
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


As time passed, the vacation, which felt long and short, ended and the first day of school arrived.

Jihoon sensed that her beauty would soon shine, so he put off even the crazy FX work for a moment and worked hard to help Nayoung lose weight.

Her appearance, which had such a strong chubby feel, soon became full of beauty to the point where chubbyness was almost gone.

Originally, it would have been full of kids making fun of Nayoung's ugly appearance even on her way to school, but none of the kids recognized that this girl, who had changed her beauty and became more beautiful than anyone else, was actually Nayoung.

That's because she lost a lot of weight, so the gigantic figure that comes to mind when thinking of Hanna Young has changed, and more than anything, unlike when she covered her ugly face with long bangs, she now has her face fully exposed, so it was natural.

Few children would remember Nayoung's face when she covered it in the first place.

As a result, a rumor spread that a pretty girl had transferred to the school.

However, when Nayoung entered the class and calmly went to her seat and unpacked her luggage, I couldn't help but have an unbelievable question.

"Are you... by any chance Nayoung?"

A girl whose name and face I couldn't remember came up to me and asked me carefully, saying she couldn't believe me and denying the reality.

Jihoon said.

It's pretty. Beyond being pretty enough, there are probably only a handful of people prettier than you, so be confident.

So Nayoung decided to act confidently.

In the past, Nayoung would have lowered her eyes and timidly opened her mouth.

"That's right."

But now, instead of shaking, I confidently made eye contact and answered.


The girl who flinched at the sight of her prettier appearance and more confident attitude, not the bully Nayoung she knew, was astonished.

It's a lie. Her original pretty appearance was hidden, and I was a little moved to see her dismissing it as a lie when she was just enhancing that pretty appearance.

This is because I felt like I had been denied the pain I had suffered due to my appearance and the efforts I had made to exercise even when it was difficult.

Nayoung felt like she wanted to scream and show her emotions, but she didn't have the courage to go that far yet, so she tried to ignore it.

"Wow... crazy. Is this true? Isn't that a lie?"

"They're all different people, just?"

"I saw it. The bag, pencil case, class, number, and name. That's Han Na-young!"

"Plastic surgery! Mom said you can change your face with plastic surgery!"

"What is it.....?"

"I don't know, but plastic surgery is probably right for me!"

The transformation was so ridiculous and cataclysmic that the opinion of plastic surgery was solidified.

Although plastic surgery can make you look prettier, the swelling cannot go down this quickly. Even though I knew this from Jihoon, I felt it was funny that the kids didn't even know this.

No matter what anyone says, it doesn't change the fact that Nayoung has become prettier.

To begin with, I wasn't particularly happy when I heard those kids say I was ugly or pretty.

Nayoung has developed the mindset that all she has to do is look pretty for Jihoon.

"Uh... Nayoung?"


Just thinking about Jihoon brought a stupid smile to my face.

However, a disgusting voice that shattered this smile was calling Nayoung.

Nayoung furrowed her pretty eyebrows and looked at the boy who called her.

The red face and shy expression were truly nauseating.

This is because Nayoung was the instigator of the bullying that made it so difficult that she wanted to die already at an early age.

When he approached me in such a shy manner, my eyebrows trembled in disgust and fear, and I felt like the tears I had been holding back would spill out.

The boy with that face was no different from the devil to Nayoung.

"You've become really pretty. Let's go out with me."

It's so shameless.

When he suddenly asked me out as if he had forgotten everything he had done, my fear disappeared and I was filled with disgust.

He took the lead in making fun of me by telling me countless times that he was ugly, that he was a virus, and that the man who would later marry Nayoung was truly pitiful, but then he asked me to date him without even a word of apology?


It was so absurd that I laughed.

However, a smile appeared on the boy's lips as if he was taking this laughter positively.

It must have been just a joke. I guess they just thought it was a trivial prank that could be laughed off. It seems like those words came out easily because I was just thinking that way.

The moment I was about to say something, as if letting out the anger that had been bottled up deep in my heart.

"What are you doing?"

Jihoon appeared like a savior.

Jihoon spoke sharply with a slightly distorted face, as if he was in a very bad mood without knowing why.


Nayoung was held in Jihoon's arms as if she had been waiting, and Jihoon smiled warmly while stroking Nayoung's hair.

The boy who asked Nayoung out was openly displeased by their unhesitating behavior, which looked like lovers to anyone.


"What is your relationship with Nayoung?"

Even though it wasn't something I wanted to say, whenever he harassed Nayoung, he confessed as soon as he saw Nayoung, who went from pretty to angelic during the vacation, and it was so absurd that he tried to keep me in check.

Well, I don't think he was bullying me, I just thought he was having fun, and since he's still young, I can understand why he doesn't know the difference between public and private matters and is being rude.

Even though you can understand, there are limits to seeing someone as young.

But NTR crossed the line, bastard.

"Why. What kind of relationship do you think we have?"

I held Nayoung in my arms.


As I wrapped my arms around her slender waist, my body trembled cutely and at the same time I let out a loud scream.

"You don't like it! Let go!"

You wouldn't know it from the fact that it is being held quietly without even trying to escape, let alone resisting.

The girl I fell in love with was quietly being held in the arms of another boy, so I rushed at her without even understanding the situation.

"Si, I hate it!"

