
Galactic Entrepreneur

The galactic society. A place big enough to house hundreds of different sentient alien species.Humans, flying birds with telekinesis, living stars, whales the sizes of planets and more. Civilizations spanning light years wide to a small business on a space station. Supers able to destroy cities and even planets. Cold wars between civilizations and takeovers of smaller businesses.Its a cruel place to be weak and the perfect paradise for those who hunger for more. Humanity being one of the newer races to join the galactic society is forced to accept a weaker standing in the society but now humanity with its talents is entering a golden era! An era led by 5 supers.After all, humanity was born to rule over the stars! An entrepreneur, a vigilante, an explorer, a hunter and a criminal of all people to lead humanity's golden era.What a time to be alive!

ZapFlak · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


"Cmon Zephyr! That felt weak! "

"You're a whole letter grade above me what the hell am I supposed to do?!"

Nathan and Zephyr were currently sparring right now so Zephyr could get used to being a super. Since being a super made you much stronger, made your senses more refined and your body easier to control. Many new supers had trouble doing basic things like walking or dulling their senses to not get sensory overload.

"Dont just let Nathaniel beat you up Zephyr. Use more ranged attacks, he can't do much about those"

On the sidelines, Falton in his power suit was spectating their fight. There was no point in him joining the spar when he was at grade D+ and would just demolish both Zephyr and Nathan.


Nathan's spear broke through Zephyr's shield again. The moment it broke, Zephyr dodged backwards using telekinesis to move faster.

"Oh no you don't!"

Nathan threw the spear at Zephyr, the spear being enhanced by quantum energy. FleW through the air at intense speeds and almost hit Zephyr had he not put up his telekinetic shields again.


The spear broke but it had done it's job breaking Zephyr's shield. Nathan picking up a rock on the ground quietly muttered.

"Transform, sword"

The rock in his hands seemed to melt, almost like a liquid before slowly solidifying itself into a two handed longsword that Zephyr recognized as a Zweihander.

Raising his right hand at Nathan, Zephyr willed as much mental energy as he could and sent out a blast of mental energy at Nathan. Covering him from head to toe.


Dropping his newly created sword. Nathan clutched his head and tried to reinforce it with quantum energy.

"Not so fun now is it Nathan?"

Aiming his other hand at Nathan, he gathered whatever little soul energy he could and sent out another blast at Nathan.

Nathan seeing the slow moving soul energy travel at him, covered his body and sword with as much quantum energy as he could and holding out his longsword he had picked up, cut through the soul energy.

Dammit, that mutant ability is so damn busted! Using telekinesis to propel himself forward. He utilized the Max Body Usage that Nathan had taught him to deliver a punch as hard as he could, making sure to reinforce his fist with quantum energy as well for extra power.

Two sounds echoed throughout the whole sparring ring. Zephyr's fist against Nathan's sword, one was a clear winner.

"Nice try Zephyr, but I'm better"

Nathan with his sword having partied my fist and stopping right before it stabbed into his chest confidently exclaimed his victory.

"You're a whole letter grade above me! This is so unfair, what could I have done in the first place!"

"Nothing's impossible when you put your mind to it Zephyr"

Zephyr sent out a wave of telekinesis to push him back. Only for him to not even budge. His hair didn't even move for gods sake!

"I'd like to see you fight against Falton and win"

"Ehem, that's different. Falton is at D+.The gap between us is much wider"

Nathan coughed lightly and dropped the rock sword he had made on the ground.

"It's only one letter off, I thought you said you could do anything when you put your mind to it?"

"I have literally no idea what you're talking about...I've never said anything like that. "


It was literally like 2 minutes ago when you said it?

Turning to Falton, who was spectating them. Zephyr asked.

"You recorded the whole thing right? With audio?"

Smirking, Falton brought over one of his drones and had it play a holographic recording of the conversation they had just now.

[You're a whole letter grade above me! This is so unfair, what could I have done in the first place!]

[Nothing's impossible when you put your mind to it Zephyr]

The recording betrayed Nathan, perfectly recapping every detail. Minus the fact their voices sounded robotic.

While Nathan desperately tried to play it off, Zephyr still on the ground asked Falton something he had been wondering for a while.

"Hey Falton?Why is it that your voice always sounds robotic in your suit?And why is the recording voices also so robotic?"

"It just sounds cool."


"Why would you ev-

[All mercenaries please gather at the concourse in a five minutes.]

Zephyr's sentence was interrupted by a announcement on his smartwatch, looking around. He could see everyone else also get the same notification.

Falton didn't even need to use a smartwatch as his suit already had one built in. Must be nice to be a designer, just invent whatever you want to make life 10x more comfortable.

" The hell are they calling us for now? Is it the new wave already? You said REM wouldn't be arriving until a month or so didn't you?"

Falton frowned and replied to Nathan.

"REM is arriving next month, I haven't tried to hack into another CEA smartwatch for fear of being discovered."

