
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Even though I thought I might have asked what was going on, I didn't say anything, let alone ask.

There is absolutely no need for me to stab Nayoung first.

I just stay silent and pretend not to know, waiting endlessly until Nayoung wants to talk to me.

In the first place, I knew everything about Nayoung's family history, so it didn't matter whether I heard it or not.

That's because even if you forget, if you search for the three letters of Han Na-young's name on your future smartphone, all the information will come out.

Nayoung's family history is so famous that no one knows about it, to the point that as soon as you search for it, related search terms are filled with the names of her parents who are most related to her.

"come in."


In the past, Nayoung was a cute girl who kept a close eye on people even coming in, but now, because of what happened earlier, Nayoung responded weakly and took off her shoes and came inside as if she were in her own home.

Her pretty face was distorted, as if she was still upset.

Her mind seems to have many thoughts running in all directions right now.

"Shall we go out?"

"Get out...? Where...?"

"To exercise."

In times like these, I had to exercise.

When you exercise, your body is so tired that you don't have to think about anything, so your head can rest.

Then, Nayoung will show me a bright smile as if she has always done that.

"Uh, exercise…? Can't we just rest today…?"

I had lost almost all my weight and was feeling very depressed, so I just wanted to rest for a day.

But that's why you need to exercise.

If you lose almost all the weight, put off exercise due to complacency, and eat whatever you want, there is a yo-yo effect and you regain your previous toned body.

And if you are depressed, you need exercise even more.

I'm going to continue to be depressed anyway, so shouldn't I push the depression away with exercise?

"Nayoung, this is the most important time. If you rest immediately after losing weight, you will become fat again in the blink of an eye, right?"

I didn't say I had to do it because it seemed like I was depressed for no reason.

"I don't like exercising either. I want to play at home. But if I don't do it today, I'm sure I won't do it tomorrow, right?"

This is an experience I gained from myself, who ended up putting off all the exercise I had planned for the rest of the vacation because I was holding onto a huge amount of money through FX.

If I hadn't seen Nayoung, who lost a lot of weight through her own efforts, I might not have exercised until now.

No, I would have completely ignored the idea of ​​exercising like this and was just sitting in front of the computer and fiddling with money.

"But can't I just rest today? I want to play with Jihoon at home…"

My mom isn't home at the moment either. She is Nayoung, who wants to spend a sweet time alone with each other.

"No. You took a break last time too."

I remained steadfast despite the bright eyes and heart-throbbing charm.

"Jihoon was resting at that time."

Come to think of it, I took a day off because it was a day when I could eat big.

"Is that so? Then I have to do it even more."


In the end, Nayoung is saddened by the reality that she has to exercise. Soon, her eyes sparkled.

"So, wishing rights…..!"

Since they gave me one for free, I had two wish tickets.

"Are you going to use it for something like this?"

"Two, two..."

"Are you sure you want to use it?"

"Ugh... I don't want to use it..."

There's no way you'd use a wasteful wish ticket just because you don't want to exercise. Nayoung, who was downcast, lamented and put her shoes back on.

"Let's wait a little while."


I stroked Nayoung's hair as she sat and put on her shoes.

Fortunately, I feel a little better.

"let's go."


I left the house and started running down the street with Nayoung.

Her long straight hair was blowing in the wind, and beads of sweat were gradually forming on her distinct features.

As I was running around looking at Nayoung's pretty face, I became worried.

As for where to use the right to wish.

I couldn't help but wonder why Nayoung kept saving the wish ticket for something else.

You won't tell me a wish that would harm me, so why wish for a kiss appropriate for your age?

Thinking of Nayoung blushing bright red and shyly asking for a kiss, I burst out laughing.

"Jihoon. Your smile is sinister."

"Where did you hear that?"

"On TV."


this. It seems like the idiot box is polluting Nayoung's mouth.

"Wow... the kid is so pretty, no joke?"

"I'm still prettier than you right now, but I think I'll be even prettier when I grow up."

"Of course you idiot. I'm a guy."

Before she shed her hideous skin, Nayoung suffered all kinds of disparagement from people around her and ended up crying.

But now, the gaze followed, not much different from before, but the words were completely contradictory.

Most, if not the absolute majority, were filled with words of admiration for Nayoung's improved beauty.

And sometimes.

"Does the child have big breasts?"

"Hey. Are you a pedophile?"


You might have heard the word insidious not just on TV, but while exercising.


At first, the corners of my mouth twitched at the admiring compliments, but as the number of people increased and they were all looking at Nayoung, the pride I had gained as I became prettier disappeared and only shyness remained.

With a red face, she clung to my back and did her best to hide her pretty face.

"Nayoung. It's uncomfortable to run."

"Sorry... I just want to run like this for a moment..."

The sudden attention came as a burden.

"Then… do whatever you want."


It didn't feel too bad, so I continued running like this.

When we returned home, we headed straight to the kitchen.

I roughly opened the refrigerator door, took out some orange juice, and drank the whole bottle.

"Puha… It's refreshing. Nayoung. Do you want a drink?"

Naturally, I offered the orange juice to Nayoung.

She nodded, placed her lips exactly where my mouth had just touched, and took a sip of orange juice.

"Have you finished drinking?"

"No... just a little more."

Are you very thirsty? She shook her head and put her mouth back on him.

"Just drink it all and put it inside."


After confirming the silent answer, I headed to my room.

