
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


A lot of time has passed since the day Nayoung came to my house without saying a word.

While you never know when Nayoung's hidden beauty will shine, FX margin trading allows you to see the results right away, and even before her return, she lived a desperate and difficult life without money, so she went on vacation. I was just trading like crazy the whole time.

When the vacation first started, I would make time to meet Nayoung and exercise, but that time gradually decreased, and before I knew it, I was almost confined to the house without doing any exercise with Nayoung.

Somewhere along the way, I had money to spare, so I quit my job. Even though I was scolded by my mother, who was also at home at home, for playing games too much, she couldn't break my will.

As the vacation neared its end, the balance in my virtual wallet showed an amount that was completely different from reality.

There's no way a child at this age can. No, it gave me some breathing room because I felt like I had gained some foothold by accumulating assets that most people, even adults, could never have.

To rest my tired body from constant trading, I decided to go on a date with Nayoung, whom I hadn't seen for a while.

So, I showed up at the meeting place in advance and looked around with a puzzled expression.

Nayoung clearly asked to meet here, but I think she misspoke about the location.

That's because the last time I took Nayoung out to the city, a lot of trauma was instilled in her, so she started relying on me more.

Nayoung still feels uncomfortable and dislikes people's gaze, but the fact that the place she asked me to meet today was a crowded city full of people confused me.

just in case. No, there's a very high probability that I was mistaken. I was about to take out the thick smartphone from Nayoung's pocket to call her.

"Oh, how long have you been waiting?"

A girl approached me out of breath with beads of sweat forming on her forehead.



It was none other than Nayoung, but something had changed a lot.

The first thing that catches your eye is her clean face.

The last time I remember Nayoung's face was that although she had faded quite a bit, there were various things that were not that different from usual, so she had a very dirty face, but now, unless you look closely, you can't really see it.

Additionally, while I was away, she probably worked out hard on her own and lost a lot of weight, so I'm not just saying this, she looked really pretty.

I still have a chubby body, but I can't believe a person can become so pretty. Even though I knew it, it was even more surprising to see it in person.

"Have I… become much prettier?"

When I stared blankly at his face, his cheeks blushed faintly and he smiled bashfully.

"Yes... you've become really pretty. Nayoung."


His face became brighter little by little.

Now I don't care about the people around me.

I guess I should say that I do it because I feel a little burdened.

Nayoung held my hand, trying to ignore the exclamations coming from her side and the whispers of people saying that she would become incredibly prettier if she lost just a little more weight.

"Jihoon. I want to go to the PC room."

"Internet cafe?"


Suddenly, it was an internet cafe... I remembered an interview in which future Nayoung said she wasn't particularly interested in games.

It won't be any different now. But then he suddenly tells me that he wants to go to a PC room.

Probably because I liked games when I was young, I think that's why I decided to take an interest in games.

To look good to me.

"Is that so?"

Since returning to the past, I haven't touched a single game.

Since I have no particular desire to play games, I can say that I have never once played any of the games installed on my computer.

Even now, I don't really want to play the game, but I didn't want to betray her efforts in deciding to play the game because of me.

So we came to the PC room that I used to go to with my friends when I was young.

As soon as we arrived at the PC room, acrid cigarette smoke immediately greeted us.

During this period, PC rooms had mandatory smoking booths and there was no law requiring smoking only in those booths, so they were simply divided into non-smoking and smoking sections.

Even though the seats were just separated, cigarette smoke from the smoking section blew into the non-smoking section.

Still, the students, who are prohibited from smoking at all, pay no heed and occupy most of the non-smoking seats, making noise and making noise that hurts people's ears.

Quite a few groups of people invaded the non-smoking seats because there were no seats for them to play games with their friends, frowning at the men who were quietly enjoying the paid games alone.

"Wow, wow..."

Although Nayoung was displeased with the bad smell, she was impressed by the sight of a unique space.

Unlike the bright outside, the dark interior of the PC room, the variety of food, and the large population relative to the area are bound to be surprising to first-time visitors.

"Two hours each."


I couldn't remember if I had a PC room ID, so I just went to the counter and put down two cards and my 1,000 won bill.