When I tried to take Nayoung away from me, she euphemistically resisted.

The boy's touch, not mine.


Only then did he realize the situation and took a step back with a shocked look on his face.


I clicked my tongue as if nothing had happened and turned around to leave the class, but I couldn't hide the fact that my eyes were moist.

"Ji, Jihoon… huh, hehe… Jihoon…"

Nayoung, who had buried her face in my chest and was rubbing it here and there, slowly opened her mouth.

"We... puh... hehe... heh... what are we...?"

The constant laughter, the curled corners of her mouth, and the smile in her eyes showed that Nayoung's mood was at its peak.

"What do you want us to be like?"

"Hee, hee hee...! That's it...! That's it...!"

If possible, I want to confess in a nice way and develop into a romantic relationship.

And did Nayoung completely depend on me? I have no way of knowing why I have come to hate myself more than anything else, to the point where I willingly allow myself to meet another woman with her.

Therefore, even if the success rate is 100%, I am not sure if I can confess it here and now.

I also wanted to be in a relationship, so it was natural for me to be worried.

"Let's go to sleep. The class bell rang, so everyone stand up and do something. Come on, take your seats."

Fortunately, the teacher came in.

Nayoung, who wanted to hear an answer but couldn't, pouted her lips with a pouty face.

"Let's sit down too."


I forced Nayoung, who didn't want to get out of my arms, to sit down and forcefully push her away.

From then on, whenever there was a break, many kids came to see her, who had become prettier, but Nayoung completely ignored them and asked what was the relationship between her and I, but she tried to divert the conversation by changing the topic.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and complained of frustration, and at the same time started crying and begged for a quick answer, but he calmed down immediately when I hugged him lightly.

I know I'm doing something mean to Nayoung, but it's also making me more obsessed with it.

If this were to happen, wouldn't the country become more and more mired in a swamp without even realizing it, and we wouldn't be able to get out of it?

I was happy just thinking about it.

So it was time to leave school.

"Jihoon. Can Jihoon go home today?"

"At my house?"


"You can come."

I wondered how my mother would react when she saw Nayoung look so pretty.

I'm sure they'll probably think it's another girl.

To be honest, even I can't think of Nayoung back then and Nayoung now as the same person.


"No. Because it's pretty."


If I tell you the truth, it seems like my mom will praise my past behavior and even advise me to catch it.

Now that my dad's company has overcome the crisis and is surviving, money has become less important, so if it's pretty, it's great.

"Jihoon. Jihoon."


"Can I go to sleep?"

"You're sleeping at my house? Don't your parents say anything?"

I still didn't know Nayoung's family circumstances.

If I were to put it roughly this way, I would naturally say that it was okay. Nayoung's reaction was quite different from usual.

It is clear that something has happened at home as he hesitates and thinks about whether or not he should tell me this.

"If you have trouble talking, you don't have to talk, you can go to sleep."


"of course."

"Oh yea!"

Nayoung smiled brightly, perhaps because it was the right thing to say.

But that smile didn't last long.


A middle-aged couple who were anxiously waiting for someone in front of the school gate called Nayoung's name and waved as if they were waiting.

There was a high possibility that they were Nayoung's parents.

Most children at this age would be happy that their parents came to pick them up, but Nayoung's expression was not good.

"Did you enjoy school? Should I go home with mom?"

As I was clinging to Nayoung, he put his hand between us with a strangely wary look in his eyes.

I think I'm trying to drop it.

"Let go…!"

Nayoung said, hugging my arm even tighter.

"Me, Nayoung... What's wrong? It's mom. Mom."

I kept trying to separate Nayoung and me by emphasizing that she was a mother, but it didn't work out that way.

"I told you to let go!"

Nayoung always looked depressed, but these days her face brightened and she smiled brightly.

Even though we weren't together that long and I saw Nayoung's face in many different ways, I've never seen her face this angry.

"Don't touch me!"

He swatted away my hand and then pulled my arm to spread the distance between me.


His face was quite shocked, as if he had never dreamed that he would be rejected by his own daughter.

It's a good thing to be self-employed.

When Nayoung had an ugly appearance, she didn't even bother to look at her, but at some point she started to become pretty, so what difference would it make if he suddenly treated her well?

No, if you are a normal child, you might be happy that you have finally turned around, as if you have the whole world.

But Nayoung has already come to rely on me more than her parents.


A man who appeared to be Nayoung's father came up and shouted, leaving behind Nayoung's mother, who stiffened with a shocked expression on her face.

"What are you doing now?! Mom and Dad just came to pick you up from school, but you're yelling at them and slapping your hands away! What a habit!"

When their daughter objects so strongly, it is one-sided to apologize and regret their past actions.

There must have been a good reason for the immature child to do this.

Nayoung's parents, who were stupid enough to not even think of such a thing, did not feel it was worth it for me to bridge the gap.

Rather, I was gritting my teeth at this shameless and undesirable behavior.

I felt like punching him, but the difference in physique was so extreme that even if I tried, I was sure I would lose.

"Don't worry, Nayoung."


I gently stroked Nayoung's hair and calmed her down when she was very excited.

A security guard and a teacher were just approaching.

"let's go."

"Hannayoung! Hey! Hey you bastard! Where are you going!"

I left these kites in the care of the two of you and ran home with Nayoung in tow.