

"At what point is our actions truly our own free will and what will it take for us to be given such luxuries?" This ponders the mind of the young Prince Halzeon of the Halzeon ruling bloodline. What does he need to sacrifice to gain true free will? In a galaxy full of mystery of wonder and splendor will he truly find it? With there being full of lies, betrayal, love, and war. What is it that must occur for this dream of free will to happen or does it really exist? Must we fall to our darkest state to truly find it?

_GalaxyOmega_ · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


There in the most lavish garden filled with the flowers of foreign nations stood a child in the courtyard crying. In a brisk of cool air came a whisper, "Child why do you cry? Why do you hate? Why do you hate yourself?"

The child not knowing the voice quietly with tears dripping down his face asked, "Why shouldn't I? when I never asked to be born in this nation full of lies, pain, suffering, and murder. Why should I not hate the father who murders my siblings for their minor imperfections? Why should I not hate myself for having to live on while they suffer in the hell fires of death? Why should I be the one to rule one day? I never asked for it. Whoever is speaking how do you know how I feel?"

For a moment it was silent it had seemed as if the world had frozen for a moment, then the cold breeze came back again speaking that of comfort, "How do I know how you feel you asked? Isn't it obvious? Could it be you do not know or is it that you don't want to believe? My child how couldn't I know. I feel your suffering, your anger, your fear, your loneliness, your ambitions. I know because I am beyond this realm. I am one with all that is. I am everything. Everything that is beyond that of perception and understanding. All you need to know is I am."

The child slowly but surely in the presence of the entity started to feel calm, his tears subsided and yet the feeling of fear stuck, "Why do you speak to me? A broken, fragile, worthless human. I am not important; I am only a slave to that of my father. A chess piece in a political agenda. I am not worth anything. If anything, I am dispensable, so why?"

Again, a moment of silence, the entity was not to be heard from and for some reason the child felt sleepy and went to the nearest bench of plenty in the courtyard. Night soon arrived and the child was awoken by a bright light. He opened his eyes to see the stars shining light directly on him. On the opposite side of the courtyard was a hooded figure. The child blinked once and then they were gone, yet when he looked on the bench to his right, he saw the hooded figure once more. The figure had a flower in his hand and looked at it, "In the many flowers of this vast grandeurs garden, I have picked you. You shall be the starting point of when this child needs you the most and you shall give the child his new name. Go to the child." and then the hooded figure grasped his hands, and the flower was gone.

The hooded figure looked at the child, "Look... Look what you are holding." The child looked at his hand and there it was the flower that the strange figure was holding. The boy looked at the mysterious thing, "Why... how?" The boy had looked back up to see the hooded figure was gone. Yet, the child's eyelids felt heavy and without noticing it all he could see was darkness and one final faint voice called out, "Kill me... Kill me.... Kill me."

The boy opened his eyes, and it was day. All he could hear was another voice from affair, "Halzeon.... Prince Halzeon..... Where have you gone." Finally a man from around corner appeared, "Prince Halzeon you had me worried."

Young Prince Halzeon looked the man, "Durand where were you. I see that I was of no concern too you. You had me sleep all night out here."

Durand looked at Halzeon Confused, "All night? You must be mistaken you have been missing for a good hour now." Halzeon confused too says, "But.... never mind I must have dreamt it."

With that the two left back to the Halzeon estate.