The part-timer didn't seem to like it so much, so he gave me 800 won with a grumpy look on his face.

"Ugh. These days, kids come to PC rooms with their girlfriends, so what am I doing?"

As I left to find a place to play with the card charged for two hours, I heard a lamenting voice coming from behind.


Nayoung reacted to the word 'girlfriend' with a smile on her face.

There was no need to react, so I pretended not to hear and led Nayoung to find two seats next to each other in the non-smoking section.

If there are no seats in the non-smoking section, you should go to the relatively spacious smoking section. I don't want Nayoung to smell the cigarette smoke directly, so I'm thinking of just finding another PC room or going to a karaoke bar.

There won't be any difference since we're in the same PC room anyway.

Anyway, I somehow found two seats that were close together.

I turned on the computer, entered my card number, and the lock was unlocked.


Once the lock was unlocked, numerous games appeared on the large monitor.

Like an Indian who discovered a newspaper, Nayoung grabbed the mouse and started clicking on various things.

"What game do you want to play?"

"Uh, uhh... That's... I mean..."

"Do you know any games?"

To be honest, there was no need to ask.

I don't even know the game I want to play, let alone the game I know, so how can I get an answer if I ask?

I guess he just wanted to copy the game I play.

Nayoung's pupils were constantly trembling, perhaps because it was a bit difficult to say such a thing.

With my cute lips murmuring, I tried my best to think of a game name.

"Sadden Attack…..?"

It was a game that was so popular that people secretly created IDs using their parents' resident registration numbers, and at that time, more than 70% of PC room users were playing this game.

And it was a game that I also enjoyed.

Even now, the loud gunshots were constantly piercing my ears.

"Buied Attack...? Do you have an ID?

"Do I need to have an ID?"

"Of course. If you don't have it, you can't play the game at all."

"Uh... what should I do? I don't have an ID."

I was fidgeting as if I hadn't thought about it at all.

"It's okay. I have two IDs."

Even before my regression, I remembered my ID and password because I played it once in a while when I had nothing better to do.

He wasn't satisfied with just one ID, so he created two more.

In the past, general game records were so important that I would rather risk my life to play regular games rather than lend my ID to someone, but now it doesn't matter what happens...

"Wow... I really didn't do well this time?"

When I entered the game and checked the information, I couldn't believe my eyes for a moment at the miserable average score.

"can not.....?"

"No. Nothing."

I started the game with Nayoung, who was questioning what she was saying to herself.

It was also her first time doing it, so Nayoung was constantly dying and just watched other people play.

Unlike me, who was replaying an old game that only existed in my memories after a long time, her expression was full of boredom.

"It's not that fun. Should we go somewhere else?"

"Uh, huh...? Isn't it fun? If it's not fun, let's go somewhere else...!"

Nayoung nodded vigorously, as if she had been waiting for these words.

Actually, it was really fun.

I wanted to play a game other than Buy Attack, but I decided to play it later when I got home and got up.

There was still nearly an hour left.

The computer turned off at the end of its usage time, and the two children, who were expressing regret that they would have liked to have done more if only they had money, approached us with sparkling eyes, as if they had overheard our conversation.

"You're not going to do it?! There's an hour left?!"

The kid has no manners. Even though I wanted to return the card, I couldn't do it after seeing the bright eyes.

"You can do it if you want."

"Wow! Thank you so much!"

In the end, I gave up my seat to them and left the PC room.

"I want to go, do you have it?"


"Do you want to go to karaoke?"


It's a reaction I've never experienced before.

I guess so. Her parents, she said, only roughly prepare meals. They didn't even give me pocket money.

Plus, I was bullied and an outcast at school, so I wondered if karaoke would catch my eye.

by the way. I know that there weren't many coin karaoke rooms yet at that time.

Even though it was inside the arcade, there were quite a lot of people.

But it's none of my business.

I'm running out of money, and I have the means to make several times more money in the near future, but why can't I just go to a karaoke room?

Of course, it is not a karaoke room where women hang out, but a karaoke room where even young children can go and have fun singing.

"Okay. Let's go."


I nodded willingly and held out my hand, and Nayoung smiled brightly with a red face and took my hand.

A word from the author (author review)

Everyday life!