
Galactic Entrepreneur

The galactic society. A place big enough to house hundreds of different sentient alien species.Humans, flying birds with telekinesis, living stars, whales the sizes of planets and more. Civilizations spanning light years wide to a small business on a space station. Supers able to destroy cities and even planets. Cold wars between civilizations and takeovers of smaller businesses.Its a cruel place to be weak and the perfect paradise for those who hunger for more. Humanity being one of the newer races to join the galactic society is forced to accept a weaker standing in the society but now humanity with its talents is entering a golden era! An era led by 5 supers.After all, humanity was born to rule over the stars! An entrepreneur, a vigilante, an explorer, a hunter and a criminal of all people to lead humanity's golden era.What a time to be alive!

ZapFlak · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

10:Boring Lecture


The moment he yelled those words out, it felt like a burden had been lifted from his shoulders. His eyes were shaking from excitement and fear at the same time.

But his eyes could see one thing clearly and that was the deep blue quantum energy gathering all around him. Almost like a catalyst, he could see a purple energy from his right hand and a yellow energy from his left hand both flowing from his fingers.

Aiming his right palm at the swarm of bugs, he sent out a wave of the purple energy and it obeyed his commands, hundreds and hundreds of bugs all immediately fell down. Their minds having been wiped out.

Still absorbed in this moment of bliss, he aimed his left palm at the swarm and fired another wave. This time a flood of yellow energy shot out. Hundreds more bugs collapsed. Their souls having been destroyed, leaving them as mere empty living husks.

Once he shot the two waves out though his knees instantly gave out, leaving him unable to move. The purple and yellow energy that was making his arms glow dissapeared and as his eyes closed. The last thing he could see was the blue quantum energy.


Falton flying with his suit grabbed Zephyr and flew away. His drones carrying what few people that he could save.

The rest would die. Perhaps a few would live. But most would die, from being eaten alive, to being stabbed by their stingers. Only god could save them now.


-ble! He managed to awaken as super this late. It says here he's 21 years old an-


Beep beep beep

"He's wak-


Zephyr gasped as he woke up. His breath heavy and his hair wet. His whole body was sweating intensely and it felt as if he had gotten struck by lightning.

Opening his eyes, he could see that he was layind down on a bed. Surrounding him was dozens of machines. A tube of green liquid was insterted into his arms and multiple bandages were wrapped around his shoulder.

Turning to his left, he could see a table with a button that read [call doctor].

'How am I supposed to press it when I can't move my arms from all these tubes. Dammit, cmon arms move! Push the button'


Huh? Zephyr hadn't even moved so how had the button been pressed? He was lookin at it the whole time and nothing had pressed it. In fact, Zephyr didn't know weather his eyes were playing tricks but it looked like the button just pushed itself!


"You're finally awake! You've been knocked out for over a week now."

A man in full white practically ran in through the door, followed closely by several others

"W-what h-ha-ppened t-to me?"

Zephyr could barely move his mouth to speak. Stuttering the whole time

The man who Zephyr could read on his name tag as Dr Luseno smiled widely.

"Well first of all, congratulations! As of right now, you Zephyr Veppelin Kadvan are a super."

"What? But I'm way t-

" to old? Yes while awakening late is rare, it's not unheard of. According to the scans, you have always had super genes. However due to the absence of stimuli, you never awakened them. Only in that brief moment of desperation did you awaken as a super! "

Zephyr was a super now, it felt like a dream to him. How many people in the whole universe wanted to be supers? A lot! Unfortunately, many couldn't be supers and would never be and now Zephyr was being told that he was lucky enough to become the 1 in 4000 to be a super?

"What super am I? "

"Pardon me but all of you please leave I need to have a one on one with Zephyr here."

The people following Dr Luseno quickly left the room. Seems like he had a lot of influence.

"Well firstly, do you know what supers there are?"

Of course Zephyr knew what supers there were. Warrior, mage, psychic, mutant and designer.Every single child learned all of these and the differences between them.

"Warrior, mage, psychic, mutant and designer. "

The doctor clapped his hands.

"Bravo Zephyr! And to answer your question you my friend are a psychic! Want me to explain the basics of it to you?"

He nodded his head. Zephyr already knew most of the basics, but it couldn't hurt to know more.

"Alright well, as a super. You gain the ability to manipulate and control quantum energy which is an energy all around us. Quantum energy by itself can be used to strengthen your body and enhance attacks. Think of your body as a bowl and quantum energy as water, when you drink some water, it'll dissapear and slowly regenerate when you passively absorb quantum energy.You got that?"

He nodded his head.

"Now you can passively regenerate the water but you can also engage in active cultivation to regenerate the water faster. And absorbing quantum energy makes the 'bowl' bigger and stronger.Understood? "

He nodded his head

"Good.Now, I'm sure you know of the strength ratings were have right? Z all the way to F? Well E+ is the max something can become without being a super. To become stronger then E+ you must be a super, all creatures in the universe that are D- are supers. Again, you got that?"

He nodded his head. Again.

