

"At what point is our actions truly our own free will and what will it take for us to be given such luxuries?" This ponders the mind of the young Prince Halzeon of the Halzeon ruling bloodline. What does he need to sacrifice to gain true free will? In a galaxy full of mystery of wonder and splendor will he truly find it? With there being full of lies, betrayal, love, and war. What is it that must occur for this dream of free will to happen or does it really exist? Must we fall to our darkest state to truly find it?

_GalaxyOmega_ · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Part 1: The Calm Before the Storm



* = A word that has meaning in the world of Galaxium, as this universe has its own vocabulary (Check Author's notes to learn vocabulary as the story progresses)



In the current Space Age *Hal-Nee 7, The ruling age of the Halzeon ruling *Constuet bloodline. There has been an ongoing war between the Halzeon Empire and the Valnuu Confederacy. Dating back to the *Gaiyun age. A young Prince Halzeon is sent on his way to the first major military campaign of his royal career. Onboard the spaceship KG-9 ultima, he leads his fleets carrying 3 billion personnel spread out between 49,319 battle space crafts. Leading them to a campaign in the Scion-t91 Solar System. A solar system comprising 5 different planets holds valuable resources and is one of the Valnuu's most significant weapon caches.


"Yooooooo, is that you Nab? It's been quite a long-time, bud, hasn't it?" Zayon shouted with Glee. Nab looked over his right shoulder, shocked and embarrassed to see his comrade in arms, "SHHHHHHH, Zayon, quiet down, don't you see everyone around us is staring!"

As Zayon looked around the military quarters. All he could see was everyone near the vicinity of the table gazing at him, and some were even mocking him for his loud outburst. One even spoke out and said, "OH, I see our gracious Prince Halzeon here wants us to listen upon his ""DIVINE"" speech; let us stand up for him and bow our heads, shall we." Everyone around them started laughing at Zayon's enthusiasm. Zayon's face was beet red, embarrassed; he sat down next to his comrade and started preparing his *MRI.

Nab looked at him, commenting on Zayon's situation, "You know, you have always been like this in our cadet days, a person who can't read the room. You know some people would say you're an incompetent fool." Zayon, clearly still embarrassed after the situation, asked, "Should I be worried about what they said and also who is Halzeon?"

Instantly a solid food tray hit the back of Zayon's head, "Dumbass, how do you not know who your prince and our commanding officer are?" Zayon instantly got back up, "Nab, what the hell was that for you've always been like this towards me." Everyone started laughing at them again, pulling jabs at them. One of the people in the quarters said, "Oh look, everybody, Prince Halzeon's personal attendant is scolding him again. When will such a dumbass prince ever learn." As quick as the laughter began, it suddenly stopped...

Everyone in the entire room face's started to go pale. All they could hear was the echoing footsteps coming down one of the starship corridors. The quarters felt cold, almost as if it had become winter. The footsteps got closer, and everyone stood up, quickly readying their salute. "Hey, Nab, what is going on?" Zayon worryingly said. "Quiet and stand up and begin saluting our prince, or do you want to be killed?" Nab quietly spoke to Zayon. Quickly Zayon started saluting but with the opposite hand.

The commandant of the quarters went to the front where a podium was situated, "*Halyeon's attention, salute our holy Prince Hunter Galvus Halzeon!!!" With the formal introduction given by the commandant, Prince Halzeon walked into the military quarters with his attendant Boyce Anthelm Durand. The commandant then shouted, "*Safetla... *Heeftala"

As Halzeon walked to the front, each person he passed felt the eerie cold numbness he gave off. When Halzeon got to the front, his facial expression gave that of utter disappointment; he commanded, "Pick up your heads; it's a disgraceful sight." Everyone in the audience instantly stood straight and, in some minds, felt disgraced, and the commandant feared. Whereas others felt disdain towards Halzeon. "HALZEON" Boyce Durand angrily shouted, "How can you say that to the Halyeon's who show you utter devotion and loyalty. How would the King..." Halzeon instantly snapped and turned towards Boyce, "Not another word Boyce about that thing. You're lucky you've been my attendant for so long, or else I would have had you dead on the spot you stand right now."

Boyce looked at Halzeon not with disdain or hatred but with understanding and steadfast loyalty, "Yes, you're right, my prince. I only suggest you as an attendant assigned by your father when you were born. Continue with what you were going to say."

