
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Episode 6 Hannayoung

I exercised with Nayoung in the morning and afternoon when I went to school, and at night after dinner, I sat in front of the computer and did FX margin trading.

As time passed, it was vacation.

My daily life didn't change much even though it was vacation.

Except for exercising with Nayoung, I stayed in my room and looked at the computer endlessly.

As I was doing this, my mom thought I was addicted to the game and scolded me, but she said she was sorry and turned off the computer.

However, as soon as my mother left the room, I turned on the computer again, went to the exchange, and repeated betting all night long to make a profit.


He stretched his stiff arms high into the sky and made a strange sound at the same time.

Then he smiled with satisfaction.

"Profit rate 10500%..."

What was only 100,000 won became 9 million won with a profit of 10,500%.

It's heartbreaking that more than 1 million won was spent on painful fees, but it can't be helped since the deposit was never received in the first place.

Still, this alone is such an absurd rate of return that I would have already screamed if it weren't for the stay-at-home moms who quit their jobs because of the lottery.

"Heh, heh..."

At this age, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw that in such a short period of time, a balance of only 100,000 won was added up to nearly 10 million won.

Even if there is an absolute answer to the future smartphone, cheating requires effort.

I was so proud of myself that I patted my head vigorously.


Because I stayed up all night trading in the early morning when the market was most volatile during vacation, I was so tired that I was on the verge of exceeding my limit.

Plus, my jaw feels like it hurts because I keep smiling unconsciously.

Without knowing how it worked, I carefully put down the smartphone, which maintained 100% battery life even without charging, and laid down on the bed.

As soon as I lay down, my eyes slowly closed as if I was waiting.

I could have fallen asleep just a little longer.

"Jihoon... ah...?"

Nayoung peeked her head out through the crack in the door that was gently open.


Since it was a day with big fluctuations in the market, I decided to take a break from exercising just for today, when I could make a lot of money, but I don't know why Nayoung is here.

"Well... I was bored... so I came because I had nothing to do, so I shouldn't have come...?"

And I even said last time that you can come visit anytime, so I can't hate it here.

"No, it doesn't really matter... haaam."

I forced my eyelids to close and raised my upper body.

The yawns kept coming out, and I was forced to push away the desire to lie down again, regardless of whether Nayoung came or not.

"This... I peeled the apple for you to eat."

Nayoung came into the room and held out a plate full of apples that seemed to have been peeled by her mother.

"thank you."

I picked one up and bit into it.

It was delicious, but I was so tired that I barely chewed it and swallowed it.

"Nayoung. I'm tired because I couldn't sleep well. Can I sleep?"

"Shall I go out…?"

When Nayoung asked in a tone full of regret, she shook her head.

"No... you can stay if you want..."

There was no particular problem with staying in the room, so I didn't feel the need to send it out.

I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes.

It didn't take long before I fell asleep right away.



Nayoung stared blankly at Jihoon Lee, who was lying comfortably and breathing evenly.

Soon, I was overcome by an uncontrollable urge.

"Jihoon... Ah?"

I called him once with a trembling voice due to nervousness, but there was no answer.

"So...? Are you really sleeping?"

Just in case, I called again to check, but as expected, all I could hear was the sound of leaky breathing.

Nayoung swallowed dry saliva.

Nayoung, who had confirmed that he was really sleeping and not just pretending to be, was standing right next to the bed where he was lying.

You shouldn't do this to someone who sleeps well without knowing anything.

Even to himself, he was so ugly that he didn't think he should do this with his disgusting face, but for some reason, it felt like Jihoon would forgive him.

I gradually reached out to this belief.

Soon, a hand fell on Jihoon's forehead.

"It's hot."

The hand covering my forehead felt hot rather than warm.

Is it painful? Am I sick and have a fever?

I've never seen her cough before, but Nayoung gets anxious thinking that she might have a fever without coughing. She couldn't stay still.

In times like this, I kept thinking about what to do.

"W-Towel...! Wet towel...!"

okay. In times like this, they put a wet towel on it.

Nayoung ran out of the room and looked for a towel.

Ji-hoon's mother, who had opened the front door for Na-young to come into the house, had gone away, and Na-young was the only person in the large household who seemed to be popular.

"At least this...!"

No matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find a towel, so I had no choice but to wet the towel hanging in the bathroom with water and wring it out as hard as I could.

I squeezed out as much water as I could, but the towel was still full of water.

Still, Nayoung thought this would be enough, so she grabbed a towel and headed to Jihoon's room.