"As a psychic, your body transforms quantum energy into mental and soul energy. Mental energy is purplish and can affect the mind, causing illusions and can break someone's mind. Soul energy is yellowish and can affect the soul, causing permanent damage and can leave people as empty living husks. I'm sure you can feel it now. In your heart is the soul energy and in your brain is the mental energy.Most psychics can only sense one when they freshly awaken so being able to sense both eight off the start must mean you're quite talented!"

How long was this doctor gonna talk about this. This was basic knowledge! Not letting his frustration show. He simply nodded his head again.

"As a super you gain way more control over your body, it will feel more comfortable, you can control things you couldn't before such as slowing down your metabolism to age slower.You can control wether you want to convert your quantum energy into mental or soul energy"

Again. Even more basic knowledge every child learned in school. Gritting his teeth he simply nodded at him.

"There's a reason why we use our current strength system, the change between letters is extreme. Think of it as changing your bowl into a puddle, then a lake,then an ocean!You will instinctively know when you can go to the next letter and your instincts will teach you how to control your energies. Think of them as extra limbs that can do all sorts of stuff!"

Even his analogy that he used was what they taught him in school. Was this guy really a doctor?

"You know of how strong each grade is right? Well just to remind you. A fight between two E grades would destroy a building, a fight between two D grades would destroy a small town, a fight between two C grades would destroy a large town, a fight between two B grades would destroy whole cities and a fight between A grades would destroy the entire outer surface of a planet. "

Zephyr had zoned out by this point, not listening to a word he was saying and simply nodding whenever he stopped talking.

"As sup-

This guy was still going on?!


-ating how mages grow stronger compared to other supers isn't it?Oh my! I think I should get going now. I'll see you next time then Zephyr"

By now, Zephyr felt like he had gone brain dead listening to Dr Luseno speak. He had stopped nodding some three hours ago and yet he simply kept talking.

The door immediately opened after he left. This time however, two people came in that Zephyr actually wanted to meet.

"I told you Zephyr! I could sense quantum energy on your body! I knew it!"

"Calm down Nathaniel,how was he supposed to know? He's way older then most supers awaken. "

"I also awakened extremely late and I'm here now aren't I?And why are you still calling me that?You can call me Nathan man! We're brothers at this point!"

Nathan and Falton walked into his room, both arguing loudly the whole time. It took a while to recognize Falton since he always wore his armour but luckily he had remembered his appearance from the video of his family Falton had shared with him.

"Wow Nathan, new brother already? I thought I was your only brother? "

Sitting down in one of the chairs next to him, Nathan looked a lot different then he remembered. His hair was a bit longer but more importantly his muscles seemed to have grown even bigger, Zephyr was pretty sure that Nathan could grab his face with just his palms.

"There's no rule saying I can't have multiple brothers is there? Besides, what's the harm it could cause anyways?"

"A lot of things Nathaniel, being too open with friends is a boon and a flaw at the same time"

Falton, dragging the chair to sit closer to Zephyr answered Nathan for him.


"I'm surprised the two of you could even visit me, they've been working me to the bone back in Quarry 34."

The two of them shared a look with each other.

"Well, we were kinda supposed to go and kill a Rand hive but the two of us threatened to revolt if we couldnt visit you. "


"Those worm things with a bunch of legs. You know after the attack on Quarry 34 only then did they see fit to install flooring and more underground protection. Looks like losing one of their precious quarries has finally urged then to take more action. Although we haven't gotten around to actually installing the flooring and underground protection.Plus apparently there's a new wave coming, this time instead of just mercenaries there's a new organization coming. "

A new wave coming? If Zephyr counted properly then that would be the 15th wave. Since each wave had more or less 8 thousand people. There should have been 120,000 people. Except due to the intense amount of deaths, it was somewhere around 107,000.

"Any word on what's the new organization?"

"Beats me"

"About that, I actually hacked into one of the CEA's smart watch, it took a while since it was at interstellar level but I got it eventually. Apparently, its the Records of Electricity and Machinery also known as REM. "

The Records of Electricity and Machinery! They were a church who is fully committed to archiving all of human technological progress and they were willing to do anything to get more knowledge into their archives.

Because of this, they would act essentially as mercenaries. Being paid in tech and knowledge instead of money.

Not that anyone minded. The fanatic group mainly consisted of designers in the first place, and the 'pope' was disaster grade Fran Mirren or more famously known as Metal Tsunami!

He could controll armies of metal robots strong enough to rival grade C supers according to the rumours, he was even responsible for creating humanity's strongest warship. The Pride of Man! Which could send volleys strong enough to wipe out all life on a planet!

"The hell is REM coming to this planet for? "

"Apparently, the CEA promised to give them knowledge on how to create something but that's all I know. I can't hack into anything more then the infantries smart watches without being discovered."

Everyday that went by made this whole planet more suspicious. First, they had close to a million CEA infantry men and yet relied on mercenaries to fight. The battleships in orbit never once helped or did anything. They were still preventing any communication attempts in or out of the planet and now along with Violet Flood and Under the Flag. REM was being sent to this planet.

"Hey Falton? I'm starting to think your theory of there being something more valuable then just Kaveni Ore on this planet might just have some truth to it"