Prince Halzeon turned towards the Halyeon but with a calmer demeanor, "Very well, today, as of this time, we are approximately 2 days away from the start of the campaign. I urge you to formally write your final words to your beloved ones, for I cannot guarantee that you will see a tomorrow. The operation plans will be notified to you when they are ready. Good day, and let the holy Halzeon empire guide you towards divinity." In Halzeon's mind, the phrase he spoke was enough to make him feel sick and disgusted with himself.

Young Prince Halzeon walked off back to the captain's quarters, leaving the majority in the room perplexed and frightened. As the tension was high in the room, Boyce decided to get everyone's attention, "ATTENTION," He shouted but instantly realized the tone he used wouldn't lessen the mood, "Excuse me, everyone, for the sudden noise, but I need to address a few things. As I have noticed, some, if not the majority, are quite frightened, yet I do not blame you. Many of you in this room have seen many military campaigns in your career. Yet, I can see you are scared of our Prince's military knowledge credentials. Still, I assure you he is the most capable of leading this campaign. In my early days, I've led countless battles. From the Pluton-12 galaxy to the Wexaton galaxy. I was known by my men as Durand, the Immortal."

Some in the crowd after hearing that started talking amongst one another.

"The Durand the Immortal it couldn't be,"

"Our predecessors talked about him as if he was untouchable,"

"The Immortal beast Durand,"

"I heard that Valnuu forces fled when they confirmed the almighty Durand was on the field"

With the commotion getting louder, Durand had to intervene, "Yes, I am Durand the Immortal," Though saying this and hearing the crowd about his supposed excellence made him blush, "HaHaHa I wouldn't say all the rumors are true but let me get back on track. I mention this to you, proud Halyeon's, because I know that our Prince isn't the best speaker. In fact, I would even say I have failed him drastically on that accord. Still, I have not failed him in his military education. He is well equipped to face such dangers. Do not fret, for you are safe in the wisdom I have bestowed upon our highness. I cannot ease your hearts, but do not give your hearts not to the fear of war but to those who warm your hearts. For unto heaven's parting gift, we shall prevail into the roaring tides of uncertainty. I can rest assured that this mighty military won't be swept by that tide of hatred but be swept through the tide of glory. If your time is soon, know that the brothers beside you will carry on your legacy. The people you cherish will mourn you but celebrate you and eternally be honored by them and by the Royal bloodline. I cannot guarantee you a tomorrow but can guarantee a future for those you hold dear. Fight hard for what you do today, will be remembered for your heroics not as a soldier but that of your heroics as a proud citizen of the empire. ***Cea Froon Hlun."

Ok, so alot to go over here. Let's get started. In the world of Galaxium each empire and ruling governments have there own concept of the current year. Each one bases that year on many factors. Though to focus on the Halzeon's concept of the year it starts off with Hal the Ruling family following the dash of the segment being currently nee or in there language equivalent to 40 and this number is incremented by the next number which we see 7 is the current. In order for nee to become neeq(41) that following number must be become 100 and that resets to 1. Yes very weird but since humanity is more split up across many different galaxies time is sort of weird. Although quick fact birthdays still go off earths time system in many galactic empires. While you will read many words that don't make complete sense in the world of Galaxium I well try to my best ability to explain there context in which they are used.

Constuet- In the Halzeon Galactic Empire this means "Immortal" in this context this doesn't mean that they are practically forever living, but are the forever ruling family of the empire.

Gaiyun- this was a time of great space age explorations where earth singular government funded many explorers to go out and colonize the galaxy around them. This however led to such animosity between Earth's govenment and 25% of its population (earths population during this time was approximately 83 billion people).

MRI: (Meal Ready Instantly) is a unique and amazing technology (Created during the Haiyun age) that only needs a special droplet of engineered water to be dropped onto a powder specifically made to form the food that the powder was bio engineered for.

Halyeon: Are what soldiers are called in the Halzeon royal army.

Safetla: Stop saluting

Heeftala: Begin Bowing

Cea Froon Hlu: A phrase used by the citizens and royalty of the Halzeon Empire meaning Let heavens grace guide us.

*Much is planned for this novel. In this first chapter originally planned for it to be much longer but wil split the other half into chapter 2 and then chapter 3 will be the calm before the storm which was initially planned to be part 2.*

_GalaxyOmega_creators' thoughts