"Maybe they've finally decided to lift the lockdown?"

"Not a chance, if they had lifted the lockdown I would know. My suit sends out signals constantly to control my drones and if anything happened to the signal jammer, I would be first to know"

Damn. Looks like they're still stuck here then.

Finding a place near the front of the stage. Falton set up a few drones for them to sit on. Interestingly, Nathan's mutant ability could only create things which Nathan considered a weapon.

This meant he couldn't create chairs but he could create tables because apparently he considered tables a weapon. Aside from that he also seemed to consider yo-yos, a fishing rod, a belt, and shoes as weapons.

As the three of them chatted a bit more while waiting for the announcement,Zephyr who still couldn't dull his senses accidentally overheard a mercenary.

-illion infantry men? That's bullshit. I bribed one of the CEA's officers and guess what? There's only around 400,000 infantry men!But none of the CEA's except for the higher ranks know th-

Zephyr couldn't hear anymore, his senses were too weak to accurately hear what they were saying at this distance with all the people nearby also speaking.

Turning his head to face the two. He quietly whispered to both of them.

"See those four guys behind me on my left? Three black hair one brown hair, listen in on what they're saying I can't hear them anymore but I managed to listen to a few interesting things when I could"

Falton and Nathan both accurately found the group he was talking about except...

"Zephyr... they aren't even speaking to each other right now. None of their lips are moving. "

"Same here, I've moved a few drones slightly closer to overhear then but they've got nothing. They are however sensing a miniscule flow of mental energy connecting them all. "

"That's impossible, I swear they were talking!"

[Attention, a new Kaveni ore deposit has been discovered so roughly a quarter of all mercenaries here at Quarry 33 will be moved there. A notification has been sent to all of your smart watches on whether you will be sent there or stay here. That is all]

. ..What the fuck. This guy has the audacity to just pop in. Order a quarter of the mercenaries to move to the new quarry. If like last time, they would get no reinforcements and would be expected to build most of the fortifications themselves.

They were basically being used as slaves at this point! And evidently, the crowd of mercenaries thought so too.



Chaos ensued as the thousands of mercenaries all revolted. Screaming and yelling. The horde of angry mercenaries, unable to find Connor Tokio. Decided to take their anger out on the next best thing. The CEA infantry men.


Rocks struck their Armour, not even making a dent. The CEA infantry, realising that shit was about to hit the fan. Reached for his smartwatch to probably call for reinforcements. Too bad Zephyr was here and he was pissed as well.

"Requesting reinf- What the hell!"

The moment he tried to call them, Zephyr used his telekinesis to rip the smartwatch out of his suit and flew it straight into Zephyr's hands.

"Falton, mind hiding this for me?"

Falton, without even turning grabbed it and shoved it into a compartment he opened up in one of his drones. (Which Zephyr didn't even know could do that)

"What did you say Zephyr? I couldn't hear you properly over the crowd. "

"Ah, it's nothing"

A look of understanding flashed between the two of them.

Nathan, busy grabbing rocks and throwing them at the guards. Asked Zephyr

"Hey Zeph, why aren't you joining in? Cmon man, think of it as throwing practice! "

Getting up from Falton's drone that he was sitting on. Zephyr grabbed a pile of dirt and compacted it with his fists until it was about the size of a baseball.

"So how do I throw this?"

"Does it matter? You have telekenises dude!"

Hmmm. Throwing the ball as hard as he could towards one of the infantry. The ball, obviously going off course soon made a sharp turn and punted one of the infantry straight in the head.

"Woah! Nice one Zeph, mind helping mine too?"

"Sure, but why are you calling me Zeph all of a sudden?"

"Sounds better in my head, here make this one as fast as possible"

Nathan, getting into a stance. Threw the rock he has holding forwards, as it zoomed through the air. Zephyr focused his telekinesis to push the rock forwards as much as he could.


Another bullseye. This time, the force of the rock thrown by Nathan and accelerated by Zephyr managed to hit one of them with enough power to knock him on his back!


"Straight on! Thank you for the assist Zephyr! "

Nathan practically yelled out loud, luckily the crowd was enough to drown out this voice

"We should probably go now, I don't wanna be caught"

"Wait one more"

Nathan unable to find a rock, grabbed some dirt and compressed it like what Zephyr did.


Again, another one toppled down like a bowling pin.

"We should really go now"

"Just one more"

Like an imp, Nathan grabbed another cluster of dirt and threw it at them again. This time unfortunately, Zephyr was at his limit.

He coughed out and fell onto his knees, blood coming from his nose. Trying to muster up more quantum energy. His body simply declined.

"Fine.Falton mind if we head to your assigned room? It's the biggest out of our three. "

"Sure. Just don't touch any of my stuff"

my school holidays have ended so unfortunately I'm forced to go to school now,updates will be slowing down but I'll try to keep it to at least once every 3 days

ZapFlakcreators' thoughts