
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 4 - Guild Invitation

"G-Guild Master, Rebecca! Please! Wait a moment! You can't just barge in here like that!" An older man's voice exclaims from behind the woman.

The man came in the room followed by two men in suits that looked like security guards of some sort. All three looked absolutely exhausted after having to run after the female Guild Master. The man who spoke up looked like a doctor or physician of some sort.

The doctor's voice fell on deaf ears however as the woman swiftly made her way to Puck's bed, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"That's my mistake, but I could've sworn I heard a man's voice from in here. Hmm...." She let's out a small hum in thought as she gives Puck's sleeping form a once over before turning on her heel. "I must've been mistake. I'd like to apologize for this inconvenience." She says before beginning to move away from the bed....

Only to suddenly turn back around, rearing her first back before sending it on a crash course with Puck's "sleeping" form.

His eyes suddenly snapped open, and before he could even flinch, his body moved on its own. He jumped out of the bed, landing a few feet away as the bed he was just in, and the wall behind it was decimated.

"It's nice to see that you're awake, Mr. Puck Gier." She says, smirking as she slowly retracts her outstretched arm, dusting herself off as she turns to look at a shocked and horrified looking Puck.

"W-What the actual fuck?! What would've you done if I was still unconscious?!" Puck snaps, looking furious.

The woman simple let's out a small amused huff, flicking her hair out of her face as she places a hand on her hip. "Easy, I would've simply healed you and tried again later on."

Her answer was so simple, yet so incredibly pompous and arrogant that it nearly threw Puck for a loop.

But Puck's fury was quickly shattered once he got a better look at the woman, a look of realization appearing on his face as he took a slightly cautious step back.

He lifted a accusing finger towards the woman. "W-Wait! Aren't....?!"

He was interrupted as the woman started to walk towards him. A confident stride to her steps as she lifted her hand flat in front of him, a system screen appearing towards Puck revealing her status.


Name: Rebecca Washington

Age: 32

Lvl: 55

Race: Human

Job: Martial Artist (Rank: Legendary)

Status: Awakened

Class Type: Brawler

Rank: S

Str: 2845

Int: 800

Dex: 1400

HP: 12000/12000

Mana: 3000/3000

Current Titles: Martial Goddess, Strong Arm, Inheritor of the Dragon Fist Martial Arts, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, etc....

Skills: N/A


A shiver ran up Puck's spine. He knew he'd stand no chance against her in a 1v1. Her strength stat alone was off the charts!

And her showing him this just shows that she's that confident in her own abilities, though she made the smart decision not to reveal most of her titles and skills like most rankers do when meeting each other.

You can usually only see someone else's status if they reveal it themselves or if you use the status crystal at the awakener center where they test new awakeners.

You can chose what information to reveal and it's usually a sign of trust....

It's also common courtesy to reveal yours once someone has revealed theirs.

Puck had to swallow a lump in his throat, a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek as he stairs up at Rebecca's patiently waiting eyes, a look of unhidden amusement in them as she gives him a all too friendly and reassuring smile.

He shakily raises his hand and did the same, revealing his status while praying to whatever God that was listening that she didn't say anything about his unusual status.

The only thing he got in response however was a simple. "Oh? How interesting...."

He opened his eyes, that he didn't even know he had closed, a small confused look appearing on his face as he looked up at Rebecca's thoughtful look.

He could tell she was looking at his status closely, making him give it a second look himself to make sure that everything was okay.

What he say made his mouth go dry.


Name: Puck Gier

Age: 21

Lvl: N/A

Race: Human (?)

Job: N/A

Status: Awakened

Class Type: Gacha (Humanoid)

Rank: S

Str: N/A

Int: N/A

Dex: N/A

Luck: 248

HP: 900/1000

Cost: 225/400

Current Titles: N/A, Dragon Slayer

Skills: Gacha Summoning, Gacha Inventory, Gacha Wave, Assimilation, Full Assimilation


A small sigh of relief escapes his lips as he grins at Rebecca, letting out a small nervous chuckle. "S-Sorry! Can't be too careful! You know?"

He says, only to be met by an insane chuckle. A dangerous look appears in Rebecca's eyes as her hand barely hides the wide evil grin splitting her face. "How....interesting~!" She says with a small velvety tone to her voice.

Before Puck even realized what was happening, he had backed himself up again the wall. He flinches as both of Rebecca's hand slam on each side of his head, forming craters as they land and blocking anyway for him to escape.

He take the chance at glancing up at her face....

Which he immediately came to regret.

She was surrounded by what seemed to be a dangerous black aura as she leaned in close. "Do you think this is a game?" She asked all too sweetly, feigning a friendly smile. Puck simply gulped as she continued. "How about you save both of us the trouble and join my guild, huh~? I'll be sure to treat you well~! And then we won't have to get the awakener bureau involved~!"

The Awakener Bureau was the name of the government agency that took care and registered all potential awakeners.

The law is that you have to register within one month of awakening, or you'll be seen as a traitor and fugitive of your country of origin....

And Puck hiding his stats and level was more than a little suspicious, even he had to admit that.

But then at the same time she's trying to recruit him to her guild, The Black Hawk Guild.

It's a famous guild and could be seen as the 3rd Ranked in the entire world. So if he were to be recruited into such a big guild, his life would be pretty much guaranteed and he'd be immune to all punishments outside of those approved by the guild master herself.

But why would she give him such an option?


For some reason, Puck couldn't hide his Class rank. All he could do was lower it down to S Rank.... Which was still unbelievably high. So of course a big guild like The Black Hawk's would try and monopolize the first ever S Rank Gacha user.

Luckily for Puck however....

Someone didn't appreciate their summoner being threatened and blackmailed.

"I've seen enough." A calm and incredibly bored sounding voice says from beside Rebecca and before she could react, a kunai was placed to her throat.

The doctor and Rebecca's escorts were all in similar situations as Naruto held a three pronged kunai to the doctor's throat, Sasuke held his sword to one guard, while Sakura held a regular kunai to the other guard's.

Naruto gave a friendly wave to Puck, grinning widely.

"Fucking hell...." Puck let these words out with a small sigh of relief as Kakashi gave him a friendly eye smile.

His relief was short lived however....

To be continued~


End Chapter 4~