"Useup… Do you think Nayoung has something she can wear?"

Since I said I was going to sleep at my house today, I needed a change of clothes.

The problem is that Nayoung and I are almost the same height.

Lately, as my muscles have grown, the clothes I've been wearing have gradually become smaller, but it's not enough to buy completely new ones, so I just wear them.

So, it is questionable whether Nayoung, who has large breasts compared to her peers, can wear it.

Well, if you don't have anything that fits, you can just give it to mom, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Still, I was sweating profusely, and the clothes I was wearing were soaked with sweat, but I had to put them on, so I grabbed my biggest pajamas and went outside.

"Nayoung. Try this on first. If it fits, I think you can wear this."

After drinking as much orange juice as she could, Nayoung came out to the living room and sat on the sofa.


"You don't like it?"

Nayoung, who was sitting on the sofa, was just looking at me blankly, so I guess she didn't like her pajamas.

"It would be cute."

These are cat pajamas whose reason I don't know.

Even though it doesn't suit me at all, it's a pajamas that would suit Nayoung well, but I'm a little disappointed.

"I'll find something else. Just a moment."

Just as I was trying to find other clothes.



"Are you… curious?"

He said with an anxious face.


Pretend you don't know anything. I tilted my head.

"My dad and mom."

Just by saying this much, I could understand what he meant.


I already know everything.

"I'm curious, but I think Nayoung doesn't want to talk about it."

So there is no need to be curious.

Nayoung, who was unaware of this fact, was thinking only of herself and her eyes were moistened by the small yet large consideration that she did not ask for.


Nayoung got up from her seat and approached me with an emotional expression on her face.

Then he leaned towards me and buried his face in my chest.

"Actually, there is..."

In that state, Nayoung slowly opened up about her family life, which was filled with more painful days than those at school.

While speaking, he cried and even got angry.

Each time, he calmed me down by stroking my head with a kind smile.

"It's disgusting that you treated me like I didn't exist... and that you didn't even treat me like your daughter... and then suddenly say you love me just because you're pretty...!"

"I see..."

"They said they could make a lot of money if they debuted me as a child actor... They still don't treat me like their daughter... They thought it was just about making money... Without even knowing that, I felt a little good when they told me they loved me... It's too much. ..."

"It was too much."

Nayoung continued to complain and eventually burst into tears.

Again, I patted her head and waited patiently until she calmed down.



Nayoung's eyes, full of moisture and questions, looked at me.

"What do you want to do Nayoung?"


I couldn't bear to say anything.

"You can complain to me, you can be angry. It's all good, but there's just one more thing. I want Nayoung to tell me what she wants to do. That way, I can help her."

It can be an emotional trash can and help pave the way forward.

Then, because you only rely on me, you will become a woman who can do nothing without me, and you will never be able to escape from me.

"Nayoung, you have two options now. Do you want to go home, or do you want to stay at my house?"

"Jihoon... can I stay home?"

"Even if it doesn't work out, I will make it happen."


"Nayoung. Have I ever lied to you?"

Nayoung shook her head without any hesitation.

Well, it was natural.

To be honest, I lied countless times, but none of them were caught.

That's how I became a person who never lied.

"So, you can choose comfortably. I hope Nayoung chooses the latter."

If you listen to Nayoung's words, it turns out that Nayoung's parents were trash themselves, even more than you might think.

Nayoung can no longer be left under such parents.

"I… I'm better…"

I dropped my lips with difficulty.

"I want to be here… I want to stay by Jihoon's side forever… I want to write a wish. I want to make a wish to be by Jihoon's side."

"One wish ticket is deducted. And Nayoung. I want to be with you too."

He returned the same answer and grabbed her chin and brought his mouth to her.

What happened so quickly made Nayoung unable to resist and had her lips stolen from me.

The dilated pupils were trembling.

"Stay by my side all the time. No, I'll make sure you stay by my side. Okay?"

His gaze was taken by my lips, which had just touched his lips.

He nodded with a puzzled expression.

"Oh, my gosh... Kids these days progress really fast, don't they?"

My mother, who didn't know when he came back, covered her mouth with her hand in surprise.


Nayoung quickly got out of my arms.

"Mom, you disturbed me? I'm sorry~"

Mom smiled brightly and took out her wallet from her bag.

"Do you think you're going to sleep since you brought me pajamas?"


"Okay. Then go to sleep. Ah, Jihoon. Something happened suddenly with my mom, so I think I have to go out. Our Jihoon is smart, so he can stay with his girlfriend… friend, right? Hehehe."


I just got home and suddenly I said I had an appointment. Is there any reason to leave?

Perhaps he was trying to make room for me.

I'm not sure why you're doing that.

"Come on. Order something delicious and eat. Then~!"

My mom gave me a whopping 100,000 won.

"Ha... I hope you don't say unnecessary things to Dad."

My mom was so fussy, but it seemed like my dad wouldn't be much different.

"W-Woman… Girlfriend… Hee hee hee hee…!"

Unlike me, Nayoung shuddered with joy.

As expected, as the night deepened, my father, who was busy with work and rarely came home, came home in a huff and looked at me and Nayoung with sinister eyes.

It came right at the right time.

I told Nayoung everything about her family situation to her father, who asked how we met and how long we had been dating.

Then my father got angry and left the house, telling me to leave everything to him.

Even though it's 10 o'clock.