Like the cookies from Hansel and Gretel, the water droplets that fell from the towel continued from the bathroom to Jihoon's room, as if leaving her footprints.

When he wringed out a towel and placed it on his forehead, the water in the towel moistened his forehead and then ran down the side, soaking his pillow and blanket.


With a short sigh, I took a towel back to the bathroom, squeezed out the water properly, and placed it on my forehead.

"Now… I guess that's enough…"

I had no idea that it would be so difficult to just wet a towel with water and place it on my forehead.

However, I felt good thinking that Jihoon would wake up fine thanks to these efforts.


Jihoon's name was said in a tone full of affection.

I was in a deep sleep and couldn't even listen, let alone respond, but it was still good.

But one. There was just one truth I wanted to hear from him.

"Jihoon. What you said to your mother back then... is that true?"

Because of her ugly and hideous face, it was her daily routine to be teased and ostracized by her family, adults, and peers.

I thought I would have gotten used to it after hearing it so much. Hearing those words from her crush's mother hurt her as if a huge nail had been driven into her heart.

It hurt so much that I couldn't even cry. Nayoung was so shocked by the words that followed that she could not escape.

'I like Nayoung too much to be friends.'

It is said that he likes himself, who thought he would live alone his whole life without anyone liking him.

why. Why on earth do you like women who look like this? I'm so curious that I'm going crazy.

To be honest, even if Nayoung were a man, she wouldn't look down on a woman like her.

"Is that... a joke... a joke...?"

Tears flowed.

It was a happy yet unbelievable reality.

Maybe that's why I was trying hard to deny Jihoon's words, which may have been sincere.

"You're kidding, right…?"

I wanted to hear the answer to this.

Even though the weight of the result was biased towards the fact that it was not true, Nayoung unconsciously could not let go of the string of what ifs.

"I'm sorry... Jihoon..."

Even if it were real, Nayoung would push him away.

That's because even if he likes a girl like this, Jihoon will only lose out.


"I like you, Jihoon."

like this. I couldn't say I liked it while he could hear.

I usually keep these words hidden deep in my heart, but the reality that I have no choice but to say them at a time like this brought tears to my eyes.

A wet towel was placed on his forehead, making his face look much more relaxed.

Her gaze continues to be fixed on his lips and shows no sign of leaving.

Even if you secretly kiss now, if only Nayoung doesn't show it and keeps her mouth shut, no one will know.

But Nayoung couldn't do that.

Na-young left the room, dreaming of a ridiculous future in which Ji-hoon had the same true feelings as hers now and they developed into lovers.


As she left the room, Nayoung brought out a cream of some kind.

It was none other than the magic cream that would restore your pretty face, and it was the cream you apply on your feet that you were told should be applied generously, at least three times a day.

To be honest, at first I thought he was just teasing Nayoung, but after forcefully applying it to his hand several times, I noticed that the marks on his face were slowly disappearing.

However, even though it disappeared, there was so much of it left that it seemed like a long way off. Nayoung was already feeling desperate even after seeing the effects, so she didn't have high expectations and didn't apply it even once at home.

"I wish I could become pretty..."

Even if my face gets clean, I don't think it will be much different.

It's clearly a useless effort.

Nayoung applied the cream to her face for the first time.

I felt a tickling and tingling sensation all over my face.

I really didn't want to put it on because it felt like this, but as long as it made me look pretty. No, I felt like I could survive enough if I could at least have a normal face.

Then maybe I can stay by Jihoon's side a little longer.

Furthermore. Wouldn't it be possible to stand proudly next to Jihoon?

I stood in front of the sink thinking about my wish, which may seem trivial to anyone who hears it, but to me, it is more earnest than anything else.


The fat woman with the white face reflected in the mirror was really ugly.

No matter how hard I tried to look at it nicely, I couldn't make it look nice.

How can Jihoon look at this face with his own eyes? How can he keep saying empty words about how pretty he is?

And what is it about myself that makes me happy about that lie?

I took a hand full of water and washed my face thoroughly.

The tears that fell along the way met water and were washed away together.

After washing her face in her own way, Nayoung wiped her face dry with a towel and went to Jihoon's room.

"Jihoon... I'm going. Sleep well."

Finally, Nayoung watched the sleeping figure for a while before turning away.

In order for this large body to become slim like other girls, I planned to work out on my own without rest today.

A word from the author (author review)

Ah... I'm going crazy with envy for the main character of the novel I wrote. Is this normal?