Queen Isolde and the flock of young men around her. Each woman was dressed in the finest gowns, adorned with intricate jewelry, and, following the unexpected trend set by the Queen, black stockings. Despite their attempts to mimic Isolde's allure, they found themselves overlooked, a fact that fueled their gossip and jealousy.

Lady Giselle: Eyeing Isolde with a mixture of envy and disdain, she whispered sharply, "Look at her, the queen of vanity. Thinks she's the only one who can pull off black stockings. It's pathetic how those men drool over her."

Lady Emilia: Adjusting her own stockings, she responded with a hint of bitterness, "It's all a bloody show. She parades around like she owns the place, and those simpering fools just eat it up. Makes me sick."

Lady Clara: Leaning in, her voice laced with sarcasm, "Oh, but don't you know? She's the trendsetter, the unmatched beauty of our age. It's laughable. We wear the same, yet here we are, invisible."

Lady Margot: Rolling her eyes, "It's because she's the queen. Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. If any of us were in her place, they'd be fawning over us just the same."

Lady Emilia: "It's more than just power. She's got this... this air about her. Like she doesn't give a damn, and yet, she clearly loves the attention. It's infuriating."

Lady Giselle: "She acts all high and mighty, but I bet she's just as petty and insecure as anyone else. Probably more."

Lady Clara: Sighing in frustration, "We could try something different, something bolder. Maybe then we'd turn some heads."

Lady Margot: "And what? Look desperate? No thank you. I'd rather die than give them the satisfaction of seeing me vie for their attention."

Lady Emilia: "Exactly. Let's not stoop to that level. We have our dignity, unlike some people."

The noblewomen continued to exchange barbed comments, their eyes periodically drifting back to Isolde and her entourage of admirers. Their conversation was a mix of envy, frustration, and a staunch refusal to acknowledge their own desire for the same attention.

Lady Giselle: "Well, one thing's for sure. This whole stocking fad will die down soon. Then we'll see who's left standing without their legion of admirers."

Lady Clara: "I wouldn't be so sure. Isolde has a knack for staying relevant. It's annoyingly impressive."

Lady Margot: "Impressive or not, she's one woman. The Concert of Europa is bigger than her little fashion statements. We have more important things to focus on."

The atmosphere in the halls shifted palpably as a new figure made an unannounced entrance. Tsarina Anastasia of the Roshan Empire, known for her prideful and ruthless demeanor, stepped into the room. Her presence alone commanded attention, the crowd parting as she walked with an air of regal authority. She was a vision in a striking red dress, paired with black stockings, her long, silky blonde hair cascading over her shoulders.

The room fell into a hushed silence, the nobility and diplomats alike turning their eyes towards her. Anastasia's icy blue gaze swept over the assembly as she made her way towards Queen Isolde.

Queen Isolde: Raising an eyebrow in feigned surprise, "Tsarina Anastasia, what an... unexpected pleasure. To what do we owe the honor of your uninvited presence?"

Tsarina Anastasia: Her voice was cool and measured, "Queen Isolde, I go where I please. I don't need an invitation to grace you with my presence."

The two women stood face to face, the tension between them almost tangible. Around them, the gathered crowd watched in anticipation, sensing the brewing confrontation.

Queen Isolde: Smirking slightly, "Ah, the infamous arrogance of the Roshan Empire's ruler. Tell me, is it true what they say? That you rule with an iron fist and a heart of ice?"

Tsarina Anastasia: Unfazed, "Better an iron fist than a velvet glove hiding a withered hand, Isolde. I lead my empire with strength, not deceitful charm."

Their words were barbed, each jab delivered with a veneer of politeness but laced with venom. The exchange drew the attention of the other leaders and nobles, who watched the verbal sparring with a mix of intrigue and apprehension.

Just as the tension reached its peak, Grand Master Ulrich of the Final Teutonic Order intervened, stepping between the two women with a stern expression.

Grand Master Ulrich: "Enough of this. We are here for the Concert of Europa, not to witness petty squabbles between leaders."

Both women turned their sharp gazes towards Ulrich, their disdain momentarily united against the interruption.

Tsarina Anastasia: Turning to Ulrich, "Your concern is noted, Grand Master. But fear not, I have no intention of wasting more time on pleasantries."

Queen Isolde: "Nor I. The Roshan Empire may fancy itself a bear, but even a bear must sometimes play nice with others."

"We'll see." Anastasia said, before entering the meeting room without an invite.

"The nerves of this women..." Isolde muttered under her breath, before begrudgingly entering the room after her.

One by one the Europa leaders entered into the chamber, with the doors shutting behind them with a single:



In the grand meeting room of the Palace de Magnifique, the atmosphere was charged with a palpable tension as the leaders of the Concert of Europa convened to address the unexpected presence of Tsarina Anastasia and the vacancy left by the fall of Roma. Anastasia's unyielding demeanor and the existing dynamics among the leaders set the stage for a challenging negotiation.

Tsarina Anastasia: Stepping forward confidently, "With Roma's unfortunate demise, there is a vacancy in your little gathering. The Roshan Empire is more than capable of filling that void."

Her statement was direct, leaving no room for doubt about her intentions.

Queen Isolde: Her voice laced with irritation, "Capability is not the issue, Tsarina. It's about compatibility and trust. I, for one, am not convinced. I veto this notion."

Anastasia's eyes narrowed slightly, her expression turning colder.

Tsarina Anastasia: "A veto? Is that fear I sense, Isolde? Fear that the Roshan Empire might outshine your own?"

Her words were a thinly veiled challenge, provoking a reaction from the other leaders.

King Aldric of Britannia: Trying to mediate, "Now, let's not turn this into a personal feud. We must consider what's best for Europa."

Grand Master Ulrich: Nodding in agreement, "Aldric is right. We can't afford internal strife. But Isolde's concerns are valid. We need to tread carefully."

Tsarina Anastasia: "Carefully, or cowardly? I came here in good faith, offering strength and stability to your Concert. And this is the thanks I get?"

Her tone was sharp, her frustration evident.

Queen Isabella of The Inquisition: Speaking up, "Perhaps there is a middle ground. What if we allow the Roshan Empire to join as an observer state? It would be a step towards mutual understanding without committing fully."

Anastasia considered the proposal, her expression contemplative yet guarded.

Tsarina Anastasia: "An observer state? A halfway acknowledgment of our significance. I suppose it's better than outright dismissal."

Queen Isolde: Reluctantly conceding, "It's a reasonable compromise. But let it be clear, observer status does not equate to decision-making power."

The other leaders nodded in agreement, recognizing the delicate nature of the situation.

King LionHeart123: "Agreed. This arrangement will allow us to gauge the potential for future collaboration without overstepping current boundaries."

Tsarina Anastasia: "Very well. But make no mistake, the Roshan Empire will not be content with merely observing for long. Consider this a test of your openness and fairness."

Q: Have you played CK3 before?