
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
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31 Chs



Nayoung, who entered the karaoke room, couldn't help but be amazed, no different from when she went to the PC room.

I was busy looking around at the sofas surrounded on all sides in a cozy space, the mirror ball hanging from the ceiling, and the large TV hanging on the wall.

I wonder if my reaction was like this when I first stopped by a karaoke bar.

Nayoung's funny and cute reaction filled me with curiosity.

However, it's a shame that I can't see my past self if I want to.

"Do you want to call me first?"

"Uh, huh…?"

When I handed her the remote control and asked her, her eyes were constantly shaking.

It's my first time at karaoke, so singing first may be a little awkward.

"Shall I call first?"


So I decided to sing first.

My heart was pounding strangely because it was my first time coming to a karaoke bar after crossing back in time.

"Ah… wasn't it there at this time?"

Perhaps because I don't know exactly when the song came out, I searched for the song I enjoyed listening to and singing along to, but there were no search results.

I really liked this song. I put my regrets aside and searched for another song.

The result is the same. This also says that there are no search results.

I had no choice but to go to the popular charts and choose a song that caught my eye.


The lights turned off in an instant, and Nayoung's body trembled slightly as if she was surprised as the mirror ball rotated, illuminating various lights in the narrow room.

Soon, he seemed to have gotten used to it and when he saw me starting to sing, he clapped his hands with a bright smile.

"Wow! Jihoon sings so well!"


After the song ended, I was looking upset and disapproving, but Nayoung, who didn't know how I felt, applauded me and praised me.

Write it.

To be honest, I'm not good at singing.

Still, I think it's usually okay, but maybe it's because my body is younger. I don't like the voice at all.

Even though the high notes go well, the gurgling sound is disgusting even if it is my own voice.

"What do you want to sing?"


Nayoung, who was smiling just a moment ago, stiffened.

Her shaking eyes gently avoided mine.

It may seem like they are hesitant because they are shy and don't have the courage to sing, but that is a different reaction.

no way.

"Nayoung. Are there any songs you know?"

I was asking just in case, but I lowered my head because I heard it as an interrogation.

"It's okay. You might not know."

I couldn't help but shed tears as I thought about how I lived such a closed life surrounded by walls that I didn't know any songs.

He smiled and gently held her in his arms.

"Then let's take it easy with me, okay?"


He nodded with a red face.

Still, we stayed close together, grabbed the remote control, and entered the popular charts.

"Do you know this?"

Even though it came out a long time ago, I thought that she might know of a famous song that is still on the popular charts and has no intention of coming down from the popular charts in the future, but Nayoung shook her head as she looked at me.

"Then what about this?"

"I don't know..."

In addition, I asked them if they knew songs that they had heard at least once, but the answers were always the same.

"Do you remember the song I just sang?"

There is an implicit rule that a song that was originally sung by someone else will not be sung again.

So I tried to get them to sing a different song as much as possible, but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Jihoon sang it?"

"That's right. That one from earlier."

"I remember."

They say I don't know any songs, but I can't be the only one singing like this. So I told him to sing the song I just sang.

He placed the microphone in Nayoung's noticeably thin hands and played the song.

As the lights turned off and the accompaniment played, Nayoung kept glancing at me as if she was nervous.

Is it because you're afraid I'll be disappointed if you don't call me?

"It's okay if you can't sing. You can sing well or you can sing poorly. You just have to have fun singing."

When I said this, he nodded with a brighter face, as if all his worries had gone away.

And then he sang a song to the accompaniment.

As expected, Nayoung sang it incredibly well.

Maybe it's because he didn't study, or to be precise, because he wasn't good at it, but he was actually extremely smart.

Even if there were lyrics and sheet music, it was difficult to sing along perfectly unless you listened to it several times.

However, for Nayoung, the beat and pitch matched exactly.

She sings almost perfectly, as if she were singing a song she usually enjoys, and her voice is so beautiful that it feels like her ears are being purified by my singing voice.


After the song ended, Nayoung exposed herself with all her might and was out of breath. She wasn't sure whether she sang well or not, so she looked at me as if she was trying to judge me based on my reaction.

"Nayoung. You can become a singer."

"Singer…? I…? Did I sing well…?"

"You sang it incredibly well. It's the best song I've ever heard."

"Really…?! Hee hee hee…!"

Nayoung was at a loss as she was showered with all the compliments she could possibly give and shuddered with joy.

"Let's try another song."

"I... I don't know?"

"It's okay. I can sing first and Nayoung can sing."


It gave me goosebumps to have to hear my terrible voice again, but I felt like I could bear it when I thought about Nayoung singing the same song next time.

So, if there was a song I wanted to hear based on Nayoung's singing skills, I would sing it first and let her listen to it, then listen to it.

It doesn't seem like a bad idea to play future songs saved on a future smartphone later.

No, should I rather release a song under Nayoung's name? At this point, anyway, those famous songs aren't even in the composer's head.

Although I felt sorry, it seemed worth considering.

I sang so loudly that I was hoarse, and when I came out, it was already dark outside.

"Nayoung, do you want to come in after dinner?"

"Dinner...? Good!"

Nayoung, who had been answering brightly, suddenly put her hands in her pockets with a dark expression.


I paid for both the PC room and the karaoke room, but he belatedly shook his head, probably because he didn't want to make me pay until dinner.

"I'll buy it for you."

"Aren't you spending too much...? I've already spent over 10,000 won."

At this age, 10,000 won is a lot of money.

However, to my mentally mature self, 10,000 won seemed like a small amount of money.

Even with how much money I made through FX and how much money I will make in the future, I don't think it's a waste to have only 10,000 won.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'll call my parents. I'll go after eating."

"Ugh... okay..."

In the end, Nayoung nodded as if she had decided to get some food.

"You don't have to contact me..."


"I don't have to... because..."

I know why.

When she was young, she treated her as someone who didn't exist, but later, when she saw Na-young's success, she belatedly tried to take her back by exposing her to the media and filing lawsuits, so it was impossible not to know that she made a fuss.

Judging by his reaction, it seemed like he didn't want to tell me about his family's situation.

If you ask interrogatively, he will eventually tell you, but then you run the risk of losing even a little of the goodwill he has built up.

I walked up to her, who had a dark expression on her face again, and held her hand.

It was cute how embarrassed and embarrassed he was when he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Do you want to eat something?"

"Oh, anything... anything..."

"Do you know which one is the most difficult? Just tell me one thing clearly."


There were a lot of things I wanted to eat, but I was in a position to get them, so I was cautious.

Even though I wait and wait, I hesitate. Since I couldn't provide what I wanted to eat, I had no choice but to make my own decision.

"Shall we go eat some meat?"

"Rain, it's expensive…!"

"It's okay. I eat because I want to. Since I said I was playing with Nayoung, my mom gave me a lot of pocket money, so I can eat enough."

It's a lie.

She was a mother who was complaining of frustration because her son, who was locked in his room and sitting in front of the computer, did not want to come out even when asked to play outside.

But today, he suddenly left the house and didn't think about coming back even at night, so I've been getting countless texts and phone calls just now.

At that time, I was still at the karaoke bar, so I couldn't hear it, so I just ignored it.

Still, I said I would have dinner late, so it would be okay.

"So let's go eat."

Anyway, so the money I spent and will spend today is entirely my own money.

"Uh, huh."

If you see that our house is really spacious and even has a yard, you will know that we are rich.

He said he had paid him a lot of money to have fun with him, so he had no reason to refuse anymore.

Instead, he smiled like an idiot, probably feeling happy because he thought his mother had acknowledged him.

Arrived at a nearby restaurant.

"What about your parents?"

"It's just the two of us."

Even though we sat down and received the menu, the store owner became suspicious when no adult came.

"Just the two of you?"

He looked troubled at the answer he received.

It seemed like the first time having two children as guests.

I, too, have never seen children visit a meat restaurant, so it would be natural.

"Do you have any money to pay?"

"Yes. I have 50,000 won."

"Okay... what do you want to eat? The lady will cook it for you."

But what does age have to do with money? He showed a nice smile and brought the meat we ordered and grilled it deliciously.

"Jihoon. I have a wish right?"

"Wish ticket? Ah... yes."

Besides the right to wish whether she was pretty or not, I was also given one more thing.

"Would you like to write it now?"

"No. I'll use it later. There's only one."

Even Nayoung must have already realized the outcome of victory or defeat.

"No. I'll give you one more."


"I just wanted to give it to you."

Even if I were given the right to wish, I wouldn't use it because it would be difficult. So I gave him another one.

"There is no cancellation!"

"Of course. Instead, just keep exercising consistently and never quit."

"Yes! Of course!"

She's still pretty enough, but I wanted a slim Nayoung more than a chubby Nayoung.

Just seeing Nayoung happily eating meat for the first time in a long time makes me feel full.

I wanted to eat until my stomach exploded, but since I couldn't gain back the weight I had lost, I only ate in moderation.

And only after dropping her off in front of the house was I able to return home.